Letter to J J Long
Published 1939“…Typescript letter informing Mr Long of recent developments. Unsigned. Dated 20 January 1939.…”
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Correspondence -
Letter to J J Long
Published 1939“…Typescript letter dated 20 March 1939, from the Organising Secretary of the Anti-Partition of Ireland League to J J Long, about an upcoming meeting in the Clapham area.…”
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Correspondence -
5.5-10.5 GHz IR-UWB Pulse Generator for Narrowband Interference Mitigation
Published 2012“…An impulse radio ultra wideband (IR-UWB) pulse generator works between 5.5-10.5 GHz for narrowband interference mitigation is proposed. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Penciptaan hawa menurut kitab tafsir dan fakta sains
Published 2016“…Adalah diharapkan menerusi kertas kerja yang berasaskan kepada kajian perpustakaan di dalam dua bidang iaitu ilmu wahyu dan sains ini dapat menyumbang ilmu yang bermanfaat kepada masyarakat secara umumnya dan dunia Islam secara khususnya.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
iKool ointment - 10% eucalyptus oil, 5% peppermint oil, 5% menthol, 5% camphor
Published 2020“…Label displaying the brand name iKool and main ingredients i.e 10% eucalyptus oil, 5% peppermint oil, 5% menthol, 5% camphor in ointment bases, with other instruction and labeling as required by regulatory.…”
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Copyright -
Kemahiran memupuk iltizam terhadap sains di kalangan kanak-kanak
Published 2011“…Itukah persoalan utama yang dikupas dalam kertas kerja ini. Penerapan konsep sains tauhidik akan dapat digarap dengan sempurna bila terbina keiltizaman yang sebenar terhadap sains dalam jiwa anak-anak tanpa paksaan. …”
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Book Chapter -
Literasi sains : implikasi sosio-budaya ke atas masyarakat islam
Published 2008Get full text
Article -
Pembangunan augmanted reality (AR) bagi matapelajaran sains (sistem suria)
Published 2020Get full text
Book Section -
Letter from J. J. Long
Published 1939“…Typescript letter dated 21 April 1939, addressed "Dear Tom", from J J Long, about a meeting of the branch.…”
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Correspondence -
Long memory in the Ukrainian stock market
Published 2013“…This paper examines the dynamics of stock prices in Ukraine by estimating the degree of persistence of the PFTS stock market index. Using long memory techniques we show that the log prices series is I(d) with d slightly above 1, implying that returns are characterised by a small degree of long memory and thus are predictable using historical data. …”
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Article -
Letter to Mr J J Long
Published 1939“…Typescript letter asking if Mr Long can speak at the upcoming meeting on 28 March and updating him on other developments. …”
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Correspondence -
Untitled (Group of five men)
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Photograph -
Group portrait of five men
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