Application of nanobubbles in floating kinetics models for efficient oil removal from produced water
Published 2023“…To analyze the nanobubble flotation process, the study employed five distinct models using experimental data. These models included the firstorder model, first-order model with a rectangular distribution, fully mixed factor model, improved gas/solid adsorption model, and second-order model. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
An assessment of potable water quality at Kolej Kediaman Kampus Pagoh, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Published 2024“…This study was carried out based on the responses from students that the water quality of the hostel is affecting them which can lead to some health issues such as hair loss, and skin becoming dry and itchy when consuming the hostel’s water. There were five parameters namely pH, Temperature, Hardness, Manganese, and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) were employed in this study to determine the water quality. …”
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Utilization of Silica Fume and Sodium Hydroxide in Treated Crumb Rubber for Cement Mortar
Published 2024“…This research used a cement-aggregate mix ratio of 1:4 and a water-cement ratio of 1:2. Five different percentages of fine aggregate replacement (0, 3, 6, 9, and 12%) was selected. …”
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A comparative analysis of web-based GIS applications using usability metrics
Published 2015“…Therefore, the primary purpose of this study is to compare five common usability models (Shackel, Nielsen, ISO 9241 P-11, ISO 9126-1 and QUIM) to identify usability metrics that have most frequently used in the previous models. …”
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Standard operating procedure for rescue operation in human-made disaster management in Nigeria
Published 2019“…The literature was informed by issue of managing victims of terrorism where five theories emerged: the theory of rescue operation, theory of stakeholders, theory of organization, theory of emergency management and local NGOs performance was compared with other emergency management frameworks around the world for the purpose of accomplishing the objective of this study. …”
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Development of a building information modelling (BIM) migration path model for construction professionals
Published 2018“…The identification of five (5) activities (BIM Awareness, Develop BIM Strategy, Implement BIM, Monitor BIM and Expand BIM Implementation) with the three (3) enablers (BIM work contract, BIM work process and BIM technology) in the model is expected to be able to assist construction professionals to implement BIM with the right BIM concept and later, the benefit could be obtained for improving construction project. …”
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Survey on Kuala Lumpur to Singapore High-Speed Rail (KL-SG HSR) Project among Pagoh Residents
Published 2021“…The total length of the KL-SG HSR project is 350 kilometers, it covers 335 kilometers in Malaysia and 15 kilometers in Singapore which can shorten the traveling time between Malaysia and Singapore within 90 minutes compared to four or five hours taken currently by road, seven hours by classic rail service or three hours by air transport. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Behavioural intention to use ICT in teaching science among lecturers in Nigerian Polytechnic
Published 2018“…Qualitative data were obtained using semi-structured interview protocol to facilitate interviews with five participants who were purposefully selected for this phase of the study. …”
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The development of Malay Dessert Module (Bubur and Pengat)
Published 2021“…The development of the module used the ADDIE model that consists of five elements to develop the module. The process of making this module is using Microsoft Word and Canva. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Reduction of bacteria in storage system of sewage effluents
Published 2017“…The present work is aimed to investigate the linear regression model of total coliform (TC), faecal coli-form (FC) and enterococci (ENT) responses in the storage system of sewage effluents at different temperatures (room temperature 25 ± 2 °C, 55 and 65 °C). Five litres (v/v) of sewage effluent samples was stored at room temperature (25 ± 2 °C) for 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks. …”
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Enhancement of strain sensor sensitivity by combination of polarization maintaining fiber and single mode fiber in sagnac loop
Published 2019“…The methodology of work, analysis, and the results are presented in chapter three and chapter four, and the conclusion of this project in chapter five. This project investigates the fiber optic sensor. technologies that focus on the development. of fiber strain sensing element based on a combination of polarization maintaining fiber (PMF) and single mode fiber (SMF) in a Sagnac loop. …”
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Acoustical characteristic of empty fruit bunch (EFB) fibre with influence of sodium hydroxide treatment time and decay lifespan
Published 2019“…The EFB has undergone a chemical modification process known as alkali treatment using sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Five parameters were chosen for the alkali treatment process which is the fiber immersion time (at 1 hour until 5 hours) with fixed alkali treatment concentration of 6% NaOH. …”
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Drying kinetics of pepper in swirling fluidized bed dryer
Published 2019“…Batch experiments were carried out for three bed loadings of 1.0 kg, 1.4 kg & 1.8 kg at a five drying temperature of 50 °C, 60°C, 70°C, 80°C and 90°C. …”
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Success factors for bumiputra contractors in Malaysia : Johor state
Published 2016“…Descriptive analysis on the collected data has resulted to five most significant success factors for Bumiputra contractors which are prepare competitive tender pricing for tendering process, maintain good reputation for better chance of getting new project, filling correct terms and condition in tender document, manage risk of not having good and sustainable team of construction workers and manage workers to carry out the given tasks in systematic manner. …”
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Design and development of a small-scale 12S-14P outer rotor HEFSM
Published 2016“…Thus, the generated back EMF, torque, and power through simulation at a speed of 1,200 r/min is 6.58 V, 16.4 Nm, and 12.4 kW, correspondingly. The designed model has been fabricated using actual prototype analysis (APA) approach, which is involves five stages, namely 3-D design, material selection, fabrication, assembly, and experimental test. …”
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Design and development of portable home based rehabilitation device
Published 2017“…The sensory unit contains of flex sensor, five force sensitive resistors and accelerometer. …”
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Remediation of contaminated marine sediment using bentonite, kaolin and sand as capping materials
Published 2019“…The objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of using active materials; bentonite (B), kaolin (K), mixture of bentonite with kaolin (1:1) (BK) as capping materials to block the release of five heavy metals (Pb, Cr, Cu, Cd and Zn) from artificially polluted sediments. …”
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Diversity and ecology of anurans at selected streams in Taman Negara Johor Endau Rompin, Malaysia
Published 2017“…Twenty species of anurans, belonging to 15 genera and five families, were documented in this study. Ranidae is the richest families, followed by Bufonidae, Microhylidae, Dicroglossidae and Rhacophoridae. …”
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منهجية التعامل مع مشاكل الأسرة في ضوء السنة النبوية: دراسة تحليلية = Methodology of dealing with family problems in the light of the Sunnah: an analytical study = Metodologi untuk...
Published 2013“…The research resulted in important findings that include substantiation of the possibility of the applicability of the approach of the Prophet (s.a.w) in dealing with women generally with due regard to their different status in the contemporary time in addition to linking the present with the past in these areas. …”
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Construing economic behaviour
Published 1996“…(For example, the latter did not appear to appreciate the important link between rates of saving and rates of unemployment. …”
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