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Falling for Rachel /
Published 2014“…Public defender Rachel Stanislaski is not what he has in mind—until he discovers there’s a lot more to the beautiful, coolheaded attorney than meets the eye…and finds himself falling for her, hook, line and sinker.…”
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Published 2024“…Honey, his childhood friend, is determined to find a cure and put her life on the line in order to save her friend. With the entire town against Wyn, will there be enough time to save the people? …”
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On tube models of rubber elasticity: fitting performance in relation to sensitivity to the invariant I2
Published 2023“…However, I<sub>2</sub> sensitivity can emerge from line-stretch–based micromechanical models when three-chain averaging is used. …”
Journal article -
Terahertz radiation
Published 2020“…In this project, the characterisation of a tranmission line using PTI waveguide was done in the THz region. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Behaviors of floating droplet
Published 2022“…It overviews the droplet contact line dynamics and the intrinsic flow pattern during the evaporation of the binary droplet floating on a silicone oil pool. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Combined 2D and 3D features for robust RGB-D visual odometry
Published 2023“…Some works attempt to address this issue by incorporating line features. However, these methods still extract line features merely based on 2D RGB images, resulting in a restricted utilization of the environment’s 3D structural information and therefore providing only limited performance improvement. …”
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Thesis-Master by Coursework -
Automated teller machines in Singapore
Published 2015“…Activation of ATMs can also be enhanced by substituting the present A TM card and PIN system with either voice recognition, retina recognition or thumbprints. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Real time analysis of social behavior from video and kinect recordings
Published 2016“…Finally,analysis will be performed using pattern recognition algorithms and machine learning classifiers to detect the emotion of the subject.In this project,machine learning classifiers such as K-nearest neighbors,Naive Bayes and C4.5 Decision tree learning has been used. The prime aim is to pin point the most seemly machine learning classifier for obtaining highest accuracy for classification.…”
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Thesis -
An NKX2-1GFP and TP63tdTomato dual fluorescent reporter for the investigation of human lung basal cell biology
Published 2021“…This dual fluorescent reporter hPSC line will be useful for tracking, isolating and expanding basal cells from heterogenous differentiation cultures for further study.…”
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Journal Article -
Optical gradient force for all-optical control in photonic circuits
Published 2011“…We also simulate the performance of the designed slot-waveguide as a tunable optical delay line and find that the slot-waveguide can produce a refractive index change comparable to that of an optical fiber based delay line. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Efficient feedforward categorization of objects and human postures with address-event image sensors
Published 2013“…The detected line features are organized into vectorial segments. …”
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Journal Article -
Fabrication and packaging of piezoresistive MEMS pressure sensor array for passive fish-like underwater sensing
Published 2013“…The inspiration was to develop a MEMS artificial lateral-line sensory system, mimicking the structural features of the biological lateral-line of the blind cave fish. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Machine-Learning-Assisted Analysis of Visible Spectroscopy in Pulsed-Power-Driven Plasmas
Published 2024“…Radiation transport simulations, which use spectral emissivity and opacity values generated using the collisional-radiative code PrismSPECT, are used to determine the spectral intensity generated by the plasma along the spectrometer’s line of sight (LOS). The spectra exhibit Al-II and Al-III lines, whose line ratios and line widths vary with the density and temperature of the plasma. …”
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Rotation Inside Convex Kakeya Sets
Published 2024“…We also show that in three dimensions the answer is negative, even for the case when S is a line segment – but that in any dimension the first question has a positive answer when S is a line segment. …”
Journal article -
Share class structure and the efficiency of corporate takeover : experimental evidence
Published 2020“…Our experimental results demonstrated that it was less likely for an inefficient Raider to successfully takeover in an one-share-one-vote share structure. This result is in line with the theoretical predicted outcomes. On the other hand, in the case of an efficient Raider, our results were not in line with the theoretical model for the case of an efficient Raider. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A Flow-based Flight Scheduler for En-route Air Traffic Management
Published 2016Get full text
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Journal Article -
Cavitation-induced microjets tuned by channels with alternating wettability patterns
Published 2024“…The hydrophobic strips also influence the advancing contact line and receding contact line as the vapor bubble expands and collapses. …”
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Article -
Explicit Two-Sided Unique-Neighbor Expanders
Published 2024“…Our constructions are obtained from instantiations of the tripartite line product of a large tripartite spectral expander and a sufficiently good constant-sized unique-neighbor expander, a new graph product we defined that generalizes the line product and the routed product of previous well-known works. …”
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3D simulation-based research on the effect of interconnect structures on circuit reliability
Published 2015“…The simulation of the EM reliability of the interconnects is usually performed using the line-via structure at the EM test temperature (e.g. 300 oC).However, such simulation using the line-via structure may not give the same void nucleation location as in the real circuit structure, especially at the circuit operation temperature (e.g. 90C). …”
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Journal Article -
The inference-boundary model reinterpreting theme and rheme
Published 2013“…The Hallidayan notions of theme and rheme pose an interesting challenge to linguists in their attempts to pin them down more specifically. This paper argues that since the thematic structure of the clause organises it as a message, a useful starting point in theme–rheme research is an understanding of how clausal messages are typically processed by language users. …”
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Journal Article