Dynamics of the termolecular (HF+HF+HF) reaction
Published 2006“…We have overcome this problem by calculating the PES of this system using the London-Eyring-Polanyi-Sato (LEPS) formulation. …”
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Language learning strategies of students in content-based instruction
Published 2010“…The study found that the students from the different degree programmes differed in the use of the six different strategies. The study also did not find any significant relationship between language learning strategies and gender.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Design of a high-speed, reconfigurable digital rank order filter
Published 2009“…A bit-level algorithm by Kar and Pradhan has been modified in this work to implement the proposed ROF. Using the proposed digital rank selection circuit it is possible to find the element of a certain rank in a given sequence of N elements in each window in M steps, where M is the number of bits used in binary representation for the elements of the sequence. …”
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The swarm-based exploration algorithm with expanded circle pattern for searching activities
Published 2015“…Searching Mechanism is an important technique that is usually used by Search and Rescue team to find people especially victims for natural disasters. …”
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Physical barriers faced by People with disabilities (PwDs) in shopping malls
Published 2015“…Both qualitative and quantitative methods will be applied in this study, Data were collected using semi structured interviews with visually-impaired person, hearing-impaired person, wheelchair user and crutches user to find out their perception on the level of accessibility of these buildings. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Testing the third-person effects theory on political campaign in Malaysia
Published 2010“…This paper tests the use of Third-Person Effect Theory (TPET) on political campaign on self, family, supporters, non-supporters, and non-supporters of other parties. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Neural network-based ammonium aeration control of wastewater treatment plant
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Making Assessment Meaningful
Published 2006“…With larger student numbers it is becoming harder for academics to find the time to engage in formative assessment. …”
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Development of computerize value stream system
Published 2014“…Value stream mapping (VSM) was initially developed to use of the suite of tools to help researcher or practitioner to identify waste in individual value streams and find an appropriate method to its removal. …”
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Moringa oleifera seeds as natural coagulant for water treatment
Published 2009“…It has been found that Moringa oleifera is the best natural coagulant discovered yet, that can replace aluminium sulphate (Alum) which is used widely all around the world. The study is focusing in Moringa oleifera seeds to find the active constituents which are responsible about the coagulation mechanism and improving the coagulation property. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Extraction and characterization of gelatin from different marine fish species in Malaysia
Published 2009“…Gelatins from the skin of four local marine fish, namely “kerapu” (Epinephelus sexfasciatus), “jenahak” (Lutjianus argentimaculatus), “kembung” (Rastrelliger kanagurta), and “kerisi” (Pristipomodes typus) have been successfully extracted by acid extraction. …”
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Surgical management of Basal cell carcinoma of the auricle with temporal bone extension – a case illustration
Published 2004“…The usage of trapezius skin island myocutaneus flap to reconstruct the surgical defect produced good aesthetic result.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Phytochemical and microbiological evaluation of a local medicinal plant bacopa monnieri (l.) Penn
Published 2012“…From the literature review to was also found that the plant has direct therapeutic effects on piles, dysentery, dyspepsia, diarrhea, vomiting, giddiness, worms, burning of the skin and menorrhoea.…”
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Ethics of trending in pharmaceutical & therapeutic-related biotechnology
Published 2013“…However, what of health areas that do not put the patients in mortal danger, for example, skin diseases, weight-loss, and hair loss? Compared to cancer, diabetes, asthma, and kidney failure, obviously these issues, whilst being damaging to self-esteem & social life, are not as severe. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The Second Annual Report from the Strategic Sanctuary for the Destruction of Free Will
Published 2018“…The Second Annual Report from the Strategic Sanctuary for the Destruction of Free Will is an installation and live performance that explore the construction of subjectivity. A skin of white cardboard and black tape covers the entire gallery. …”
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Show/Exhibition -
Madame Reilly, fortune teller
Published 1985“…Behind her, a handwritten advertisement reading 'Come and find happiness and joy speaking to Madame Reilly'. …”
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Photograph -
Small and High-Temperature Electrical Machine for Vehicle Applications
Published 2020“…The first machine is developed using the same materials as in the existing Nissan Leaf machine, while the second is designed using high-temperature materials. …”
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Thesis -
Predicting Sukuk Default Probability and Its Relationship with Systematic and Unsystematic Risks: Case Study of Sukuk in Indonesia
Published 2013“…In addition, to find the systematic risk and unsystematic risk which have impact on sukuk default this research will use Panel data analysis will be used as a main tool analysis. …”
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Predicting the anticancer activity of seconucleoside nitrosourea analogs
Published 2009“…As it very difficult to obtain the relevant physicochemical properties necessary for QSAR studies, we have made use quantum chemical methods to calculate several electronic and molecular properties of these compounds and used these properties to obtain the best QSAR using statistical procedures. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Extended hierarchy-of-effect model and its application on Islamic reality shows towards Malay community in Malaysia
Published 2012“…This study employs a quantitative research design, using survey method, with questionnaire as the research instrument used for data collection. …”
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Proceeding Paper