Nutritional status of schoolchildren in Kuantan, Pahang
Published 2015“…Schools’ coordinate were recorded and Geographical Information System (GIS) software was used to map and visualize the distribution of schoolchildren according to nutritional status. Findings showed that 13.8% (n=54) of the children were having overweight and obesity, 10.5% (n=41) stunting and 9.5% cases of underweight (n=37). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Energy development in Nigeria and the need for strategic energy efficiency practice scheme for the residential building sector
Published 2015“…To accomplish this task, a review of the main issues of energy efficiency; the current energy situation in Nigeria; and the challenges to implementing energy efficiency in the country was undertaken. Findings: Finally, remedial measures to achieving energy efficiency in the Nigerian households were proffered by the provision of a "strategic scheme" to be accomplished by the government and the housing stakeholders. …”
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Enhancing societal wellbeing, Islamic Transformation Centre and network-of-mosque: a conceptual solution
Published 2015“…To achieve its goals, this program consolidates and synergizes the initiatives of government agencies based on the Whole of Government (WoG) approach. The findings of this paper show that the Mosque can facilitate the development and sustainability of ITC functions that serve the public and citizens better by harnessing the NoM potential and capabilities.…”
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Experimental investigation of ventilation efficiency in a dentistry surgical room
Published 2016“…Regarding effectiveness, the findings reveal that the surgical room ventilation is ineffective with ventilation efficiency values ranging between 0 and 0.5 indicating air distribution short-circuiting. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Attitude and impact changes of hijab wearing among Muslim Malay women in Malaysia
Published 2014“…Out of 796 Malay women surveyed, the results showed that the respondents have a good perception on hijab wearing. The findings also shows that Malay Muslim women in Malaysia have a good attitude towards hijab wearing. …”
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The impact of fluid balances in the first 48 hours on mortality in the critically ill patients
Published 2016“…An additional tile is thus added to the mosaic of findings on the impact of fluid balance in a hetergenous group of critically ill patients, and in sub- cohort of AKI patients.…”
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Contextualizing socio-legal problems of Sudanese youth in Malaysia: a case study
Published 2016“…An attempt will also be made to engage in general discussions on the philosophy, concepts and theories of Diaspora in the light of the Sudanese youth’ precarious situation in Malaysia. Findings Based on the empirical data, cybercrime, cyber-bullying, drug abuse, online-shamming, racial tension, cross-marriages, Third Culture Kids (TCK) syndrome and problems of integration seem to be the major challenges of Sudanese youth in Malaysia. …”
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Examining U.S. approvals of Islamic financing products and the Islamic theory of lawful profit
Published 2016“…Department of Revenue. Findings: The research found that in assessing economic substance over legal form, each of the three products involved risk-free transactions and interest. …”
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Advance signaling cost for multicast fast reroute proxy mobility management
Published 2016“…It is calculated as the location updates and the packet delivery cost of the call flow. Findings: This combined procedure helps to mitigate unnecessary multicast network mobility traffic as usage increases. …”
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The use of sunscreen products among final year medicine and pharmacy students: a cross‑sectional study of knowledge, attitude, practice, and perception
Published 2016“…Descriptive and inferential statistics were used where appropriate. Findings: 161 out of 234 participants completed the questionnaires. …”
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Piper sarmentosum (Daun kaduk) induced apoptosis via mitochondrial pathway in human lung adenocarcinoma cells, A549
Published 2016“…Based on these preliminary findings, P. sarmentosum has a great potential as a dietary cancer treatment for lung cancer and may be used for lung cancer pharmacotherapy in clinical settings in future.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The role of polyamines in growth inhibition induced by Momordica charantia and Gynura procumbens in human lung adenocarcinoma cells, A549
Published 2016“…Based on these preliminary findings, it can be concluded that M. charantia and G. procumbens are not an excellent plants to be included in the development of chemoprevention strategy as the ideal chemopreventive agents are those that contain low polyamine level, able to reduce the cancer cell progression and can inhibit the biosynthesis of polyamine in cancer cells to avoid recurrence of cancer. …”
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Pelargonium radula as a plant bioindicator in monitoring mercury in drinking water
Published 2015“…In the present study, Pelargonium radula was chosen as the Hg bioindicator as it gave the fastest and visible morphological changes, which is within 4 h of treatment. This new finding was promising, as it demonstrated that plants could be used for Hg biomonitoring for the safety of drinking water.…”
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Issues and challenges in financing the poor: case of Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil in Indonesia
Published 2016“…Subsequently, the results from the structured interviews were analyzed using qualitative analysis to arrive at the model of the peculiarities of financing the poor in Indonesia. The findings show that the Central BMT has built specific products and empowerment mechanisms for the poor and has an ideal product to be applied in 382 BMT in Indonesia. …”
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Knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) of intestinal helminths and protozoa infections among parents of Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Goh and Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Talam, Kuanta...
Published 2014“…In this study, fifty percent of the respondents from Bukit Goh did not know that faeces are the primary source of infection and they have never heard about intestinal parasitic infections. However, the findings showed that there was no significant difference between KAP of intestinal helminths and protozoa infection among parents from both areas in terms of low income and high income. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The effect of information booklets on family members' satisfaction with decision making in an Intensive Care Unit of Malaysia
Published 2016“…Conclusion: The study findings confirm that the information booklets results in a substantial increase in family satisfaction regarding decision-making for patients’ care. …”
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Integrating Islamic input in undergraduate psychiatry teaching: IIUM experience
Published 2016“…Since the recognition of psychiatry as a medical specialty back in the 19th century, many theories, therapies and treatment were much influenced by Western findings and practice. Sigmund Freud recorded in his book, “Future of an Illusion”, that he portrayed faith in God as a “collective neurosis”. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Prevalence, knowledge, perception and factors influencing smoking among primary school students in Melaka smoke-free city
Published 2016“…In regards to the factors influencing smoking, peer pressure has the highest prevalence which is 89.6%, early exposure from family members who are smokers (71.9%). Findings from this study should be considered as a warning for an impending epidemic. …”
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A case study of performance management system in a Malaysian government linked company
Published 2009“…Design/methodology/approach – An explanatory case study method is used whereby data are collected through semi structured interviews, document reviews, informal conversations and observations. Findings – Despite attempts to link the organisational activities to the system through the business operating plan, the data reveal that the PMS-related activities have somehow been viewed as a routine mechanism for appraising the employees’ performances and become decoupled from the organisational activities. …”
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Effects of simple abrasive combing and pretreatments on properties of pineapple leaf fibers (PALF) and PALF-Vinyl ester composite adhesion
Published 2010“…Morphological study using scanning electron microscope was used to confirm the findings. This study indicated that abrasive combing and simple pretreatment of dilute sodium hypochlorite are potential techniques to produce cost-effective PALF for reinforcing plastics.…”
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