Shear strength of concrete beams reinforced with glass fiber reinforced polymer bars without stirrups
Published 2018“…The test variables were the reinforcement ratio (ρ), shear span to depth ratio (a/d), depth of beam (d), and concrete compressive strength (…”
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Thesis -
Critical pedagogy in sport management education : rationale, issues and implications for practice
Published 2012“…The drive for greater globalisation, the revolution in social media, the increasing ease in accessing knowledge, the growing consumerism, a disaffected sector of unemployed youth, and an increase in such social problems as injustices, inequalities, and anti-social behaviours brings into focus the need for education programmes throughout the world to seriously address such issues (Culpan & Wigmore). …”
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Manifesto for Belmonte Calabro, a hill-top village in Southern Italy
Published 2018“…The book brings together the pedagogy and projects of architecture students within Studio 3 and Unit 6 at The Cass, London Metropolitan University, working in the hill-top village Belmonte Calabro, in South Italy. …”
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Monograph -
Return migration and embedding: through the lens of Brexit as an unsettling event
Published 2024“…This introductory paper, reflecting the Thematic Cluster of four papers, brings together two themes that are important for migration studies: return migration and embedding. …”
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A comprehensive survey on ‘‘various decoupling mechanisms with focus on metamaterial and metasurface principles applicable to SAR and MIMO antenna systems’’
Published 2020“…Such techniques include the use of defected ground structure (DGS), parasitic or slot element, dielectric resonator antenna (DRA), complementary split-ring resonators (CSRR), decoupling networks, P.I.N or varactor diodes, electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structures, etc. …”
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Composite Right/Left-Handed Transmission-Line Based Wideband Antenna for WLAN, WiMAX and WiFi Applications
Published 2016“…The antenna is constructed using two CRLH-TL unit-cells to cover the frequency span from 3.1 GHz to 5.4 GHz, which corresponds to a fractional bandwidth of 54.11%. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Promoting good public governance and environmental support for sustainable economic development
Published 2019“…Good governance promotes the fundamental grounds of participation and democracy in contemporary public administration, whilst institution building and the (in)effectiveness of public administration is linked to economic growth. This synergy brings forth sheer implications on the sustainable economic development. …”
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High selectivity UWB bandpass filter with a wide notched-band
Published 2015“…The structure generates multiple resonant modes across the UWB span between 3.1 and 10.6 GHz, however, high coupling between the feed-lines and the U-shaped structure transforms the discrete resonant modes into an UWB BPF. …”
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Faster and more accurate identification of male faces in female care home residents
Published 2020“…Because the known masculinity bias in women prevailed beyond the menopause, it is discussed whether rather than fertility hormones, women’s testosterone would be a likely candidate explaining the male advantage in sex-of-face identification throughout the life-span.…”
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Determination of space charge characteristics on contaminated XLPE insulator
Published 2019“…Space charge density gives a view on performance of XLPE as insulator as its existence may shorten life span of cable. Result has shown that these uniform mineral layer reduce space charge density effects in XLPE insulator and this has improved its performance. …”
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Thesis -
Qualitative network analysis for migration studies: beyond metaphors and epistemological pitfalls
Published 2021“…Adopting a reflexive approach enables us to de‐migranticise our research turning the role of migration and ethnicity for social networks into an empirical question rather than taking them as an essentialist starting point for investigation. The Special Issue brings together an integrated set of articles drawn from a social networks and migration symposium. …”
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Refugees & mental health - a collaboration between Sandra Denicke Polcher (Deputy Head of Architecture, The Cass) and Dr Corinna Haenschel (Director of Centre for Psychological Wel...
Published 2019“…Crossing Cultures is the project title for a research initiative that brings together architecture students from Studio 3 and Unit 6 with students from other universities to work together with locals and asylum seekers in the hilltop village Belmonte Calabro, Italy. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
The investigation of scandal from Watergate to Monicagate: the special prosecutor in late twentieth century American politics
Published 2006“…Chapter 6 explores the Kenneth Starr investigation and the perils of politicized justice, examining how the Whitewater investigation of alleged financial misconduct by President Clinton evolved into a partisanized demand for his impeachment because of personal misconduct over the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Chapter 7 brings a conclusion of previous chapters. There is some disagreement among scholars regarding the' acceptable plural of the term 'counsel.' …”
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Thesis -
Methodological implications of participant and researcher multilingualism: making language dynamics visible
Published 2023“…This special issue (SI) brings together seven contributions which discuss the methodological implications of researching in a multilingual world, where researchers and/or research participants are likely to know more than one language. …”
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Learning creative practice by starting from difference
Published 2019“…Build on what diversity brings to learning and the teaching as a central element of the culture of a school; 2. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Revisiting migrant networks: migrants and their descendants in labour markets
Published 2022“…In this volume, both established and new scholars present their findings on the networks of migrants and their descendants and explore the content of their social ties for educational and labor market success. The book brings together quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods, including network analysis, various migrant groups across seven European countries and varied professional contexts. …”
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Anti-social behaviour: local perception and reporting behaviour in a small urban location
Published 2013“…This thesis uniquely brings together this perspective with social capital theory, specifically bonding, bridging and linking to explore the factors associated with reporting behaviour. …”
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Thesis -
A view made unnecessary: questioning a theory of irony-work in architecture
Published 2015“…At the end, a car park in Berlin, where context brings about an inescapable ironic charge, will serve as the stage for an anti-heroic architectural gesture, which negates originality in favor of lost purpose. …”
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