Development energy monitoring system ising Internet of Things (IoT)
Published 2021“…The system development process in this study is an adaptation of the Waterfall model which contains five phases namely requirement, design, implementation, verification and maintenance phase. …”
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Article -
Dynamic channel selection for meshed wireless personal area network
Published 2015“…This algorithm uses the available channels, which are five channels in the WPAN, to enable simultaneous transmission of two or more channels to achieve a high packet delivery ratio and better performance of the network especially when it uses applications that needs high traffic. …”
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Thesis -
A tie between educational institution and industry: a case study of benefit from work-based learning
Published 2021“…The data collections in the field study were conducted using in-depth, face-to-face interviews and semi-structured protocol with the three participants from polytechnics and five participants from the industry. The findings showed that WBL could connect the knowledge and approaches in workplaces by sharing the educational information, technical skill and technology between institution and industry. …”
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Formulation of capsuled herbal mixture using zingiber officinale and labisia pumila for postnatal care
Published 2021“…The aims of this study are to formulate herbal mixture for herbal capsules production based on the traditional knowledge from Temuan community, to analyze phytochemicals of the herbal mixture and to develop herbal medicine in the form of capsules. There were five formulations of Zingiber officinale (Ginger) and Labisia pumila (Kacip Fatimah) mixtures which had been designed by Design Expert software. …”
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Article -
Governance strategies in sustainable campus using Rasch model
Published 2017“…This paper is presents one of the five dimensions of a developed hypot hetical integrated sustainable campus model which is university governance. …”
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Article -
Formulation of capsuled herbal mixture using zingiber officinale and labisia pumila for postnatal care
Published 2021“…The aims of this study are to formulate herbal mixture for herbal capsules production based on the traditional knowledge from Temuan community, to analyze phytochemicals of the herbal mixture and to develop herbal medicine in the form of capsules. There were five formulations of Zingiber officinale (Ginger) and Labisia pumila (Kacip Fatimah) mixtures which had been designed by Design Expert software. …”
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Article -
Fuzzy random based mean variance model for agricultural production planning
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Criteria for sustainable curriculum of TVET teacher education programme in Malaysia
Published 2021“…Data were analysed using thematic analysis with pencil and paper, while Microsoft Excel was used as a tool for data keeping. The study identified five main criteria for sustainability which includes i) specialization; ii) work-based design; iii) dynamic; iv) interactive teaching and learning, and v) international syllabus. …”
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Article -
Thermal functions of internal courtyards in traditional Chinese shophouses in the hot-humid climate of Malaysia
Published 2017“…Meanwhile, it was also recommended that a staggered form courtyard with V-shaped roofs should be designed as a nocturnal cooling source.…”
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Article -
Stakeholders’ perception on critical cost variation factors in Malaysian building projects
Published 2018“…The results of the survey indicated that (1) fluctuation in cost of materials, (2) improper planning, (3) Incompetent main contractors, (4) poor site management, (5) and client financial problems were top five critical factors causing cost variation in building projects. …”
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Skid resistance and the effect of temperature
Published 2009“…To accomplish the objectives of the study, five types of mixture consist of ACW 14, ACW 10, Porous Mix Grade A, Porous Mix Grade B and SMA 14 were prepared. …”
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Thesis -
Oxidized- Low Density Lipoprotein level among Organophosphates (OPs) Pesticide Exposed Workers
Published 2010“…Low PON1 activities were reported in OPs exposed individuals, while in different studies it was associated with a higher risk of coronary artery disease (CAD). However, a link between chronic OP exposure, PON1 activity and ox-LDL which is known for its contribution in the development of atherosclerosis has not yet been reported. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Servant leadership’s values and staff’s commitment: policy implementation focus Abdul Raufu
Published 2011“…Given that research about servant leadership attributes (SLA)and its constructs are still at an early stage of development in the literature, the study sets a platform to provide the basic framework on the level of perception about servant leadership attributes possessed by leaders in a public workplace and tries to link this leadership style to organizational commitment of the staff and how they affect public policy implementation in a resource-rich economy such as Malaysia. …”
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Article -
The biosemiotic imagination in the Victorian frames of mind : Newman, Eliot and Welby
Published 2016“…For George Eliot, it lay at the basis of any creative process, natural and cultural, between which it forged a link. Similarly to Eliot, Lady Victoria Welby saw abduction as a signifying process that subtends creativity both in nature and culture.…”
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Thesis -
Developing a mediation relationship model of service quality, basic artificial intelligent and behavioural intention constructs in the use of artificial intelligent security techno...
Published 2023“…The goal of this research was to create and test a moderating model which fundamental artificial intelligence (AI) serve as a moderator in the link between service quality and behavioral intention to employ AI security technology in the United Arab Emirates. …”
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Thesis -
Globalisation, economic policy, and equity: the case of Malaysia
Published 2000“…The post independence social and economic development of Malaysia has been guided by a series of five-year development plans which have successfully implemented and transformed the economy from an agricultural based to the modern technological manufacturing based economy. …”
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Monograph -
Access audit on universal design: the case of Kota Kinabalu water front
Published 2009“…Simulation of the access audit utilised five (5) people, each with different type of disability such as: fully impaired vision, partially impaired vision, hearing impaired, wheel-chair bound, and a crutch user. …”
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