An analysis of oil production by OPEC countries: persistence, breaks and outliers
Published 2011“…Thus, shocks affecting the structure of OPEC oil production will have persistent effects in the long run for all countries, and in some cases the effects are expected to be permanent.…”
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Interest rate dynamics in Kenya : commercial banks' rates and the 91 day treasury bill rate
Published 2011“…For this purpose we use data on four commercial banks’ interest rates (Deposits, Savings, Lending and Overdraft) together with the 91-Day Treasury Bill rate, for the time period July 1991 – August 2010, and apply various techniques based on long-range dependence and, in particular, on fractional integration. …”
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Banking efficiency and Economic growth in the MENA region
Published 2011“…We introduce a set of control variables associated with the long run growth and find an interesting interaction with banking productivity and financial deepening suggesting that efforts should be focusing on the investments’ efficiency and the increase of regulation to spur a more stable financial system and foster financial deepening in the future.…”
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Book review : Human development and capabilities: re-imagining the university of the twenty-first century
Published 2014“…The book was a criticism of the over focus on economic rational without considering long term effect on the human condition. The review was overall positive but argued that the book did not go far enough, and in the case of some authors such as Nussbaum, there was a contrast between the argument on what constitutes 'justice' and her actual actions as in the case of supporting a brutal regime.…”
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Populism in world politics: a comparative cross-regional perspective
Published 2017“…As a concept, populism has had a long and contentious history. We suggest that populism has been on the rise alongside new imaginings of what constitutes the ‘people’ and ‘elites’, as the meanings attached to these labels are continually reshaped in conjunction with new social conflicts. …”
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Expanding the scope of architectural education: creating a culture of global citizenship for students
Published 2020“…Our unique teaching framework uses a project entitled Crossing Cultures as its vehicle of investigation to experiment with forms of integration of refugees into depopulated Italian villages, whilst offering students to positively impact and become an integral part of this new community, thereby, ensuring its continuity long-term. Such pedagogical experiments provide an education beyond architecture, and shape society by teaching citizenship to students.…”
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Structured medication reviews: origins, implementation, evidence, and prospects
Published 2021“…Notwithstanding the COVID-19 vaccination programme, a new Structured Medication Review (SMR) service has been introduced in Primary Care Networks (PCNs). The long term drivers are clear: addressing problematic polypharmacy in the NHS, reducing avoidable hospitalisations, and delivering better value from medicines spending. …”
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Submission of evidence to the Cabinet Office enquiry on the biological security strategy
Published 2022“…The authors are academic researchers in the field of biosecurity, bioethics, biodiversity, technology governance and policy. We have a long-standing interest in policy and practice of biological security in the UK and globally. …”
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Monograph -
A key role for scientists in strengthening the Biological Weapons Convention
Published 2023“…In March 2023 an agreement was also reached on an agenda and timetable for this effort over the next two years. Scientists have a long history of providing valuable input to such meetings, in this paper, we discuss how such input might best be provided with complicated challenges now facing the BWC and concluded that there is much that could be done, but greater coordination amongst scientists is needed.…”
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Work / memories of work
Published 2016“…Filmed over ten years, ‘work / memories of work’ documents the last days of a tannery in the area of Eleonas, in Athens. The long, monotonous shifts of the tanners are set against a backdrop of work in the surrounding neighbourhoods – scavengers’ markets, old farmhouses, abandoned kilns, and people labouring away amid factory ruins. …”
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Determination of baseflow quantity by using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and Google Earth
Published 2020“…In many catchments, base flow is an important component of streamflow and, therefore, base flow separations have been widely studied and have a long history in science. Baseflow separation methods can be divided into two main groups: non-tracer-based and tracer- based separation methods of hydrology. …”
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Book Section -
Mixture of CO2-N2 as a potential to SF6 insulation gas: an overview
Published 2020“…An excellent gaseous dielectric material, however, required a long list of demanding properties, for example, having an utmost dielectric strength, good heat transfer, environmental-friendly, high thermal constancy, and available at low cost.…”
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Book Section -
Corrosion assessment on reinforced concrete and its service life prediction
Published 2005“…From the results, assessment on the validation of corrosion in short and long terms by using predictive models are discussed.…”
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Thesis -
A review on prevalence and risk factors of musculoskeletal disorders (Msds) among VDT users
Published 2018“…Through the studies, it was found that computer-related risk factors correspond with Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) including awkward postures, long duration of computer use, work involving repetitive processes and the office environment…”
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The nature and dynamics of human rights violation in Bangladesh: an analysis
Published 2014“…Human rights violation in Bangladesh by law enforcing agencies can be understood in different forms and partly as part of the regime’s strategies of controlling political rivals and or lack of interest to protect the rights of poor section of the society like women, children and the poor. …”
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Book Chapter -
Social and HIV/AIDS risk behaviours in a fishing community
Published 2011“…Further research needs to be done among more specific target groups in villages like youths, parents and school children, in order to identify the causal chains of deeper structure of HIV/AIDS risk for proximal and distal risk factors intervention.…”
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Potential beta-glucosidase inhibitor from Malaysian medical plants
Published 2009“…Therefore an investigation is required in a bionetwork rich and industrially-developed country like Malaysia to use alternative approaches to treat diabetics, such as plant based medicine. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Fabrication of ceramic membrane chromatography for biologics purification
Published 2011“…In this study, a coin-like, 13 mm diameter and 3 mm thick, ceramic membrane was fabricated to be used as a chromatographic medium. …”
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