Core crush criterion to determine the strength of sandwich composite structures subjected to compression after impact
Published 2008“…The mechanism of failure of this kind of structure under post-impact compressive loading is due to interaction between three mechanical behaviors: geometrical nonlinearity due to the skin’s neutral line off-set in the dent area, nonlinear response of the core and damages to the skins. …”
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Preparation, characterization and dermal delivery of methadone
Published 2019“…The first stage of the work was the preparation of methadone free base as this form of the drug is expected to permeate the skin to a greater extent than the hydrochloride salt. …”
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Assessment of olfactory perception in individuals with motion sickness
Published 2018“…Methods: Olfactory testing included determination of odor detection thresholds, subjective evaluation of the quality (intensity, hedonicity and familiarity) of three different odorants (limonene, isovaleric acid and petrol) as well as measures of skin conductance responses to these three odorants. …”
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Moisture management properties of knitted fabrics with varying structures and fibre content
Published 2024“…Moisture management qualities, which allow for the rapid absorption and transport of water vapour and liquid perspiration from the skin to the outer surface of garments, are crucial in multilayer sportswear, as they allow for maximum wearer comfort. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Metamaterial based ultra-wideband antennas for portable wireless applications
Published 2017“…Various approaches have been reported to reduce the physical size of RF antennas including using high permittivity substrates, shorting pins, reactive components, and more recently, metamaterials (MTM) based on composite right-/left-handed transmission-lines (CRLH-TLs). …”
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Book Section -
Thyroglossal duct carcinoma : a case illustration
Published 2007“…From our literature review, this is the first reported TGD Ca which involved skin and requires pedicle flap reconstruction.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Antidiabetic efficacy of methanolic extract of the leaves of Tetracera Indica Merr. (Dilleniaceace) in alloxan induced diabetic rats
Published 2010“…Introduction: Tetracera indica Merr., (mempelas paya) is used in Malaysia and other parts of South-Asia as a folk medicine to treat fever, flu, skin rashes, itching, piles, mouth ulcer, diabetes, and insects bites. …”
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Reduced cannibalistic behavior of African catfish, clarias gariepinus, larvae under dark and dim conditions
Published 2013“…The aggressive behavior and sharp teeth of the attacking larvae appeared to induce skin surface lesions on injured larvae. Chemical substances were then generated from the injured skin surface, and these chemical stimuli triggered cannibalistic behavior in other fish near the injured fish. …”
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Special oils for halal and safe cosmetics
Published 2010“…They are ideal for use in such halal cosmetics such as Science, Engineering and Technology 75 skin care and massage, hair-care, soap and shampoo products.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
A review on transdermal spray: formulation aspect
Published 2016“…Transdermal spray offers numerous advantages over the other conventional transdermal drug delivery forms such as gel, ointment and patches, in terms of its cosmeceutical appearance, ready availability for application, flexibility in dosage design, less occurrence of skin irritation and faster drying rate from the application site due to the use of volatile solvent. …”
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Prevalence of Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) and risk factors in Malay, Chinese and Indian school children in Malaysia
Published 2010“…Increased neck and abdominal circumference, increased skin fold measurements and enlarged tonsils are significant risk factors only in SRJK school children. …”
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Production of high quality halal gelatins through enzymatic process
Published 2009“…It was reported that 41% of the gelatin produced in the world is sourced from pig skin, 28.5% from bovine hides and 29.5% from bovine bones. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Non-invasive assessment of affective states on individual with autism spectrum disorder: a review
Published 2015“…Though considered non invasive, these methods require sensor to be patched on to the skin causing discomfort to the subjects and might distract their true emotion. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Emotion detection from thermal facial imprint based on GLCM features
Published 2016“…By analysing the heat pattern on the facial skin, this work attempts to investigate the suitability of the thermal imaging technique for affect detection. …”
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Article -
Gastrocnemius myocutaneous flap for prevention and treatment of osteomyelitis
Published 2016“…Fifteen donor site were skin frafted while 4 were able to close primarily. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Assessment of management and collection of zoological specimens at natural history Museums in Malaysia
Published 2020“…However sign of insect activities such frass, shed skins and other body parts are actual evidences of insect pest occurrence. …”
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Thesis -
Assessment of management and collection of zoological specimens at natural history museums in Malaysia
Published 2020“…However sign of insect activities such frass, shed skins and other body parts are actual evidences of insect pest occurrence. …”
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Thesis -
Swelling properties of gamma irradiated starch based hydrogel dressing
Published 2015“…Sago starch is used as biopolymer and biocompatible to the human skin. The hydrogel is prepared by mixing the solution of sago starch (SS) with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) solution and finally this solution is subjected to the gamma irradiation. …”
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