Assessing the level of community involvement in post-disaster housing reconstruction and current green design practices towards net-zero energy buildings
Published 2020Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Malaysian PBL Approaches: Shaping World-Class TVET Skills towards IR 4.0
Published 2020Get full text
Article -
Effect of dietary omega-3 supplementation on plasma phospholipids, neutral lipids fatty acids and antioxidant status of pregnant women with gestational diabetes and their neonates
Published 2018“…There was no significant difference in the cord plasma [CPG (5.4% vs. 5.8%, P > 0.05), CE (1.1% vs. 1.0%, P > 0.05), TG (2.9% vs. 3.3%, P > 0.05)] DHA between GDM placebo and active-treatment groups. …”
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Thesis -
Causality relationship between electricity consumption and economic activity in Malaysia
Published 2011“…For example, per capita real GDP in 1971 was RM5,219.70 which increased to RM22,173.37 in 2007. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Modeling in preheated machining of AISI D2 hardened steel
Published 2011“…They added that preheated machining was able to reduce the amplitude of the lower frequency mode of chatter by almost 4.5 times at the cutting speed of 50 m/min. It was also established by several earlier studies [4-7] that preheating had great potential in lowering chatter. …”
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Book Chapter -
Application of permanent electromagnet for chatter control in end milling of medium carbon steel
Published 2011“…However, Amin and Anayet [5] found that the root cause of chatter lies in the coincidence of the frequency of instability of chip formation with one of the natural frequencies of the machine-spindle-tool system components during end milling machining operation. …”
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Book Chapter -
Modeling of surface roughness during end milling of AISI H13 hardened tool steel
Published 2011“…Choudhury at el. [4] applied Taguchi method for the prediction of surface roughness during the end milling of AISI H13 tool steel and found that roughness value tends to decrease with increasing cutting speed and decreasing feed rate. El-Baradie [5] drew similar conclusion on cutting speed. He observed that increase of cutting speed maximizes productivity, at the same time, it improves surface quality. …”
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Book Chapter -
The effect of cryogenic cooling in machinability of stainless steel during turning
Published 2011“…There were many research works [3-5] on the application of cryogenic cooling to improve the machinability of the hard to cut materials. …”
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Book Chapter -
High speed end milling of single crystal silicon using diamond coated tools
Published 2011“…They study about the effect of the depth of cut, feed rate and spindle speed. Rusnaldy et al. [5] showed that the dominant ductile cutting mode was achieved for Ft/Fc>1.0, which indicates that the thrust force is dominant over the cutting force. …”
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Book Chapter -
Performance of uncoated WC-Co in end milling of Aluminium Silicon Carbide (AlSiC)
Published 2011“…Consequently the cutting edge of the tool which in course due to abrasion wear results in the formation of poor surface finish during turning [5]. During to the cutting tool edge [6]. In this process more particles join in with those already adhering AlSiC machining, under high temperature and pressure the particles of AlSiC adhere to form the so-called built during turning [7].…”
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Book Chapter -
مشكلات تعليم اللغة العربية:عقبات وحلول = The problems of teaching Arabic language: obstacles and solutions
Published 2013“…النتائج والتوصيات: 1-الاهتمام بتأهيل مدرسي اللغة العربية تأهيلاً علميّاً موجهاً. 2-توجيه ومراقبة وسائل الإعلام المختلفة من قبل الدولة في الأداء المتميّز، والحفاظ عليه. 3-أن يلتزم أصحاب القنوات الفضائية باحترام الذوق العربي في لغته الفصحى. 4-أن تهتم المؤتمرات القادمة بوضع الحلول الناجعة لحل المشكلات التي تواجه اللغة الفصحى. 5-تربية الأبناء، والأجيال القادمة على احترام اللغة الفصحى، وتحفيزهم على ذلك. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Spacecraft sun-pointing using coplanar solar panels data and magnetic field measurements
Published 2013“…The algorithm successfully has been applied to the spacecraft for tracking the sun vector with pointing accuracy within 5 degrees without any change in the hardware sizing. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Assessment on the quality on drinking wells exposed to different degrees of submergence during flood in Kelantan
Published 2016“…Kelantan estuary (Wakaf Baharu, Bachok, Pantai Cahaya Bulan, Rantau Panjang and Pengkalan Chepa) showed to have higher TDS (mean of 241.2 µS/cm ±159.5 SD) and TSS (8.04 NTU ± 6.53 SD) values compared to those from inner basin (Jeli, Tanah Merah, Kuala Krai, Pasir Puteh, Machang and Temangan) with lower mean for TDS (at 156.3 μS/cm ± 88.9 SD); and TSS (2.90 NTU ±2.46 SD). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Efficient classroom lighting and its environmental consequences in schools in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Published 2010“…In light of these discussions, it is revealed that both social and technical factors have significant impact on the development of classroom design. It is found that 55.5% of the students and 37.0% of the teachers are not satisfied with the visual comfort quality and 50.45% of the students and 49.45% of the teachers are not happy about the thermal comfort quality. …”
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Thesis -
Enacting chance and the space of possibilities (editorial)
Published 2023“…This special issue features authors invited to participate in a 5-day workshop hosted by the Lorentz Center in Leiden, the Netherlands. …”
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Article -
Rawatan larut resapan menggunakan penjerap media komposit karbon teraktif, zeolit, batu kapur dan enapcemar sisa kertas
Published 2019“…ZELPA boleh digunakan semula selepas menjalani ujikaji regenerasi dengan larutan 0.5 M NaCl pada pH 11-12 (dilaras dengan 1 M NaOH). …”
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Thesis -
Relationship between decomposition level and induced solidification of peat based on laboratory investigation
Published 2015“…All peat was found acidic with pH 3-4.5 while the binders and filler are in alkaline state. …”
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Thesis -
Pembangunan dan penilaian sistem 'template' soal selidik berasaskan web (e-templete questionnaire)
Published 2003“…soal-selidik daiam pembangunan soal selidik secara atas talian sebagai instrumen penyeiidikan, (ii) menilai tahap keboiehgunaan g-Zgnzp/a/g soal selidik yang dibangunkan untuk proses pengumpuian data penyeiidikan, (iii) menilai tahap keselamatan g-fgwzp/a/e soal selidik yang dibangunkan, (iv) menilai tahap mesra pengguna g-Zg/wp/a/g, (v) menilai tahap keberkesanan g-fgnzp/a/g soal selidik dan (vi) menilai sama ada terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan di antara persepsi peiajar dan pensyarah terhadap tahap keberkesanan e-?…”
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Thesis -
Model konsep elemen ke arah peningkatan kepimpinan berkecerdasan emosi guru besar
Published 2020“…Secara tuntas, dapatan kajian menunjukkan dengan jelas bahawa elemen yang dibina iaitu (i) kesedaran kendiri; (ii) pengurusan kendiri; (iii) motivasi kendiri; (iv) pengurusan perhubungan; dan (v) empati adalah bersifat unidimensi dan merupakan elemen atau tunjang utama kepada Model Konsep Elemen Ke Arah Peningkatan Kepimpinan Berkecerdasan Emosi (KBE) Guru Besar yang dibangunkan.…”
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