Cooling tower: an energy conservation resource
Published 1992“…In order ot achieve a higher level of performance of a cooling tower, various sub-systems of the tower should be refined and fine tuned to work together as a coherent system. …”
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Disputes and issues arising from unlawful occupation of state land in Malaysia
Published 2012“…The National Land Code 1965 declares in section 48 that there shall be no adverse possession in respect of state land and under section 425, those who are in unlawful possession of state land commit a statutory offence liable to a fine not exceeding RM10,000 and/or imprisonment for one year or both. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Criminal offences and civil wrongs by or against migrant workers
Published 2013“…If he is found guilty, an employer may be subjected to severe penalties such as imprisonment, fine and/or whipping.Likewise, a migrant worker who takes the law into his own hand by inflicting injury or harm on the employer or their properties, may be dealt with in the court and if found guilty, he may be sentenced in accordance with the severity of the offence committed.…”
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Book Chapter -
Media audience ethics in Islam and Christianity
Published 2011“…To demonstrate this role, the study highlights the theoretical foundation of the audience understanding of the message, cites some legal rights that can be used to challenge the media content or change its course, and identifies some ways of fine-tuning the media contents to conform to one’s value. …”
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Endobronchial tuberculosis mimicking pulmonary neoplasm
Published 2002“…She made good clinical recovery with anti tuberculosis treatment but review CXR at four months showed a mass lesion in the left apex for which she underwent fine needle aspiration cytology. This showed healing granuloma compatible with tuberculosis. …”
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Fraudulent mediums and miracle-mongers: illusion, concealment and revelation in the works of Crivelli, Greenberg and Houdini
Published 2024“…This article aims to raise questions and comparisons between illusions found in pictorial language, magical apparatus and parafictions, illustrating the fine line between illusion and material, and concealment and revelation.…”
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Study on Palm Oil Kernel Shell Coarse Aggregate (PKSCA) as replacement material for coarse aggregate in concrete mix
Published 2018“…As we know the demand for material such as cement, fine and coarse aggregate is high. The construction industry is become bigger and bigger each day, but nowadays the price of material are not cheap like the old days. …”
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Book Section -
Influence of workpiece preheating on chatter and machinability of Titanium alloy - Ti6Al4V
Published 2011“…Talantov and Amin [3] and Amin [4] established that chatter arises during machining when the frequency of the chip tooth serration coincides with any one of the natural frequencies of the system, such as the spindle, work, tool, fixtures, etc. According to Nakayama [5] and Konig et al [6] the chip formation mechanism is based on exceeding the critical shear stress under compressive and shear stresses. …”
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Book Chapter -
Spatial and temporal bottom sediment characteristics of Pahang river estuary, Pahang, Malaysia
Published 2010“…The sediment mean size becomes finer towards the estuarine area with the range of very coarse sand to fine silt. This indicates that the characteristics of deposited sediments at each station are much dependant upon the combination of physical forces such as freshwater run-off, tidal currents and waves.…”
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Full-wave rectification of a low-voltage source
Published 2011“…Many devices employed for sensitive electronic operations. such as fine-luning and control. require an almost perfect DC voltage level which is normally obtained from Ihe available AC supply. …”
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An investigation on morphology of hard-brittle silicon surface by diamond grinding
Published 2006“…Selection of appropriate machining parameters would result in production of fine streaks on the machined work-piece surface. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
LNF Micro-Contact using MEMS and EFF Technology
Published 2013“…A low normal force (LNF) contact spring with high performance is fabricated using a unique combined MEMS photo resist lithography and electro fine forming (EFF) technology. Reducing a total contact material cost of a connector, a high-Hertz stress with LNF contact will be a key technology in the future. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Design and fabrication stable LNF contact for future IC application
Published 2013“…A low normal force (LNF) contact spring with high performance is fabricated using a unique combined MEMS photo resist lithography and electro fine forming (EFF) technology. Reducing a total contact material cost of a connector, a high-Hertz stress with LNF contact will be a key technology in the future. …”
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UWB antipodal Vivaldi antenna for monostatic configuration of through wall imaging applications
Published 2024“…A specific stable gain of around 11.7 dB is achieved with good directivity and fine radiation patterns. Using this monostatic UWB antenna design, a TWI simulation-based experiment was carried out. …”
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Application of permanent electromagnet for chatter control in end milling of medium carbon steel
Published 2011“…However, Amin and Anayet [5] found that the root cause of chatter lies in the coincidence of the frequency of instability of chip formation with one of the natural frequencies of the machine-spindle-tool system components during end milling machining operation. …”
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Book Chapter -
Development of an artificial neural network algorithm for predicting the cutting force in end milling of Inconel 718 alloy
Published 2011“…Kuang-hua fuh et al proposed a predicted milling force model for the end milling operation. In that study, the spindle rotation, feed, axial and redial depth of cut are considered as the affecting factors and an orthogonal rotatable central composite design and the response surface methodology were used to construct the model [3]. …”
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Book Chapter -
Assessment of performance of uncoated and coated carbide inserts in end milling of Ti-6Al-4V through modelling
Published 2011“…Kaye et al [6] used response surface methodology in predicting tool flank wear using spindle speed change. Wu [7] first pioneered the use of response surface methodology in tool life testing. …”
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Book Chapter -
Implementation of high speed of silicon using diamond coated tools with air blowing
Published 2011“…Recent machining studies on brittle materials such as silicon and germanium have shown that ductile regime machining using a single point diamond tool can produce a mirror-like finish wherein various machining parameters are provided and properly controlled such as spindle speed, depth of cut and feed rate, hence the material deforms plastically during machining. …”
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Prioritizing issues of Malaysian vision 2020: an application of the analytic hierarchy process
Published 2009“…The present research findings are expected to provide useful guidelines to the policy makers at the national level in course of fine tuning the Vision 2020 strategies.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Development of a low cost lapping process
Published 2009“…Thus it is not unusual to find it difficult to fine finish small area of planar surfaces and attain high degree of flatness on the finished surfaces. …”
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