Knowledge enhanced framework for the design and development of e-workflow systems
Published 2008“…An initial literature review has found that traditional workflow metaphors are increasingly inadequate in the new e-business era that is often characterised by an increasing pace of radical, discontinuous and unforeseen change in the business processes and e-business environment. The findings show that current workflow systems are less capable of dealing with the more dynamic situations encountered in ad hoc and collaborative work processes in the new e-business environment. …”
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Thesis -
First-generation Nigerian mothers living in the UK and their experience of postnatal depression: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Published 2023“…Contrary to reports suggesting that Black ethnic groups do not seek help for their mental health needs, participants’ accounts indicated that their attempts to engage with professionals were met with unsatisfactory responses. The findings of this study highlight the need to address barriers affecting access to services by fostering a patient-centred and culturally sensitive approach in healthcare teams to effectively engage mothers at an early stage in the detection pathway.…”
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Facilitators and barriers to the assimilation of marketing executives into senior management roles
Published 2015“…The research was informed by aspects of newcomer adjustment theory, notably uncertainty reduction theory. Findings: Social and personal considerations were much more important determinants of the ease of assimilation into top management positions in charities than were technical job-related matters. …”
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An analysis of the Dongba arts and culture in the context of tourism
Published 2009“…The key research methodological feature is an ethnographic approach, constituting a number of qualitative research techniques, i.e. in-depth interview and participant observation, intertwined in each other in a seven-month-long fieldstudy in Lijiang from September 2007 to April 2008. The findings focus in particular on the dongba culture as affected by the development of tourism. …”
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Relationship between fatty acid habitual intake and early inflammation biomarkers in individuals with and without type 2 Diabetes in Mexico
Published 2015“…Further studies of anti-inflammatory nutrients and plasma and cell fatty acid profiles are needed to corroborate the present findings in patients with and without T2DM.…”
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Unfavorable effect of type 1 and type 2 diabetes on maternal and fetal essential fatty acid status: a potential marker of fetal insulin resistance 2
Published 2005“…The association of these 2 FAs with insulin sensitivity may mean that the current finding explains the higher incidence of insulin resistance and diabetes in the offspring of diabetic women.…”
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An LSTM-based network slicing classification future predictive framework for optimized resource allocation in C-V2X
Published 2023“…Nevertheless, the bias, in terms of finding the best slice, observed in the network slices renders a non-optimal distribution of resources. …”
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A survey study of stalking victims’ experiences of the health-related effects of stalking and their experiences of engaging with health care practitioners
Published 2023“…Healthcare services could be tailored to the unique needs of stalking victims and be available in multiple locations, including hospitals, primary care settings, and online. Findings also indicate that HCPs also need to understand the different forms of stalking and how to respond appropriately. …”
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The role of ventral tegmental area in chronic stroke rehabilitation: an exploratory study
Published 2023“…Changes in VTA influence on motor circuitry were linked to improvements in motor performance resulting from rehabilitation. Discussion: Our findings underscore the potential of neuroimaging techniques in quantifying and predicting rehabilitation outcomes by examining self-reward processes. …”
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Therapy & HIV positive clients: exploring aspects that promote psychosocial adjustment using constructivist grounded theory
Published 2022“…Results: The data analysis identified that a HIV diagnosis can invariably be accompanied by complex life adjustments as an individual adapts to new experiences of a physical, social, intimate or spiritual nature. Research findings identified two core-categories. The first core category ‘Process of growth in therapy’ embodied a process of interpersonal and intrapersonal growth, facilitated within the process of therapy emerging from subcategories ‘Processing the diagnosis overwhelm’ and ‘Understanding the relationship with the self & HIV’.A second core-category identified the process of ‘Therapy as a process of challenging exploration & psychosocial adjustment’ emerging from sub-categories in ‘Confronting Stigma’ and ‘Exploring, challenging beliefs about the self, world & others’. …”
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Opportunity Haringey: Haringey employment gap research report. Summary Report.
Published 2024“…This Summary Report sets out the key findings and recommendations from the Haringey Employment Gap research project. …”
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Monograph -
From 'nobody to somebody' : challenges and opportunities for Gujarati women learning English in London
Published 2015“…The concept of ‘investment' is employed to describe immigrant women’s involvement in language learning processes. The findings suggest implications for immigrant language training policies and further research. …”
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A discourse analysis looking at the way counselling psychologists discuss and address issues of race with individuals from black Asian and minority ethnicities
Published 2022“…The first two discourses alluded to similar repertoires present in the discourses of white counselling psychologist participants whereas the discourse challenging systemic racism was mainly constructed by BAME counselling psychologists. Conclusion: The findings suggested that the discourses counselling psychologists used to address issues of race and the impact of difference, when engaging with BAME individuals, appeared to be associated to the racial identity of the practitioner. …”
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Water quality prediction and carbon reduction mechanisms in wastewater treatment in Northwest cities using Random Forest Regression model
Published 2024“…This work provides critical support for optimizing wastewater treatment technologies and developing water resource management policies. These findings also offer essential theoretical and empirical insights for the future improvement of urban wastewater treatment technologies and water resource management decision-making.…”
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Published 2023“…It is logically realistic because A* searches and evaluates all neighbors of a current node when finding the node with low cost to the start and goal node for each iteration. …”
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Mechanical, durability and thermal properties of foamed concrete reinforced with synthetic twisted bundle macro-fibers
Published 2023“…Compression, flexural, splitting tensile, flow table, porosity, water absorption and thermal conductivity tests were conducted to establish the thermal, mechanical and durability properties of SF-reinforced FC. The findings imply that the integration of SF into FC results in a significant enhancement of the material’s strength and thermal conductivity properties while simultaneously lowering the material’s capacity for water absorption and porosity. …”
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Steel Slag and Limestone as a Rock Filter for Eliminating Phosphorus from Domestic Wastewater: A Pilot Study in a Warm Climate
Published 2023“…The VASSF achieved a removal percentage at 30% of TP, biological oxygen demand (BOD; 89%), chemical oxygen demand (COD; 75%), total suspended solids (TSS; 73%), and total coliforms (TC; 96%), recorded with 7 L/min of an airflow rate and 1.04 m3/m3 .day of hydraulic loading rate (HLR) at potential of hydrogen (pH) 7.3 and 5.09 mg/L of dissolved oxygen (DO). These findings indicated that the steel slag is higher than limestone in TP removal, because of ion exchange between phosphorus hydrolysis and the adsorption process. …”
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The effect of different industrialized building system (IBS) construction methods compared to the conventional method on occupational safety and health (OSH) industry risks in cons...
Published 2021“…Next, the activities and the risks involved in each activity were tabulated before it was analyzed and validated with the competent professionals. The findings revealed that the major activities in the prefabricated timber framing system and formwork system have low risk compared to the conventional method. …”
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Thesis -
Enhancing orange-reddish emission of the Sm3+-doped ZnO-B2O3-SLS glasses for the potential glass phosphor material
Published 2023“…In addition, the CCT of the Sm3+-doped samples at about ~ 1750 K reveals prepared glass samples have bright orange-reddish emission. These findings indicate that Sm3+-doped in ZnO-B2O3-SLS has enhanced its orange-reddish emission and potential as an orange-reddish glass phosphor material in optoelectronic devices such as glass phosphor for LEDs.…”
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Degradation of cephalexin toxicity in non-clinical environment using zinc oxide nanoparticles synthesized in Momordica charantia extract; Numerical prediction models and deep learn...
Published 2023“…The interaction between F1 and F2 was 94.59% at which pH (x2) and CFX (x4) factors exhibited a high correlation with a synergistic effect on CFX degradation, 20% of the degradation of CFX could be classified as a high percentage (> 90%). These findings reflected the role of deep learning analysis in understanding the behavior of CFX for the degradation process.…”
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