Delamination in fiberglass pre-impregnated laminated composites from ultrasonic a-scan signal using artificial intelligence
Published 2018“…In this study, the potential of using ultrasonic immersion testing for detecting the IID in FGLC type 7781 E-Glass fabric is studied. Several findings and development have been achieved in this study such as the relationship between delamination area and the increasing of an impact energy, where the rate is between 23 to 45 percent. …”
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Thesis -
Integration of critical success factors from demand and supply sides to enhance micro financing framework for micro and small enterprises (mses) in Malaysia
Published 2019“…Surveys were conducted to 321 respondents from MSEs while interviews were conducted to six microfinance providers and ten MSEs. The findings of this research were used to enhance the existing microfinance framework. …”
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Nuclear issues in the Iran - United States relations: from friends to foes
Published 2020“…Secondary data is collected through library resources and authoritative internet materials. The findings show that the US’s support toward Iranian nuclear before revolution was due to structure or world system, which is the bipolar system, between the US and Soviet Union. …”
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Service quality through employee Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSAs): a study among third party logistics in Iskandar Malaysia
Published 2016“…Lastly, there are 7 variables identified to be under knowledge factor, 12 variables for skills factor, 9 variables for abilities factor and 4 variables for other factors that are required for employees of logistics services. The findings are expected to help third party logistics service providers to enhance their service quality in order to ensure the satisfaction of their customers.…”
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Hybrid fuzzy-proportionl integral derivative controller (F-PID-C) for control of speed brushless direct current motor (BLDCM)
Published 2017“…The FUZZY-PID controller has been tuned by trial and error and performance parameters are rise time, settling time and overshoot. The findings show that the trapezoidal membership function give good results of short rise time, fast settling time and minimum overshoot compared to others for speed control of the BLDC motor.…”
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A comprehensive fractal approach in determination of the effective thermal conductivity of gas diffusion layers in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
Published 2017“…Determination of effectiveness thermal conductivity using of fractal equation with slightly modified. In findings, it was found that fractal equation have been modified and measured on the GDL parameter characteristics. …”
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Diversity and ecology of anurans at selected streams in Taman Negara Johor Endau Rompin, Malaysia
Published 2017“…From the evaluation of the estimators, ACE and Chao 1 seem to be the most reliable estimators among seven others. These findings are very useful, as they contribute to a better understanding of anuran diversity in TNJER, and can become a reference point in understanding more about the overall diversity of anuran species in Johor.…”
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Test cases reduction using similarity relation and conditional entropy
Published 2017“…Thus, new challenges arise in reducing redundant test cases and finding common requirements that would decrease the cost and maintenance of a software testing process. …”
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The relationship between transformational leadership, organizational culture and employees job performance of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company
Published 2020“…The Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to test the hypotheses. Findings of this research revealed a moderate level of transformational leadership, organizational culture and job performance. …”
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Relationship between organizational factors and job performance
Published 2020“…A total of 377 questionnaires were analyzed using SmartPLS 3.0. The findings revealed that clan culture and distributive justice influenced job performance via the partial mediating roles of selective staffing and extensive training. …”
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The influence of innovation capabilities on individual performance in the Interior Ministry of United Arab Emirates Government
Published 2020“…The study also validates the proposed conceptual framework using a quantitative approach through second-order confirmatory factor analysis technique, namely, structural equations modelling, with the data collected from 607 respondents from six departments of the Interior Ministry in the UAE. The findings suggest that innovation capabilities has a significant positive impact on individual performance. …”
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Mediating effect of enterprise risk management implementation on operational excellence in the oil and gas industry: the case of Nigeria
Published 2020“…Enterprise risk management implementation was found to have a significant relationship with operational excellence and also mediates its relationship with firm characteristics and staff capacity.The study findings substantiate the importance of enterprise risk management implementation in operational excellence in the oil and gas sector.The outcome of the research also indicated a theoretical contribution to the body of knowledge of enterprise risk management implementation as well as operational excellence. …”
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Developing a hybrid hidden MARKOV model using fusion of ARMA model and artificial neural network for crude oil price forecasting
Published 2020“…The models were evaluated using three different evaluation techniques which are Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), Absolute Error (AE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). The findings showed that Hybrid Hidden Markov Model was found to provide more accurate crude oil price forecast than the other three models in which. …”
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Integrated influential factors (iifs) model of internal stakeholders as an adaptive control system to curb projects completion delay in Yemen
Published 2019“…Analysis of Moment Structures Equation Modelling (AMOS-SEM) model was developed based on 7 groups related to internal stakeholders of construction projects which are: consultant influential factors; contractor influential factors; owner influential factors; sub-contractor influential factors; designer influential factors; supplier influential factors; and labour influential factors. The findings from the IIFs model indicate that out of these 7 groups studied, while contractor, owner, subcontractor, designer and supplier have significant effect on delay, consultant and labour were not supported. …”
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An improved directed random walk framework for cancer classification using gene expression data
Published 2020“…It is found that these findings would improve the early diagnosis methods of cancer classification.…”
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The effect of 21st century acculturation module on the students’ higher order thinking skills and academic achievement
Published 2020“…In the case of Information, Media, and Technology (IMT) the mean difference between control and experimental group was significant (t = - 45.745, p = 0.000). Research finding also shows that there was a significant difference on students’ academic achievement (AA) (t = -12.700, p = 0.000) between the experimental and control groups. …”
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التفخيم والترقيق في روايتي حفص عن عاصم وورش عن نافع: دراسة صوتية وتحليلية = Valorization and attenuation in the narrations of Hafs of ‘Asem and Warsh of Nafi’: descriptive and anal...
Published 2016“…(These phenomena are described by referring to the findings and views of the great traditional Arabic linguists and the modern Arabic scholars. …”
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Effect of dietary omega-3 supplementation on plasma phospholipids, neutral lipids fatty acids and antioxidant status of pregnant women with gestational diabetes and their neonates
Published 2018“…Background: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) has adverse effects on the level of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in phospholipids of maternal and cord red blood cells and cord plasma. This finding was of major concern because DHA is vital for maternal wellbeing and health, and for optimal development of foetal brain and retina. …”
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Plasma and red blood cell n3 fatty acids correlate positively with the WISC-R verbal and full-scale intelligence quotients and inversely with Conner's parent-rated ADHD index t-sco...
Published 2022“…Findings of the fatty acid status of people with autism spectrum disorders have been incongruent perhaps because of the diversity of the condition. …”
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The journey of murabbis in architecture pedagogy: The case of studio teaching as laboratory of passion and duty to future khalifas of the built environment
Published 2013“…Through literature review, observations, interviews, hands-on experience and constant feedbacks from industry, as an on-going research for constant improvement, this continuous research for “appropriate” studio teaching of the time and place would be displayed for discussion. Research findings to date confirmed as humans, we are fallible beings. …”
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