Information flows of reporting on terrorism attack by online news portal
Published 2017“…In terms of news sources used, majority of the news articles used official sources such as Minister, Police officer, spokesperson, media, leader, authorities and security forces. The findings also revealed several news themes such as suspected attackers, rescue efforts, security efforts and death toll are emerged in this analysis…”
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Article -
Management accounting systems,enterprise risk management and organizational performance: the case of financial institutions in Malaysia
Published 2009“…The research method involved administering a questionnaire to 106 financial institutions listed on the Malaysian Central Banks website and the respondents are the chief financial officer (CFO) or the most senior positions in the finance department of the institutions. 16 post-survey semi-structured interviews were conducted with selected respondents. The findings from the survey and the post-survey interviews show that MAS and risk management complement each other. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The study of the implementation of OHSAS : 18001 at Kulliyyah of Engineering (KOE)
Published 2011“…The problem questions are tested through the analysis. Findings- Data analysis shows that the department, years of experience and job category have direct effect of awareness towards the implementation of the system. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Online banking acceptance in Malaysia: a students' behaviour perspective
Published 2010“…Design/methodology/ approach - The approach takes the form of an empirical study with 303 usable responses on a questionnaire with five-point Likert scale. Findings - The results indicate that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are strong determinants of the students' behavioural intention to adopt online banking in Malaysia. …”
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The appointment of Muslim women as judges in the courts: a textual analysis from Islamic perspective
Published 2011“…Discussion would include implications of the research findings, shortcomings of the current study, and directions for future research.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Human pathogenic bacteria in sea fish - siakap (SEA PERCH, lates calcarifer) and ikan merah (RED SNAPPER, Lutjanus sanguineus
Published 2010“…In fact poor hygienic of fish handling practices and improper fish storage conditions have been observed to be the potential contamination sources of these bacteria. The present findings might be instrumental to aid both the food safety regulatory bodies and the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point System in setting up new standards and guidelines for the awareness on post harvest fish handling practices in the public fish market and sea food restaurants.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Tribological behavior of dual and triple particle size SiC reinforced Al0MMCs: a comparative study
Published 2008“…The wear morphology of the damaged surface was also studied using optical microscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM) in this investigation. Findings- The test results showed that heat treated composite exhibited better wear resistance properties compared to as cast composite. …”
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Contrecoup injury in patients with traumatic temporal bone fracture
Published 2011“…High resolution computed tomography scans of the brain and skull base were performed in indicated cases, based on clinical findings and Glasgow coma score. Patients with a one-sided temporal bone fracture were selected and subsequent magnetic resonance imaging performed in all cases. …”
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National integration in vision school: towards '1 Malaysia'?
Published 2009“…This paper reports preliminary findings of a larger study of the assessments of intercultural communication in selected Vision schools across Malaysia. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The Islamic built environments perception in Malaysia
Published 2011“…The research method implemented is a Delphi method that uses structured and semi-structured interviews for primary data collection to achieve the objectives of this research include (1) to define the perceptions of experts from a variety of races and religions on the subject of Islamic built environments in order to ensure the appropriate implementation of the concept in Malaysian contexts; and (2) to evaluate and analyze the findings with regard to the degree to which the study area in Putrajaya are truly Islamic cities and are compatible with the criteria associated with an Islamic built environment in Malaysia. …”
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Book Chapter -
Modelling the spillover effects of rail passenger crowding on individual well-being and organisational behaviour
Published 2011“…Some theoretical and research implications of these findings are discussed which could lend support for future crowding research and management. …”
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Book Chapter -
CT imaging of blunt splenic injury: a pictorial essay
Published 2010“…We reviewed all 42 cases of splenic injury and illustrated the spectrum of CT findings based on American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST) classification. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Anatomical study of the obturator internus, gemelli and quadratus femoris muscles with special reference to their innervation
Published 2001“…According to the intramuscular nerve distribution, in some specimens the branches to the superior gemellus from the quadratus femoris nerve extended to the inferior gemellus, and the branches to the inferior gemellus were distributed to the obturator internus. The present findings revealed that the positional relationships among the branches to the obturator internus and gemelli muscles are relatively constant, although the branching patterns and innervation patterns were varied. …”
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Religious fasting increase fat free mass (FFM) and reduce abdominal obesity
Published 2012“…Waist-hip ratio was determined from the waist and hip circumferences. Findings: Weight was significantly (p<0.001) reduced in obese individuals on day 21 and accompanied by significant (p<0.01) reduction in waist hip ratios. …”
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The influences of real time information provided on-board rail services
Published 2010“…*mpeg movies) were provided. Preliminary findings illustrated the effects of varying the medium of information dissemination. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Comparing the sensitivity and specificity of otoacoustic emission screeners in diagnosing noise-induced hearing loss from air conduction pure tone audiogram in a hearing conservati...
Published 2010“…The association between PTA and OAE (right and left ear) was tested using McNemar’s test and the proportion between the pass and refer cases of OAE and PTA findings was noted to be significant. We will then report on the sensitivity and specificity of different types of OAE as stated above when compared to PTA as gold-standard.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The role of residential colleges in nurturing professional ethics among university students: prospects and challenges
Published 2010“…Several cases were studied, and the findings are used to illustrate and explain the actual scenario. …”
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Quality of supervisor-subordinate relationship and work outcome: organizational justice as mediator
Published 2005“…This paper reports the findings of a study which investigates how the quality of supervisor-subordinate relationship determines employees’ distributive and procedural justice perception which in turn determines employees’ job satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intentions. …”
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Article -
Availability of literature on social entrepreneurship for sustainable wealth creation in Internet
Published 2012“…The study is very significant for theoretical development of social entrepreneurship in sustainable wealth creation for companies in Malaysia as basing on the findings, this study have found that, the amount of materials on social entreprenureship and sustainable wealth creation are scarce. …”
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Interventions to reduce prejudice and enhance inclusion and respect for ethnic differences in early childhood: a systematic review
Published 2012“…Few differences were found as a function of the quality of the exposure and evaluation, but differences were found depending on the context of exposure (naturally occurring or experimental manipulation) and research design (random assignment or self-selection). In conclusion, the findings were more mixed than expected, though sufficiently strong studies exist to provide lessons for future research.…”
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