Bone health in urban midlife Malaysian women: risk factors and prevention
Published 2005“…Premenopausal women on HRT also showed a substantial decrease in spine and hip BMD, 18.6% (0.081 g/cm2) and 9.0% (0.122 g/cm2), respectively. …”
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Sensory-based colour sorting automated robotic cell
Published 2005“…The aim of this research work is to recognize colour by pin point detection and sorting of object specimens with respect to their colour attributes, which includes hue, saturation and luminance level. …”
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Bio-inspired snake robot locomotion: a CPG-based control approach
Published 2015“…Snake robots are generally consists of serially connected multiple links. A rhythmic function is used to model the bending of each link of the snake robot. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
fikrah Dr.Salam: Menantu benci sikap mentua
Published 2011“…Soal jawab 1 - Menantu benci sikap mentua 2 - Tak tinggal solat tapi buat maksiat 3 - Sengaja lengah sembahyang dikira dosa 4 - Rujuk tetap sah tanpa saksi…”
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Nasopharyngeal carcinoma presented with right upper limb weakness : a case report
Published 2012“…Distant metastasis to the cervical spine is the least common site in the vertebral system. …”
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Fikrah Dr. Salam: Rakan terpengaruh ajaram sesat
Published 2009“…Bertudung, pakaian ketat dianggap tak tutup aurat 3. Tinggal amalan baca horoskop elak terpengaruh dengannya 4. …”
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Bio-fuel-contaminated lubricant and hardening effects on the friction and wear of AISI 1045 steel
Published 1998“…A study has been made on the wear and fiction of hardened AISI 1045 steel using a pi-pin-ondisc type of fiction and wear apparatus. During the investigation the linear pin wear, coe@cient of friction and rise in pin specimen temperature were monitored and wear and fiction curues 'plotted. …”
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Patriotisme asas kekuatan negara
Published 2010“…PATRIOTISME ertinya cinta dan setia kepada negara.Patriotisme berasal daripada perkataan Greek 'patris' maknanya 'fatherland'(tanah tumpah darah).Patriotisme perlu dilihat dalam persepsi yang sempit sehingga menjadikan individu yang tinggal didalam negara tidak berupaya untuk menyuarakan pandangan dan kritikan yang membina…”
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Hadanah menurut undang-undang Islam dan pelaksanaannya di Malaysia
Published 2004“…Pertikaian untuk mendapatkan hak hadanah biasanya tidak timbul bila pasangan masih menjadi suami dan isteri dan tinggal bersama dengan anak-anak.Artikel ini akan mengupas tentang isu hadanah mengikut kaca mata Islam dan pelaksanaannya di Malaysia.…”
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Ketekunan, kreativiti dan inovasidi kalangan pelajar UTHM
Published 2009“…Ujian korelasi di jalankan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pencapaian prestasi pelajar dengan tahap tabiat minda (ketekunan, kreativiti dan inovasi) mereka dan hubungan antara lokasi tempat tinggal dengan tahap tabiat minda (ketekunan, kreativiti dan inovasi) mereka. …”
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Thesis -
Fikrah Dr. Salam: suami balik ziarah orang mati ceria
Published 2009“…1- Tinggal bersama dalam waktu edah 2- Sujud sahwi tampung kekurangan solat …”
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Minute book of the Council of Irish County Association, 1966-1967
Published 1966“…Grey marbled paper covers, blue cloth spine. Manuscript.…”
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Minutes -
Minute book of the Council of Irish County Association, 1963-1969
Published 1963“…Brown covers, light brown cloth spine. Manuscript, with typescript insertions.…”
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Administrative Committee Minute Book. 1976-1982
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Minutes -
In-Utero effects of the crude ethanolic extract of the leaves of mitragyna speciosa on neural tube formation in rats
Published 2010“…This study indicates that the crude extract of the leaves of MS is capable of selective neurotoxicity and producing spina bifida like NTD as characterized by altered brain size and neural tube formation, a finding that may have an important implication in the dependence liability associated with its use. …”
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Introducing an electronic portfolio : results of a one-semester pilot
Published 2009“…As part of this scheme, every undergraduate course includes a core spine module at each level: HEO (Higher Education Orientation) - a subject specific introduction to HE study module in the first year, an employability related module at level 2, and a project in the final year. …”
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Development of switchable planar reflectors for beam shaping realization
Published 2016“…Higher tunable loss factor of 1.91dB was demonstrated by liquid crystal based design as compared to tunable loss factor of 1.43dB shown by PIN diode based design. The investigations were further extended by carrying out equivalent circuit analysis of PIN diode based and liquid crystal based designs for detailed characterization of reconfigurable planar reflector designs. …”
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Thesis -
Characterization of cyclic plasticity type wear mechanism for titanium alloy, TI-6AL-4V on reciprocating sliding wear test
Published 2020“…Meanwhile for the contact pin, two different diameter cylinders are used i.e Ø6.5 mm and Ø12 mm. …”
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Enrichment of fruit wastes with white rot fungi under submerged state bioconversion
Published 2013“…On Banana and Pineapple (BPin) the protein content were recorded as18.05 and 15.75 mg/g, which was higher than Papaya and Pineapple (PinPw) and Banana and Papaya (BPw)composite. M6 has 15.4 and 9.78 mg/g on BPinPw, 13.84 and 13.59 mg/g on BPw, 20.82, and 22.97 mg/g on BPin and 18.29 and 11.59 mg/g on PinPw. …”
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Proceeding Paper