Android smartphone: Battery saving service
Published 2011“…The result shows there is a slight increase in battery life. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Libraries by the people, for the people: living libraries and their potential to enhance social justice
Published 2011“…A living library, in its most rudimentary form, provides an opportunity for a patron to have a conversation with another human being based on that person’s life experience. In this context, the person relating their life experience is considered a living book. …”
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Article -
Experiential learning in the virtual world
Published 2014“…This paper discusses how the use of "Second Life" is to be integrated within a practically orientated module in the Event Management Undergraduate degree course at London Metropolitan University, to provide students with the kind of experience that would be difficult – for a variety of reasons - to replicate in the real world. …”
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Article -
Design precepts for autonomy: a case study of Kelvin Hall, Glasgow
Published 2021Get full text
Book Section -
Development of TNB distribution network risk based asset replacement policy and guideline for medium voltage primary equipment
Published 2020“…Asset Management (AM) is the systematic and coordinated activity of an organization to realize value from assets, through which an organization optimally and sustainably manages its assets and asset systems, their associated performance, risk and expenditures over their life cycle for the purpose of achieving its organizational strategic plan. …”
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Book Section -
The United Nations Security Council's sanctions againts Iran: a nuclear aparthed
Published 2007“…Why certain countries, like the United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia and China allowed to prossess nuclear weapons while other countries are not? …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Negative impacts of riba banking on performance of Islamic banking
Published 2011Get full text
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Proceeding Paper -
Optimization of copper oxide film by dip coating technique for oxygen detection
Published 2018“…These films exhibit a uniform and homogeneous flower-like structure. The surface roughness of these films were 70.18 nm and the films thickness were found to be 0.76 μm. …”
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Thesis -
Polysulfone mixed matrix membranes with biosynthesis nanoparticles: enhancement of interface compatibility and antibacterial membrane seperation process
Published 2020“…Finger-like structure on top layer became smaller with increment of bio-AgNPs because of its hydrophilicity properties. …”
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Thesis -
Mohammad Arkoun’s theory of Qur'anic hermeneutics: a critique
Published 2006“…His presentation reads more like mathematics than a textual analysis. Consequently, his methodological discussion has been largely neglected…”
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Article -
A genetic-algorithm-based approach for audio steganography
Published 2009“…The robustness specially would be increased against those intentional attacks which try to reveal the hidden message and also some unintentional attacks like noise addition as well.…”
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Article -
Urban Forestry and Compact Cities
Published 2009“…They may appreciate the City’s Beautiful Movement ideas like planning of new towns and Garden Cities, but ideas of these are not tropical climate oriented ideals. …”
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Monograph -
Documenting the languages of the Orang Asli of Malaysia: Some ethical concerns
Published 2010“…Attempts to document the languages of indigenous communities which are facing the threat of extinction in linguistically diverse countries like Malaysia have given rise to numerous ethical issues, partly due to the disadvantaged and illiterate statuses of these minority communities. …”
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Article -
Issues in Usul al-Din
Published 2009“…A clear example of this is the studies that claim behaviors like homosexuality and lesbianism are inherited by specific genes. …”
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Book -
Al-Razi's contribution to the study of nexus between human mind and body
Published 2011“…It is of note that the significance of this chapter is appreciating efforts of Islamic thinkers and scientists like Razi and his valuable and outstanding contributions to the field of psychology. …”
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Book Chapter -
Multicasting challenges in wireless mesh networks
Published 2011“…The application areas include academia and the industry, especially in situations where existing infrastructure is damaged due to natural disasters or even non-existence like rural areas and developing countries [1].…”
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Book Chapter -
Nazariyat al-Hukm and masadir al-Shari`ah (the theory of law and the sources of the shari'ah)
Published 2008“…On 17 October 2008, the Academy of Islamic Studies held its first seminar on Nazariyat al-Hukm and Masadir al-Shari`ah (NAZMAS1/2008) at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. We would like to thank all of the lecturers and students of the Department of Shari`ah and Law, especially Ahmad Hidayat Buang (dean of the Apium) and Siti Mashitoh bt Mahamood (head, Department of Shari`ah and Law), for their support and encouragement.…”
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Article -
Development of an economical lapping process
Published 2012“…This paper presents the development of a low cost lapping process, the process tried out on thin silicon chips that generated fracture-free with mirror-like surfaces of low roughness values and reasonably high degree of flatness.…”
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Article -
Wireless sensor network for landslide monitoring
Published 2013“…E very year all over the world many lives and properties are lost due to many geological catastrophes like, landslide or landslip. Manual and electronic monitoring systems are used for predicting the landslide. …”
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Proceeding Paper