Understanding Muslim theology in the works of Shaykh Muhammad Ghazali
Published 2013Get full text
Article -
Determination of moment of inertia for 162-168Hf and 164-176Yb deformed nuclei
Published 2011Get full text
Article -
Single kenaf fibre properties via in situ monitoring using acoustic emission
Published 2010Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Design and characterization of single photon APD detector for QKD application
Published 2010“…The APD is part of an optical communication link, which is a private channel to transmit the key signal. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Religion and consumer behaviour in developing nations: a look into the future
Published 2021“…In this process, the chapter reviews the link between ethics and business vis-à-vis the religious factor in the context of broader consumer behaviours, and critically determines the way forward. …”
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Book Section -
The influence of Artificial Intelligence techniques on disruption management: does supply chain dynamism matter?
Published 2023“…Moreover, SCD does not moderate the link between HSC adoption and HSCR but does moderate the link between HSC cooperation and HSCR. …”
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Article -
الأندلس: تفاعل وتجديد 711-2011 (al-Andalus: tafa'il wa tajdid 711-2011)
Published 2011Get full text
Article -
Damage intensity class for reinforced concrete beam-column joint subjected to lateral cyclic loading
Published 2021“…These damages were caused by lack of shear links confinement and insufficient anchorage length, particularly on the RC beam-column joint (BCJ) of the buildings. …”
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Thesis -
Begum Hasina: Joy Bangla
Published 2010“…SHEIKH Hasina perdana menteri Bangladesh dan anak Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,pembentuk Bangladesh.Hasina mengerti bahawa sebagai ahli politik Bangladesh,bukanlah hal mudah seperti dia menjadi isteri ahli sains.Memang banyak lelaki yang jengkel terhadapnya termasuk lelaki yang lupa akan sejarah kehebatan wanita Bangladesh.Sejak lama,kehebatan Behula dan Lalmon sebagai pahlawan menjadi sebutan rakyat.Pada tahun 1905,Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain memerikan impiannya untuk mewujudkan Ladyland,"negara perempuan" di Bangladesh.Dalam satira itu,wanita menjadi penguasa negara.Bagi Hasina,dia bukannya mahu menjadi ahli politik.Sepatutnya Sheikh Kamal,saudara lelakinya,memikul tugas meneruskan kerja politik Sheikh Mujibur Rahman melalui Parti Liga Awami yang sejak mula didukung oleh rakyat…”
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Article -
Muslihat haramkan Ikhwanul Muslimim
Published 2013“…Kebanyakan ahlinya adalah graduan dalam bidang sains dan jurutera. Apabila Mohamed Mursi dilantik menjadi Presiden Mesir, beliau bukan sahaja berhadapan dengan penentangan daripada pihak Mubarak malah menghadapi permasalahan dengan pergerakan radikal Islam Mesir dalam menentukan dasar dan polisi negara.…”
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Article -
العربية لأعراض أكادمية: دراسة تحليلية لاحتياجات الدارسين
Published 2018Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Hierarchical Tori Connected Mesh Network
Published 2013“…It is shown that the HTM possesses several attractive features, including constant node degree, small diameter, low cost, small average distance, moderate (neither too low, nor too high) bisection width, small wiring complexity, and high throughput per link and very low zero load latency, which provide better dynamic communication performance than that of H3DM, mesh, and torus networks.…”
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Book Chapter