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15th General Election: What are the Factors Determining the Electoral Results?
Published 2023“…This study uses qualitative method via analysis of commentary and observation on the political landscape of Malaysia circa the date of the dissolution of parliament on 20th October until the polling day. The study finds that subsequent to the announcement of the 15th general election results, no one party had secured an easy majority victory resulting in a hung parliament. …”
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Analyzing the Fragmented Sri Lankan Muslim Politics in Post-Ashraff Era
Published 2018“…The leadership crisis and regionalism also negatively influenced the politics of SLMC and other Muslim parties in post-Ashraff era. This study also finds that unifying splinter-groups, reforming party structure and procedures, and redefining goals and path of achieving them would not only strengthen the politics of SLMC and other Muslim political parties but also would give a new brand for Muslim minority politics in Sri Lanka…”
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Examining the Empirical Model of Malaysian Youth Motivation in Political Participation: The Three-Culture Perspective (S/O 14182)
Published 2021“…Furthermore, the results also indicate that political knowledge mediates the relationship between perceived information quality, political interest and political participation. Findings from the study validate the research propositions on the factors contributing towards Malaysian youth political participation. …”
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Monograph -
An Integrated Approach for Techno-Economic and Environmental Analysis of Power Generation from Pineapple Waste (S/O: 14486)
Published 2021“…The qualitative method through the interview and reports or content analysis was used in this research. The study's findings found that pineapple waste had a high potential for energy production, with 9857.6 tonnes of pineapple waste generating 9,918,177.4 kWh of electricity. …”
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Optimization Of CIPP Evaluation Model as An Escalation of Educational-Industrial Collaboration Program
Published 2023“…Both qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques are applied, including descriptive analysis, difference tests using two-way ANOVA, and factor analysis tests using the SMART PLS application. Based on the findings, it is concluded that the evaluation results encompass the Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP) variables in an ideal vocational school-university-industry collaboration model. …”
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Mechanical, Durability and Thermal Properties of Foamed Concrete Reinforced with Synthetic Twisted Bundle Macro-Fibers
Published 2023“…Compression, flexural, splitting tensile, flow table, porosity, water absorption and thermal conductivity tests were conducted to establish the thermal, mechanical and durability properties of SF-reinforced FC. The findings imply that the integration of SF into FC results in a significant enhancement of the material’s strength and thermal conductivity properties while simultaneously lowering the material’s capacity for water absorption and porosity. …”
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Developing Industrial Energy Co2 Emission Taxation using An Environmental Input-Output Framework and its Economic Impacts (S/O 13814)
Published 2020“…The aggressive emission reduction would bring high welfare loss with the reduction in real incomes. Thus, our findings suggest that the carbon tax would be a worthwhile policy in climate change mitigation if the excessive public revenues from the tax collection could be directed to more socially benefited programs…”
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Surfactant effects in functionalized multiwall carbon nanotube-filled phase change materials
Published 2024“…A two-step technique was employed to prepare nano enhanced phase change material (NePCM), with subsequent assessment of its thermophysical properties. Findings reveal a remarkable enhancement in thermal conductivity, with a staggering 150.7 % at 1.0 wt% FMWCNT without surfactant and a substantial 110.2 % improvement in the presence of surfactant. …”
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3D printed bio-models for medical applications
Published 2020“…The process flow and 3D printed models were analysed. Findings - The data acquisition and 3D printing process affect the overall printing resolution. …”
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Electrochemical polymerase chain reaction using electroactive graphene oxide nanoparticles as detection labels
Published 2021“…From that, the extrapolated cycle threshold value showed a linear relationship with the initial number of copies of target DNA. Through the findings, electroactive nanocarbon material demonstrated high potential as electrochemical label for PCR, with the electrochemical signals produced directly correlated to the amount of PCR product. …”
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Systematic study of short circuit activation on the performance of PEM fuel cell
Published 2022“…However, the smallest impact is short-circuit interval. Another finding is that the five activation parameters are not independent, so the optimal activation parameter value needs to be analyzed in combination with the operating conditions. …”
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Facial action unit detection using attention and relation learning
Published 2022“…Attention mechanism has recently attracted increasing attentions in the field of facial action unit (AU) detection. By finding the region of interest of each AU with the attention mechanism, AU-related local features can be captured. …”
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Mitofusins Mfn1 and Mfn2 are required to preserve glucose- but not incretin-stimulated β-cell connectivity and insulin secretion
Published 2022“…Mitochondrial fusion and fission cycles are thus essential in the β-cell to maintain normal glucose, but not incretin, sensing. These findings broaden our understanding of the roles of mitofusins in β-cells, the potential contributions of altered mitochondrial dynamics to diabetes development, and the impact of incretins on this process.…”
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Comprehensive analysis of feature extraction methods for emotion recognition from multichannel EEG recordings
Published 2023“…The stability of these findings across the five different datasets also indicate that FD features derived from EEG data are reliable for emotion recognition. …”
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Metal mediated high performance antimicrobial hydrogel films for wound infection management: Zn, Cu, and Mg versus Ag and Au
Published 2023“…Strikingly, the Cu and Zn integrated hydrogels demonstrated broad-spectrum antimicrobial properties. The findings of this work thus reveal a more cost-effective, sustainable, and environmentally friendly approach to designing high-value-added wound care products.…”
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Optically detected magnetic resonance spectroscopic analyses on the role of magnetic ions in colloidal nanocrystals
Published 2024“…The information extracted from the analyses of the ODMR spectra in those studies exposes fundamental physical parameters, such as g-factors, exchange coupling constants, and hyperfine interactions, together providing insights into the nature of the carrier (electron, hole, dopant), its local surroundings (isotropic/anisotropic), and spin dynamics. The findings illuminate the importance of ODMR spectroscopy in advancing our understanding of the role of magnetic ions in semiconductor nanocrystals and offer valuable knowledge for designing magnetic materials intended for various spin-related technologies.…”
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Lower serum uric acid and impairment of right cerebral hemisphere structural brain networks are related to depressive symptoms in cerebral small vessel disease: a cross-sectional s...
Published 2024“…HAMD scores were significantly associated with nodal network metrics in the right cerebral hemisphere. Our findings suggested that lower SUA levels are significantly associated with disrupted structural brain networks in the right cerebral hemisphere of patients with SVD who have depressive symptoms.…”
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Effect mechanism of Er content variations on the mechanical and corrosion properties of T6 state Al–Mg–Si-xEr sheets
Published 2024“…This work investigates the influence of erbium (Er) content on the microstructure, mechanical properties, and corrosion behavior of T6 state AA6061 sheets. The findings reveal that nanoscale Al(Fe, Mn)Si particles are the main factors hindering dislocation motion and grain boundaries (GBs) migration. …”
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Environmental stress and emotional reactivity: an exploratory experience sampling method study
Published 2024“…Conclusion: Using ESM, a valid, reliable, and easy-to-use self-reporting tool, our findings provided valuable insights on the potential mechanisms underlying emotional responses to stressful environments.…”
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Phonon stability boundary and deep elastic strain engineering of lattice thermal conductivity
Published 2024“…Computational work combining ab initio calculations and machine learning (ML) algorithms has further demonstrated that the bandgap of diamond can be altered significantly purely by reversible elastic straining. These findings open up unprecedented possibilities for designing materials and devices with extreme physical properties and performance characteristics for a variety of technological applications. …”
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