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新加坡华语中的双宾结构 = Double object constructions in Singapore Mandarin
Published 2014“…But as both languages functions on different language system, it is unavoidable that both languages will affect each other in the process of bilingual language acquisition. This thesis aims to find out the understanding of Singapore Chinese in Double Object Constructions. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
历史与文学的交错 :论李靖多重形象的演变 = The entwinement of history and literature : a study on the multiple images of Li Jing
Published 2015“…Today, Li Jing is still widely well-received as he continues to find life in various medium. Even with the evolution of time, the charm of Li Jing has yet to diminish. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The effect of the amyloid-beta peptide on the fluidity of cell membranes : a study by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
Published 2017“…We therefore sought to find a conclusive answer to the question of whether Aβ affects cell plasma membrane fluidity. …”
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Thesis -
Essays on social responsibility in the marketplace : an experimental economic analysis
Published 2018“…The responses of sellers and the behavioral change of buyers are subsequently examined. We find that sanctions exert a positive impact on socially responsible production but conversely, diminish the impulses towards socially responsible behavior in buyers. …”
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Thesis -
探讨新加坡人的怕输特征与其文化意涵 = A study on the Singaporean Kiasuism and its cultural connotation
Published 2019“…This paper shall explore the Singaporean Kiasu phenomenon and its origins, and through it, attempt to find a connection between Kiasu and Popular Culture.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Global monitoring of volcanic SO2 degassing with unprecedented resolution from TROPOMI onboard Sentinel-5 Precursor
Published 2019“…Using the operational processing algorithm, we explore the benefit of improved spatial resolution to the monitoring of global volcanic degassing. We find that TROPOMI surpasses any space nadir sensor in its ability to detect weak degassing signals and captures day-to-day changes in SO2 emissions. …”
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Journal Article -
Upper mantle rheology from GRACE and GPS postseismic deformation after the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake
Published 2012“…This suggests that the localization of relatively low viscosity in the asthenosphere is chiefly in the transient viscosity rather than the steady state viscosity. We find a 8.10^18 Pa s mantle viscosity in the 220–660 km depth range. …”
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Journal Article -
Message from ICME'12 technical program chairs
Published 2013“…We have designed the program in such a way that ICME audience will not miss the keynotes, overview talks and the plenary session, and can always find a high quality talk of interest at the parallel oral sessions. …”
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Conference Paper -
Understanding customer retrials in call centers: preferences for service quality and service speed
Published 2021“…Though recognizing this problem, call centers find it challenging to reduce retrials without overshooting their operating expenses. …”
Journal article -
A sociological analysis of Iranian popular music in the 21st century
Published 2015“…Based on reference to the history of Iranian popular music, this research aims at analyzing the nature of Iranian popular music and to find out what are the constituent elements of such social phenomenon in order to present an analytical definition of it. …”
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Thesis -
Advancements in Models and Algorithms for Management Science
Published 2024“…Based on these empirical findings, we develop a mathematical model for the underlying data generating process and propose both numerical and theoretical finds that further justify the DCRI approach. …”
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Thesis -
Fluid-fluid displacement in porous-media microfluidics
Published 2024“…For viscously favorable displacements (when the invading fluid is more viscous than the defending fluid), we find a universal behavior of the dynamic contact angle—a macroscopic descriptor of interface shape—which increases monotonically with capillary number. …”
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Thesis -
Relationship between synoptic scale meteorology, aircraft parameters, and observable contrails
Published 2024“…We then applied the "locally" optimal Gaussian parameters from the four 2D algorithms to the respective 3D algorithms and ran all eight algorithms on the remaining 148 contrails (1762 labels). We find that the optimal performance for all eight algorithms ranges from 68.2% to 76.2%. …”
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Thesis -
以“才”充“再”?以“再”充“才”?新加坡华语里“才”和“再”的使用情况 = Study of the usage of adverb cai and adverb zai in Singapore Chinese
Published 2009“…According to Lu Jianming, Zhang Chuhao, Qian Ping (2002) and Xing Fuyi (2005), Singapore Chinese users tend to replace adverb zai with adverb cai. To find out whether such a phenomenon exists, and the extent of its usage, a questionnaire survey was carried out. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Structural and biochemical mechanisms of NLRP1 inhibition by DPP9
Published 2022“…Activation of the NLR protein NLRP1 requires autocleavage within its function-to-find domain (FIIND)1-7. In resting cells, the dipeptidyl peptidases DPP8 and DPP9 interact with the FIIND of NLRP1 and suppress spontaneous NLRP1 activation8,9; however, the mechanisms through which this occurs remain unknown. …”
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Journal Article -
MCMC inversion of the transient and steady-state creep flow law parameters of dunite under dry and wet conditions
Published 2022“…We determine the flow law parameters for dunites using a Markov chain Monte Carlo method. We find the activation energy 430 ± 20 and 250 ± 10 kJ/mol for dry and wet conditions, respectively, and the stress exponent 2.0 ± 0.1 for both the dry and wet cases for transient creep, consistently lower than those of steady-state creep, suggesting a separate physical mechanism. …”
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Journal Article -
Free-electron crystals for enhanced X-ray radiation
Published 2024“…Furthermore, we show how to shape the bremsstrahlung X-ray emission pattern into arbitrary angular emission profiles for purposes such as unidirectionality and multi-directionality. Importantly, we find that these enhancements and shaped emission profiles cannot be attributed solely to the spatial overlap between the electron probability distribution and the atomic centers, as predicted by the paraxial and non-recoil theory for free electron light emission. …”
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Journal Article -
From public health to AI safety: improving machine learning approaches by collecting, selecting, or reducing the need for high-quality data
Published 2024“…We then collate a large, diverse test dataset and extensively study the generalisation of our lie detector to previously unseen settings. We find that it generalises surprisingly well.</p> <br> <p>In the second part of the thesis, we deal with a situation where we have abundant training data available, but some of it is of low quality. …”
Thesis -
Understanding the justifications for food policies through political theory: a method for public policy analysis
Published 2024“…The work in this thesis demonstrates that political theories can be more systematically integrated in the analysis of public policies to help inform and find solutions to specific problems. In addition, it highlights that while theory is relevant to practice, looking at practice also has much to offer to political theories, particularly where these are too far removed from real-world contexts or fail to address key ethical issues. …”