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Structure and functions of a metallo-beta-lactamase- like hypothetical protein bleg1_2437 from alkali-tolerant soil bacterium Bacillus lehensis G1
Published 2015“…In the present study, there are 1202 hypothetical proteins (HPs) have been discovered from newly sequenced genome of alkali-tolerant soil bacterium B. lehensis G1, HP Bleg1_2437 may likely be an MBL. Domain and sequence analysis of HP Bleg1_2437 using InterProScan and DELTA-BLAST revealed that this 23 kDa protein contains highly conserved metal-binding residues such as H54, H56, D58, H59, H131 and H191 that are similar with the those in subclass B3 of MBL that are involved in the coordination of two Zn2+ ions. …”
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Thesis -
Epidemiology and transmission of carbapenemase-producing enterobacteriaceae in a health care network of an acute-care hospital and its affiliated intermediate- and long-term-care facilities in Singapore
Published 2022“…We aimed to identify intra- and interfacility transmission events and facility type-specific risk factors of CPE in an acute-care hospital (ACH) and its intermediate-term and long-term-care facilities (ILTCFs). Serial cross-sectional studies were conducted in June and July of 2014 to 2016 to screen for CPE. …”
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Journal Article -
Prevalence and risk factors of long covid and its associated adverse work outcomes among workers in the manufacturing sector in Malaysia – a mixed-methods study protocol
Published 2024“…This is further exacerbated by Long COVID-19 symptoms among the manufacturing workers, which are proven to influence work performance and quality of life. …”
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论明泰昌、天启初年内臣与朝臣的关系 :以宦官王安为例 = The relationship between eunuchs and imperial officials from Ming Tai Chang period to early Tian Qi period : a case study of eunuch Wang An
Published 2021“…最后王安的覆灭也意味着以魏忠贤为首的阉党崛起,失去依靠的东林人士被严厉打击。In the Ming Dynasty, in order for imperial edicts to be promulgated, approval from the Directorate of Ceremonial (司礼监), an eunuch institution, was often needed. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Association between feel-like temperatures and injury risk during international outdoor athletic championships: a prospective cohort study on 29 579 athlete starts during 10 championships
Published 2024“…<p><strong>Objective:</strong> To analyse associations between feel-like temperatures measured with the universal thermal climate index (UTCI) and injury rates during international athletic championships.…”
Journal article -
Quantum scale biomimicry of low dimensional growth : an unusual complex amorphous precursor route to TiO2 band confinement by shape adaptive biopolymer-like flexibility for energy applications
Published 2020“…Here, we provide evidence for synthetic biomimicry akin to bio-polymerization mechanisms to steer disorder-to-order transitions via solvent plasticization-like behaviour. This challenges the rationale of quantum driven confinement processes by conventional processes. …”
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Journal Article -
陶望齡的老莊詮釋與晚明[無善無惡]之辯── 以其 《解老》, 《解莊》 為探討中心 = Tao Wangling’s interpretation of Laozi and Zhuangzi and the discourse of “neither good nor evil” in late-Ming : focusing on Jie Lao and Jie Zhuang
Published 2018“…He argues that one should neither pursue nor forsake. Tao feels that, as long as one is holding on to something, one is establishing the standard for objectivity, and this is inevitably subjective. …”
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Thesis -
Long-Term Associations between Disaster-Related Home Loss and Health and Well-Being of Older Survivors: Nine Years after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
Published 2024“…BACKGROUND: Little research has examined associations between disaster-related home loss and multiple domains of health and well-being, with extended long-term follow-up and comprehensive adjustment for pre-disaster characteristics of survivors. …”
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Article -
Early and strong leptin reduction is predictive for long-term weight loss during high-protein, low-glycaemic meal replacement: a subanalysis of the randomised-controlled ACOORH trial
Published 2022“…A meal replacement-based lifestyle intervention effectively reduces leptin which is predictive for long-term weight loss.…”
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Validating the ratio of insulin like growth factor binding protein 4 to sex hormone binding globulin as a prognostic predictor of preterm birth in Viet Nam: a case-cohort study
Published 2024“…Maternal serum was collected from 19+0-22+6 weeks’ gestation and participants followed to neonatal discharge. Relative insulin-like growth factor binding protein 4 (IGFBP4) and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) abundances were measured by mass spectrometry and their ratio compared between PTB cases and term controls. …”
Journal article -
Controlling fibrous capsule formation through long-term down-regulation of collagen type I (COL1A1) expression by nanofiber-mediated siRNA gene silencing
Published 2013“…The foreign body reaction often interferes with the long-term functionality and performance of implanted biomedical devices through fibrous capsule formation. …”
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Journal Article -
Investigation on energy output structure of explosives near-ground explosion
Published 2020Get full text
Journal Article -