Return to learning course for Irish women
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Ephemera -
The relationships of the laticaudine sea snakes (family elapidae genus laticuada)
Published 1982“…However others consider that Laticauda and "true" sea snakes (Hydrophiinae) are more likely to have had separate origins within the front-fanged "proteroglyphous" snakes (Elapidae); laticaudines are thought to be most closely allied to a group comprising terrestrial Asiatic and American coral snakes together with a Solomon Islands (Bougainville) endemic proteroglyph. …”
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Thesis -
Complement-mediated extracellular vesicle release as a measure of endothelial dysfunction and prognostic marker for COVID-19 in peripheral blood - letter to the Editor
Published 2020“…Endothelial cell- (EC-) derived EVs (EEVs) are often released because of endothelial injury [4] and also likely to contribute to this prothrombotic environment. …”
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Article -
A glow discharge time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GD-TOFMS) study of the ‘hydrogen effect’ using copper, iron and titanium cathodes
Published 2015“…We report TOFMS investigations on the effects of hydrogen added to a dc GD argon plasma, in detail over the most likely concentration range occurring in analytical work (0–0.10% v/v), together with an overview to 0.8% v/v; typical GD-OES discharge conditions were used. …”
Article -
Three history lectures at the Camden Irish Centre
Published 1986“…Year (1987) added by hand but cannot be correct; 1986 most likely.…”
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Ephemera -
Counterfactual, prevention and causal thinking about workplace slip and trip accidents : a study of safety professionals, managers and accident subjects
Published 2015“…Accidents at work are unwanted outcomes and are likely to generate counterfactual thoughts. As slips and trips continue to cause a significant number of injuries they are the focus of this research. …”
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Thesis -
How do gay men experience ruptures in the relationship with their therapist? An interpretative phenomenological study
Published 2020“…Gay men use therapy at higher rates than the general population, but are also more likely to report unsatisfactory experiences in therapy – otherwise known as ruptures. …”
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Thesis -
Understanding motivation to adhere to guidelines for alcohol intake, physical activity, and fruit and vegetable intake among U.K. university students
Published 2021“…University students are a group worth of attention because although they are less likely than older adults to exceed UK weekly alcohol intake guidelines or to be inactive, they are also less likely to meet FV consumption targets. …”
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Article -
Currency crises in the European Exchange Rate Mechanism
Published 1999“…It is showed analytically that the more likely it is that the party which is soft on unemployment will be elected, the more inevitable the crisis is. …”
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Thesis -
Anti-social behaviour: local perception and reporting behaviour in a small urban location
Published 2013“…Those with a disability or long term illness were significantly more likely to report anti-social behaviour. Participants with negative views of neighbours and local services were also more likely to report. …”
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Thesis -
Stalking in universities: responding effectively as an institution while prioritising the safety of victims
Published 2023“…Young people make up the largest proportion of university students, and it is this group of people who are likely to be most at risk of sexual harassment and violent crime. …”
Book Section -
Membrane vesicles of clostridioides difficile and other clostridial species
Published 2024“…Membrane vesicles of Clostridioides difficile likely contribute to pathogenicity and is a new area of research on which there is currently very limited information. …”
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Book Section -
Essentials of biological security: a global perspective
Published 2024“…Written by experts who have spent decades involved in biological security issues, the book is systematically organized to make it accessible to a wide range of life scientists likely to encounter dangerous opportunities for the deliberate misuse of their research. …”
Book -
Corticospinal and peripheral responses to heat-induced hypo-hydration: potential physiological mechanisms and implications for neuromuscular function
Published 2022“…It is hypothesised that irrespective of unchanged force, compensatory reductions in cortical inhibition are likely to occur, in the attempt of achieving adequate force production. …”
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Article -
Running in circles - defamation recriminalised in Russia
Published 2012“…No journalist, regional publication, blogger or civic activist is likely to be able to afford a fine of 5,000,000 roubles. …”
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Article -
CHP within “New Turkey”: the formation of a government party?
Published 2022“…The transformation of the CHP, its popularity rates and limitations will also tell us to what extent political parties are likely to change under authoritarian regimes. We can examine this change by focusing on three issues: a) How and in what direction the party has changed from top to bottom in terms of cadres; b) What the change in its cadres tell us about the main problems facing Turkey’s domestic politics, especially in the economic sphere; c) What these changes tell us about Turkey’s foreign policy and its position in the world.…”
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Article -
The experience of student parents in Higher Education during COVID
Published 2022“…While some challenges may be temporary, the Covid-19 pandemic is likely to lead to longer term changes in UK HE, particularly in terms of remote learning, and it is important to consider how these will affect different types of students. …”
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Article -
Towards the development of a model of user engagement with packaged software
Published 2001“…If an individual is happy with a piece of software, he is more likely to use it productively. If an organisation can assess the level of engagement with software prior to its introduction, it may take corrective action to ensure that its introduction is successful. …”
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Thesis -
Privacy and law enforcement
Published 2004“…It describes a number of key aspects of policing in the period 1994 to 2004 and provides an assessment of likely trends and technology applications to 2009. …”
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Monograph -
The national minimum wage's effects on the non-wage benefits of labour migrants : evidence from the UK
Published 2014“…It is shown through regression that the minimum wage is likely to create adverse effects in the UK labour market, particularly for migrant workers. …”
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