Examining the role of childhood experiences in gender identity and expression: an interpretative phenomenological analysis using Social Learning Theory
Published 2023“…This qualitative study examines the role of childhood experiences and memories in shaping individuals’ gender identities, expressions, and life trajectories. Whilst some research has examined the role of gender stereotypes in people's life trajectories, no research has focused on people's retrospective accounts of their gender socialisation about their current understanding of (their own) gender. …”
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Role of rigid bronchoscopy in massive haemoptysis
Published 2010“…Massive haemoptysis itself may be life threatening due to asphyxiation or respiratory failure secondary to acute large airway obstruction by blood clots. …”
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Influential factors and structural reliability
Published 2013“…This study focuses on the influential factors that enhance the reliability and versatility of structure throughout the life span. The factors are considered on the basis of the need for assessment of state of –art- structural analysis and design. …”
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Halal processed food and beverages: some concerns on food additives and ingredients
Published 2009“…Islam is not merely a religion of rituals, but is a way of life. Rules and manners from the Islamic teachings govern the life of Muslims: individual and collective level. …”
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Islamic ethical values on bioengineering practices : issues in genetic engineering
Published 2006“…Even if we agree with old notion that, bioethics deals with life sciences, it is understood that today’s life sciences can no longer be assumed as a narrow discipline as it was portrayed in the past, as contemporary nature of the subject covers human life, behaviour and the natural spheres. …”
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Book -
Investigation on wall thinning and creep damage in boiler tube due to scale formation
Published 2012“…The remaining life of the steam generator tube was used to find cumulative creep damage. …”
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Secularism and Its Challenges to Traditional Religious Beliefs and Practices
Published 2007“…The Western influence on the Muslim world was so complex covering all facets of man’s life. From the political, military, and economic domination, the West impinged further on religious and intellectual life by producing various modern scientific and philosophical theories. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A preliminary study on internal filtration mechanism by using nonwoven filter medium
Published 2016“…When a nonwoven filter medium is used as a prefilter or as a cyclic filter for liquid filtration, filter life is sometimes given priority over particle rejection performance. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Fracture surface behaviour of Al-Mg-SiCp composite materials
Published 2016“…It was found that increasing the SiCp weight fraction increased the fatigue life of the composite. Moreover, the 20 wt% SiCp Al-Mg composite attained the highest number of cycle and fatigue life compared to other variations. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Exploration of female academic staff experiences in a conservative and gendered society : a case study of selected universities in Pakistan
Published 2018“…It also investigated female academic career progression and work-life conflict which impacts their lives. The research also explored how multiple identities are adopted by these academics in their attempt to adjust to institutional life. …”
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Thesis -
Knowing what I know now : black women talk about violence inside and outside the home
Published 2014“…The thesis mapped ways in women’s potential for participation in social life was delimited by violence and abuse, how their survival was premised on their skill in managing embodied burdens and through daily acts of self-renewal. …”
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Thesis -
Understanding the relationship between religion and well-being: a mixed methods investigation into religious maturity and psychological well-being
Published 2013“…Study-l's findings indicated that, although RM was not a significant predictor of PWB, higher levels of master-motive predicted higher levels of PWB, mainly through meaning in life, while higher levels of openness predicted lower levels of PWB, mainly through selfesteem. …”
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Thesis -
Let's move with Leon: a randomised controlled trial of a UK digital intervention to improve physical activity in people with a musculoskeletal condition
Published 2023“…Objective: This paper present a real-world evaluation of a digital intervention, ‘Let’s Move with Leon’, designed to improve physical activity and health-related quality of life in people with a musculoskeletal condition. …”
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Embodied carbon consideration for maintenance & repair appraisal in heritage building: a review
Published 2024“…Recent evidence has shown that accounting for embodied carbon in life cycle assessment (LCA) could help reduce carbon emissions during the maintenance and repair phase. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Machinability improvement in end milling of Titanium Alloy Ti-6Al-4V through preheating
Published 2011“…The performance of a cutting tool is normally assessed in terms of its life. Mostly, flank wear is considered, since it largely affects the stability of the cutting wedge and consequently the dimensional tolerance of the machined work surface [4]. …”
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Book Chapter -
Relative performances of preheating, cryogenic cooling and hybrid turning of stainless steel AISI 304
Published 2011“…Chatter is an unwanted phenomenon in machining due to its adverse effects on the product quality, operation cost, machining accuracy, tool life, machine-tool bearings, and machine-tool life. …”
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Book Chapter -
Knowledge on nutrition and frequency of food intake among pregnant women visiting Peringgit Community Polyclinic Melaka (PCPM)
Published 2011“…Faridah Hashim as a Deputy Dean (Academic) and supervisor for her helpful supervision and guidance, without which this study would not have been able to see its fruition. Dato’ Dr. Hj. Azmi Bin Hashim (Pengarah, Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Melaka) and State Matron, Dr. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Terracotta figurines from the National and Military Museums in Sana’a, Yemen
Published 2007“…These include Wadi al-Thayyilah (1), Ma’rib (2), Wadi al-Jauf (3), Hajar bin Humeid (4), Sabir Lahj (5) and al-Quraiyat (6). …”
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Article -
الحلقة المفقودة في معادلة الحضارة من منظور التنوير الياباني إنجازات العزلة وتطورات الانفتاح = The missing link in the equation of civilization from the perspective of the Japanese...
Published 2015“…The study aspires to investigate the Japanese model of development based on the elements of civilization, namely man, the earth and time; as portrayed by Malik bin Nabi. We intend to examine these civilizational elements in the context of the Japanese model, and also to investigate the level of maturity of civilizational thoughts in the Japanese experience, especially after the Meiji. …”
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Evaluation of solid-state bioconversion of domestic wastewater sludge as a promising environmental-friendly disposal technique
Published 2004“…The Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) domestic wastewater treatment plant (DWTP) sludge was considered for evaluation of SSB by monitoring the microbial growth and its subsequent roles in biodegradation under two conditions:(i) flask (F) and (ii) composting bin (CB) cultures. Sterile and semi-sterile environments were allowed in the F and the CB, respectively, using two mixed fungal cultures, Trichoderma harzianum with Phanerochaete chrysosporium 2094 (T/P) and T. harzianum with Mucor hiemalis (T/M) and two bulking materials, sawdust (SD) and rice straw (RS). …”
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