Who inadvertently shares deepfakes? Analyzing the role of political interest, cognitive ability, and social network size
Published 2022“…The findings suggest that those with higher political interests are more likely to share deepfakes inadvertently. Those with lower cognitive ability are also more likely to share deepfakes inadvertently. …”
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Journal Article -
What might ASEAN expect from Biden?
Published 2020“…But for the ASEAN region, Biden’s approach will likely be characterised by both change and continuity relative to that of the Trump administration.…”
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Commentary -
South China Sea Disputes: Nearing a Solution - Or Is It?
Published 2017“…The likely announcement by Philippine President Duterte of the Scarborough Shoal as an environmental marine sanctuary and off limits to fishermen could prove to be the first incremental step towards defusing the South China Sea disputes and in the process endow considerable strategic advantages to Beijing.…”
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Commentary -
Indonesia's rise & its regional implications
Published 2013“…Indonesia's projected rise as a medium power may see at least two likely scenarios. The first is one of power diffusion while the second sees Indonesia asserting a greater leadership role in the Asia Pacific. …”
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Commentary -
Navigating US-ASEAN economic relations after the 2024 US presidential election
Published 2024“…Two distinct paths based on the election outcome are outlined with recommendations for ASEAN to navigate the likely scenarios.…”
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Commentary -
Taiwan Strait Relations: How Far Can It Go?
Published 2016“…In light of the landslide victory of the KMT in Taiwan’s recent presidential election, it is likely that Beijing and Taipei will soon proceed to pursue cooperation on some economic and social issues. …”
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Commentary -
The future trend of LAN-based accounting and its critical success factors
Published 2015“…With the advantages that LAN has over the other alternative computer architectures, it seems likely that the business world will embrace it as their future computing platform for accounting applications. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Modelling trip and parking generation of major land uses in Singapore
Published 2009“…Trip and parking generation rates used overseas are not likely to be applicable in Singapore due to differences in vehicle ownership levels, travel behaviour and traffic management policies. …”
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Thesis -
Our weapons, our problem: arms exports, democracy and civil society in Brazil and the UK
Published 2019“…In this ‘second stage’, civil society groups were more likely to combine efforts with governments to promote treaties regulating the arms trade. …”
Thesis -
Support for resettling refugees : the role of fixed versus growth mind-sets
Published 2020“…U.S. and UK citizens who believed that the kind of person someone is can be changed were more likely to support resettling refugees in their country (Studies 1 and 2). …”
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Journal Article -
The inhibition effect: privacy concerns disrupt the positive effects of social media use on online political participation
Published 2023“…We also identify that those with lower cognitive ability are more likely to curb online participation due to privacy concerns.…”
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Journal Article -
Table of spherical codes
Published 2024“…It archives the data from https://spherical-codes.org in a form more suitable for citation, since it is likely to be preserved much longer than the web site.…”
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Dataset -
Biden-Xi : emerging clash of the united fronts?
Published 2021“…As the Biden administration continues its diplomatic pressure on China, Beijing is likely to further harden its stance in response to what it perceives as a Western United Front against it. …”
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Commentary -
Novel self-cleaning PVDF/MoO3/ZnO/GO dual layer hollow fiber photocatalytic membrane with excellent photocatalytic performance of EDCs removal and energy storage capability
Published 2024“…Ternary MoO3/ZnO/GO was synthesized using hydrothermal method and was embedded on the surface of dual layer hollow fiber membrane by dry-wet spinning method by varying the GO loading at 0.1, 0.25 and 0.5 wt%. …”
Article -
Interface dynamics in electroosmotic flow systems with non-Newtonian fluid frontiers
Published 2025“…Generalized power-law fluids alter velocity and interfacial charge profiles, with shear thinning enhancing ion transport to lower overlimiting current thresholds and shear thickening broadening the limiting current region (with hindered ion transport). …”
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Journal Article -
15.270 Ethical Practice: Professionalism, Social Responsibility, and the Purpose of the Corporation, Spring 2010
Published 2010“…Over the course of thirteen sessions, students explore theoretical concepts in business ethics, and cases representing the challenges they will likely face as managers. Individual sessions take the form of moderated discussion, with occasional short lectures from instructor.…”
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Learning Object -
Saudi Arabia’s Future: Will Al Saud’s Partnership with Wahhabism Hold?
Published 2016“…How it weathers the storm will likely depend on how it handles the inevitable restructuring of the problematic partnership between the Al Saud ruling family and the Wahhabi ulama or religious scholars, on whom the former rely for their legitimacy.…”
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Commentary -
Racial discrimination against prospective tenants : evidence from the room rental market in Singapore
Published 2020“…Our findings show that landlords have significant discrimination against minority races: On average, the Malay and Indian profiles are half as likely to receive positive responses for room availability than the Chinese profile. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Political consciousness political discourse and internet usage.
Published 2009“…As such, this study postulates the following: that the amount of time spent on the internet will have no impact on political discourse; that an increase in the level of political consciousness may not correlate with an increase in the amount of time spent on the internet; that those who have high levels of political consciousness will have high level of political discourse; that the higher the level of political consciousness, the more likely the user is to use the internet for expressing opinions on national issues; and that those who use the internet for expression of opinions on national issues are likely to be more actively engaged in political discourse. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
How clicktivism enables moral licensing : the effects of social observability and impression management on subsequent prosocial behaviour
Published 2019“…Those with low perceived success of a public act of Clicktivism in impression management were less likely to donate, as compared to those with high perceived success. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)