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Environmental sustainability of vegetables
Published 2022“…A life cycle assessment (LCA) was conducted in order to find out if the consumption of imported consumer goods in Singapore is sustainable. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Scheduling of dynamically evolving parallel programs using the genetic approach
Published 2011“…Each parallel program dynamically evolves during execution time and resulted in a tree-like execution structure. Due to this behavior of the parallel programs, dynamic task scheduling is the technique that is applied here. …”
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Thesis -
Self-healing algorithm for real-time multicast tree
Published 2008“…Real-time multicast routing had been studied in depth and a number of multicast tree building algorithms had been proposed that take into consideration network cost and performance guarantee services like end-to-end delay constraint. However, these algorithms are not resilient to link failures and would require intensive computation and expensive restructuring of the routing tree. …”
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Thesis -
Enhanced thermal energy storage based on phase change materials with enhanced structures
Published 2021Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Taxi demand hotspots and customers’ travel destinations prediction using data mining approaches
Published 2012Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Drug interaction between acetyltanshinone IIA and rapamycin in breast cancer cells
Published 2014Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Quantum scale biomimicry of low dimensional growth : an unusual complex amorphous precursor route to TiO2 band confinement by shape adaptive biopolymer-like flexibility for energy applications
Published 2020“…Here, we provide evidence for synthetic biomimicry akin to bio-polymerization mechanisms to steer disorder-to-order transitions via solvent plasticization-like behaviour. This challenges the rationale of quantum driven confinement processes by conventional processes. …”
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Journal Article -
Association between feel-like temperatures and injury risk during international outdoor athletic championships: a prospective cohort study on 29 579 athlete starts during 10 championships
Published 2024“…<p><strong>Objective:</strong> To analyse associations between feel-like temperatures measured with the universal thermal climate index (UTCI) and injury rates during international athletic championships.…”
Journal article -
The mediating effect of positive and negative religious coping, compassion and resilience on the relationship between negative life events and wellbeing among women in Kenya, the Philippines, Nicaragua and Spain
Published 2025“…The current study explores the mediating effect of positive and negative religious coping on the relationship between negative life events and wellbeing, via its link with compassion and resilience among women who are involved in women’s empowerment programs run by a US faith-based non-profit humanitarian and disaster relief organisation, Convoy of Hope. …”
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Article -
Validating the ratio of insulin like growth factor binding protein 4 to sex hormone binding globulin as a prognostic predictor of preterm birth in Viet Nam: a case-cohort study
Published 2024“…Maternal serum was collected from 19+0-22+6 weeks’ gestation and participants followed to neonatal discharge. Relative insulin-like growth factor binding protein 4 (IGFBP4) and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) abundances were measured by mass spectrometry and their ratio compared between PTB cases and term controls. …”
Journal article -
论汉魏六朝挽歌与悼亡诗的生死主题 = Theme on life and death in elegy and lament poetry of Han, Wei and six dynasties
Published 2014“…Through the usage of first person narration, elegies express poets’ sighs at long duration of time, regret the loss of life and their hope for joy and pain reduction. It also reflects their philosophical views on life and death. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Metal-organic framework-based nanovaccine for relieving immunosuppressive tumors via hindering efferocytosis of macrophages and promoting pyroptosis and cuproptosis of cancer cells
Published 2024Subjects: “…Medicine, Health and Life Sciences…”
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Journal Article -
Counterproductive effects of anti-CD38 and checkpoint inhibitor for the treatment of NK/T cell lymphoma
Published 2024Subjects: “…Medicine, Health and Life Sciences…”
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Journal Article -
Clinical course, immunogenicity, and efficacy of BNT162b2 mRNA vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 infection in liver transplant recipients
Published 2024Subjects: “…Medicine, Health and Life Sciences…”
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Journal Article -
Using brain structural neuroimaging measures to predict psychosis onset for individuals at clinical high-risk
Published 2024Subjects: “…Medicine, Health and Life Sciences…”
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Journal Article -
INSPIRASI AL-QURAN : Panduan Hidup Bahagia Dunia & Akhirat /
Published 2020Subjects: “…Religious life > Islam Qur'anic teaching…”