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Three essays on frictions of trade
Published 2018“…At the same time, sectors producing time-sensitive products benefit more from road construction and improvement. These findings support the claim that intranational trade costs, which have the same impact as international trade costs, are a determinant of comparative advantage and affect international trade patterns.…”
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Water quality and prevalence of extended spectrum beta lactamase producing escherichia coli (ESBL E. coli) in Sungai Terengganu, Malaysia
Published 2024“…From 40 presumptive ESBL isolates tested, 87.5% (35 isolates) were positive for ESBL and carried additional drug resistance genes, including mcr-1, tetW, sul-1, and sul-2. These findings indicate a concerning presence of multidrug-resistant E. coli in the river, representing a potential public health risk.…”
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Sustainable protocols for leaf sample collection in In-Vitro Culture: evaluating the impact of sample bags and hydrogen peroxide pre-sterilization
Published 2024“…Statistical analyses confirmed the significant impact of sampling bag type and pre-sterilization on contamination levels, necrosis emergence, and leaf longevity. The findings suggest that using low-action vacuum-sealed bags (VSL) with 15% H2O2 pre-sterilization is a promising approach for sustainable leaf sample collection, enhancing the success rate of IVC by minimizing microbial contamination and preserving leaf integrity during transport. …”
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Examining the effects of relative advances in higher mobility roads over higher accessibility roads and income inequality on the relationship between car ownership and economic gro...
Published 2023“…The implications of these findings on private transportation policies relate to measures to control increased car ownership as well as to reduce road casualties.…”
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Exploratory factor analysis: validity and reliability of technology self-efficacy instrument
Published 2023“…The number of components and factor loading values for each item in the technology self-efficacy construct were determined using the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA). The EFA findings show five components for the construct of teachers’ technology self-efficacy, each of which has an eigenvalue greater than 1.0. i.e, (based on ISTE-NETS standards) (1) Design & Develop Digital Age-Learning Experiences and Assessments, (2) Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership, (3) Promote and Model Digital Citizenship, (4) Model Digital-Age Work and Learning, (5) Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership. …”
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Mediation effects of language anxiety and prior learning experience on academic speaking challenges and strategies among Libyan students in Malaysian universities
Published 2023“…NVivo analysis was utilized to code and generate themes from interviews, focus group discussions, and field notes. Findings revealed that Libyan students in Malaysian universities displayed strong self-regulated learning characterized by positive motivation and self-awareness, enabling them to overcome communication challenges through the implementation of various strategies to achieve academic success. …”
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Pedagogy, ICT skills, and online teaching readiness as factors on digital competency practices among secondary school teachers in Malaysia
Published 2023“…It is important to note that there was a strong and positive relationship among the studied variables. The findings projected salient integration of the variables to inspire digital competency practices among teachers successfully.…”
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The influence of Al-Dihlawi’s thoughts about Taklifin Hujjat Allah Al-Balighahon Mohd. Affandi Hassan’s thoughts on Islamic literature in Persuratan Baru
Published 2023“…This study utilises the content analysis method for analysing study materials which are texts. This study finds that al-Dihlawi’s Hujjat Allah al-Balighah among other explicates the philosophy of taklif which refers to the imposition of divine accountability and responsibility upon man. …”
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Synthesis and characterization of mesoporous expanded graphite modified with PA/H3PO4 for enhanced oil sorption efficiency
Published 2023“…FT-IR, XRD, and SEM were used to investigate the functional groups, structures, and morphology of the EG. The findings demonstrated that the interlayers within the natural flake graphite were completely opened and transformed into a structure resembling a fluffy rope, resembling the shape of a worm, upon expansion. …”
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Morphological study and performance deterioration of sustainable lignocellulosic corn fiber biocomposites
Published 2022“…Continuous efforts are paid to facilitate finding sustainable ecofriendly functional alternative materials for green products form low-cost renewable lignocellulosic materials. …”
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Aerodynamic analysis of cylinder to flat plate (CyFlap) embedment for agriculture purposes
Published 2024“…In short, the presented research work in this paper essentially covers the process of developing, manufacturing, analyzing and also wind tunnel testing of the design concept. All in all, the findings show that the proposed AgroCyFlaP demonstrates a substantial lift force around 60% more at the condition of 15º angle of attack, enabling it to transport weights that are comparable to a base UAV but without creating the downwash impact, unlike conventional rotorcraft. …”
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Empowering the employability of people with disability (PWD) through a skills intervention program
Published 2024“…The process of triangulation involved module, fieldnotes, and observation prior, during, and after the project completion. Based on the findings, it was found that PWDs do well in employment, highlighting the importance of reviewing the plethora of skeptical beliefs given the fact that employability skills are intrinsic values that involve non-technical and less physical functions. …”
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The catalytic deoxygenation reaction temperature and N2 gas flow rate influence the conversion of soybean fatty acids into Green Diesel
Published 2024“…In addition, the life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) of stepwise catalyst preparation and green diesel production has been performed. Significant findings: An optimal reaction temperature of 420 °C was found to provide the highest yield of green diesel (47.13 wt.%) with an 83.51% hydrocarbon composition. …”
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Antibacterial effect of ethanolic Gnetum gnemon L. leaf extract on food-borne pathogens and its application as a natural preservative on raw quail eggs
Published 2024“…Results from the time-kill study showed that at 4 × MIC Bacillus pumilus and B. megaterium were completely killed in 1 h incubation time and other bacteria were killed within 2–4 h. Findings from TPC demonstrated that at the highest tested concentration of EGLE, there was no significant bacterial growth for a 30-day observation period. …”
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The effects of collaborative mobile learning approach on academic performance: The mediating role of social interaction, and learning motivation
Published 2024“…However, the experiment established that motivation to learn predicted the relationship between mobile collaborative learning and increases in effective vocabulary scores in English as well as academic performance. These significant findings show the essence of creating a spirit of collaboration and a learning environment that focuses on mobile learning, students, and their motivation for effective learning of EFL language goals among pre-college students. …”
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Expression and clinicopathological relevance of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptors in Canine Mammary Gland Tumors
Published 2024“…In this study, FGFR2 expression has indicated its usefulness in CMT as an indicator of increased tumor malignancy, while FGFR4 expression has demonstrated the ability to identify high stage tumors. Based on these findings, FGFR2 and 4 can be used as markers for advanced and aggressive CMT. © 2024, Unique Scientific Publishers. …”
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Revealing the potential role of hsa-miR-663a in modulating the PI3K-Akt signaling pathway via miRNA microarray in spinal muscular atrophy patient fibroblast-derived iPSCs
Published 2024“…Bioinformatics analysis using various databases was performed to predict the potential putative gene targeted by hsa-miR-663a. The findings showed differential expression of hsa-miR-663a in SMA patients in relation to a healthy control. …”
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Computer aided diagnoses for detecting the severity of Keratoconus
Published 2024“…Conclusion: The algorithm used for extracting the cone base area of the keratoconic cornea at different stages was validated by an ophthalmic specialist to ensure that the cone base area was appropriately extracted. The findings may help ophthalmologists to make informed decisions for patients with severe KC and assessments based on the percentage of corneal defects.…”
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Effect of microwave sintering on density, microstructural and magnetic properties of pure strontium hexaferrite at low temperatures and heating rate
Published 2024“…Coercivity Hc and magnetic energy density BH max recorded optimum values at 1050 °C. The findings emphasize the critical role of microwave sintering in tailoring the properties of strontium hexaferrite for magnetic applications.…”
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Toward low-carbon cities: a review of circular economy integration in urban waste management and its impact on carbon emissions
Published 2024“…We examine city-level CEWM initiatives worldwide, assess the carbon emission quantification methods, and highlight specific CEWM strategies with significant carbon reduction potential. Our findings reveal that city-level initiatives predominantly prioritize waste reduction and prevention (51%), followed by education and engagement (23%), material recycling and upcycling (21%), and waste conversion (6%). …”