Cutting force impact to tool life of CT5015 in high speed machining by applying negative rake angles
Published 2012“…It caused wear occurred faster and lead to reduce the life of cermet inserts.…”
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The impact of perceived social support on quality of life in patient awaiting for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) Surgery
Published 2015“…Purpose of the study Perceived social support has been of concern among patients who are awaiting Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) surgery, yet the level of social support and its effect on an individual's quality of life are inconclusive. This study aimed to survey perceived social support and its effect on quality of life in patients awaiting CABG surgery at Outpatient Department of National Heart Institute, Malaysia. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) among women attending gynaecology clinic and its effect on their social life
Published 2016“…It influences the quality of life and has social implication. The objectives of this study are to estimate the prevalence of LUTS among women attending our gynaecology clinic, the associated risk factors and their quality of life. …”
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Cross-sectional descriptive study of management modalities and quality of life of surgical patients in a palliative care unit
Published 2016“…The goal of palliative care is the provision of the best quality of life (QOL) for terminally ill and dying patients. …”
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Economic and environmental life cycle perspectives on two engineered wood products: comparison of LVL and GLT construction materials
Published 2023“…The aim of this investigation was to compare the environment impact, energy consumption, and life cycle cost (LCC) of diferent wood-based materials in identical single-story residential buildings. …”
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Economic and environmental life cycle perspectives on two engineered wood products: comparison of LVL and GLT construction materials
Published 2023“…The aim of this investigation was to compare the environment impact, energy consumption, and life cycle cost (LCC) of diferent wood-based materials in identical single-story residential buildings. …”
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Economic and environmental life cycle perspectives on two engineered wood products: comparison of LVL and GLT construction materials
Published 2022“…The aim of this investigation was to compare the environment impact, energy consumption, and life cycle cost (LCC) of diferent wood-based materials in identical single-story residential buildings. …”
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Preparation, characterization and dermal delivery of methadone
Published 2019Subjects: Get full text
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Between “Koto” & “Hablu Min Nan Nas” - The perceptions of intercultural environmental education in local gardens: a preliminary study on selected Japanese gardens design around Kyoto City, Japan
Published 2008“…Thus, explains the Japanese notion of koto which is similar to the concept of hablu min nan nas (relation of human and environment). …”
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Tool life assessment in End Milling Titanium Alloy (Ti-6AI-4V) using PCD inserts
Published 2008“…This paper presents the investigation for assessment of tool life of PCD inserts in end milling of titanium alloy Ti-6AI-4V under dry conditions. …”
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Tool life assessment in end milling titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V) using PCD inserts
Published 2008“…This paper presents the investigation for assessment of tool life of PCD inserts in end milling of titanium alloy Ti-6A1-4V under dry conditions. …”
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Influence of the instability of chip formation and preheating of work on tool life in maching high temperature resistant steel and titanium alloys
Published 1986“…This type of instability causes micro and macro chipping of the tool tip and consequently decreases tool life to a great extent. It has been also established that tool life can be greatly increased by preliminary heating of the work up to a certain optimum temperature, which varies with work and tool materials and conditions of cut.…”
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An African scholar in the Netherlands East Indies al-Shaykh Ahmad Surkitti (1876–1943): his life, thoughts, and reforms
Published 2011“…He was born in the Sudan in 1876, studied in Mecca and Madinanfor fourteen years (1897–1911), and established his career as a schoolnteacher and a celebrated reformist leader in Indonesia (1911–1943).nThe purpose of this article is to examine the early life and career of al-Surkitti in the Sudan and Saudi Arabia, and assess critically his contributionnto the islah and tajdid movements in the Malay- Indonesian world.His intellectual and religio- political discord and confl ict with the Alawi traditionalists will be investigated in the context of Hahdarmi identitynand discourse between “orthodox Islam” propagated by Surkitti and hisnfollowers and “popular Islam” that gave the Alawi sayyids special recognitionnin their home society in Hadramaut and diaspora in Indonesia.…”
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Effects of inhaled ginger aromatherapy on chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting and health-related quality of life in women with breast cancer
Published 2015“…Objective: To assess the efficacy of inhaled ginger aromatherapy on nausea, vomiting and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in chemotherapy breast cancer patients.Design: Single-blind, controlled, randomized cross-over study. …”
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