Overview of universal design application and accessibility in major cities of ASEAN countries
Published 2015“…If any of the government and private sectors of each countries are not prepared to facilitate their infrastructure with good facilities for PwDs, buildings typologies on various use such education, workplace, recreational and tourist spots, sports facilities, transportation hubs be it on sea, land and airport, and various types of physical facilities, thus users especially the people with disabilities (wheelchair users, vision impaired, hearing impaired, those who are walking using stick and those who have learning difficulties) at the end will lose their opportunity to be at par with other developed countries in terms to have better quality of life, work opportunity and others which able bodies should enjoy their lives. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Evaluation of three dimensional construct engineered from poly(Lactic-co-glycolic acid)/fibrin hybrid scaffold using rabbit bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells for osteochondral def...
Published 2015“…This study suggested that the PLGA/Fibrin/BMSCs has the potential to treat osteochondral defect and may be presented as a viable therapeutic option for those who would be in need from the life-extending benefits of tissue replacement or repair. …”
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CO2 emissions for concrete bore piling construction
Published 2015“…The key finding of this research is the 2014 Malaysian energy CO2 emission inventory data, the concrete bore pile life cycle analysis for the scope of construction and transportation of materials of CO2 emissions found at 20,910.54 kg-CO2/m3. …”
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Application of universal design in Malaysia: KAED universal design as research and training provider for Malaysia
Published 2016“…KUDU also aims to improve the quality of life for the general public through promotion and implementation of universal design in the built environment. …”
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Muslim women's right to marriage dissolution in the case of missing husband: a juristic analysis on missing passengers of MH 370
Published 2015“…Narrowing the scope of the discussion, certainly a wife whose husband has been missing for a long time is deprived of her protection, companionship, pleasure of life and financial support. In view of this, the article aims at analyzing the juristic legal opinions specifically in the case of missing husbands 1 Lecturer, Centre of Shariah Studies, Faculty of Islamic Contemporary Studies, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Kuala Terengganu, tg_fatimah@unisza.edu.my 2 Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Law, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, azizahmohd@ iium.edu.my Jurnal Syariah, Jil. 23, Bil. 3 (2015) 495-516 496 amongst Muslim women. …”
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Islamic Ethics and Guidelines for Using Facebook: A Maqasidiq Analysis
Published 2015“…There are five/six higher maqasid or objectives of Islamic Shari`ah, i.e. protection of religion (hifz al-din), protection of life (hifz al-Nafs), protection of intellect (hifz al-`aql), protection of property (hifz al-mal), protection of progeny (hifz al-nasl), and protection of honor and prestige (hifz al-`ird). …”
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Engineering management in developing countries a future prospective
Published 2015“…The increase of the citizens of the globe and its urban population calls for more construction activities especially for accommodation .in developing countries, in general ,the rate of construction is far below the demand for shelter , infrastructure and other amenities .many factors such as demographic growth, shifts from rural to urban areas, natural and human made resources depletion, and significant changes in expectations and life styles, all combine in their various ways impose considerable pressure on the construction industry of developing countries. …”
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Effects of water-bath stunning on the death of poultry and myofiber apoptosis
Published 2014“…This could be due to the short-life span of Hsp70 in vivo, and the very low level of Hsp70 which was undetectable using the method in this study. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Group-based quantitative structure-activity relationship (G-QSAR) analysis and molecular docking of B-cell lymphoma two (BCL-2) inhibitors
Published 2013“…In this study, an advanced method in computational drug design Group-based Quantity Structural Activity Relationship (G- QSAR) were performed using V-LIFE® on dataset of non-congeneric compounds with binding activity (IC50 range 0.003 to 400μM) available in BindingDatabase from various literatures to generate potential Bcl-2 inhibitors. …”
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Islamic ethics and guidelines for using facebook: a maqasidic analysis
Published 2015“…There are five/six higher maqasid or objectives of Islamic Shari`ah, i.e. protection of religion (hifz aldin), protection of life (hifz al-Nafs), protection of intellect (hifz al-`aql), protection of property (hifz al-mal), protection of progeny (hifz al-nasl), and protection of honor and prestige (hifz al-`ird).2 The researcher strives to relate different parts of this article with these objectives. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A web and software-based approach blending social networks for online Qur'anic Arabic learning
Published 2017“…The goals of this work are: To determine the applicability of learner corpus research, declarative memory modelling, and social learning motivation on the learners’ specific pedagogical objectives and to use the Design-Based Research methodology (DBR) to optimize the design of such a system in real-life setting to observe how the different variables and elements work out. …”
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Islamic ethics and guidelines for using facebook: a maqasidic analysis
Published 2015“…There are five/six higher maqasid or objectives of Islamic Shari`ah, i.e. protection of religion (hifz al-din), protection of life (hifz al-Nafs), protection of intellect (hifz al-`aql), protection of property (hifz al-mal), protection of progeny (hifz al-nasl), and protection of honor and prestige (hifz al-`ird). …”
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Attitudes toward euthanasia and related issues among physicians and patients in a multi-cultural society of Malaysia
Published 2014“…Both physicians 29.2% and patients 61.5% were in favor of withdrawing or withholding life‑sustaining treatment to a patient with no chances of survival. …”
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Effect of methotrexate onsStillbirth, weight of mice embryos and histopathological changes of embryonic liver
Published 2016“…On another hand, it might cause serious or life-threatening toxicities on liver, lungs, kidney, and immune system. …”
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Evidence based review on the effect of Islamic dietary law towards human development
Published 2015“…When we put good things in our body, then only good things will come to our life. Allah’s command to consume halal food is not merely related to Ibadah which entails the relationship between He and His creations, but also has wisdom behind it that is surely giving benefits to humankind. …”
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Depression, anxiety and stress with possible sources of stressors among undergraduate medical students in Malaysia
Published 2016“…Exposure to severe and prolonged stressors may cause serious emotional disturbances in the form of depression, anxiety and stress which may hinder students’ academic performance, quality of life, and also their physical health. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the prevalence and severity of depression, anxiety and stress symptoms and also to determine the possible sources of stressors and their relationship with these symptoms among medical undergraduate students throughout the different stages of their study. …”
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التعايش السلمي في ضوء مقاصد الشريعة الإسلامية:”سريلانكا” أنموذجا = Peaceful co-existence in the light of objectives of Sharia’h...
Published 2016“…And also the establishment ofsecurity and peaceful life through the peaceful coexistence by following the basic foundations which are considered as important pillars of peaceful co-existence, these are nature, justice, freedom, and equality under the multiplicity of religions, different races and colors. …”
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Killing the angel in the house and “telling the truth about my own experiences as a body”: an Islamic perspective on Virginia Woolf’s stance on Victorian gender ideology
Published 2016“…In doing so, she discourages women’s spirits of devotion, self-sacrifice and self-denial in family life. What is more, she straightaway rejects the need for women to remain chaste and sexually pure in marital relationship. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Globalization and some of its impact on education and culture
Published 2011“…It is a multi-faceted phenomenon which ramifies into all areas of the human life. Since the idea of globalization is a thing that comes from the rich and affluent countries of the West, many in the developing and third world countries welcome it with much delight as it offers them a great deal in terms of capital flow which promises prosperity. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Service redundancy and cluster-based routing protocols for wireless sensor and mobile ad hoc networks: a survey
Published 2020“…In addition, a modern form is proposed to show the life cycle of the service discovery process, and a new figure has been designed to clarify to the researchers various of the open issues related to the service discovery and cluster-based routing protocols, corresponding objectives and the techniques of solving problems. …”
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