Development and performance evaluation of a linear actuator based wearable assistive device
Published 2015“…This device assists the hand in gripping objects used in daily life activities. The performance evaluation of this device is carried out by measuring the gripforce exerted by the finger-tip on the object. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
An Evaluation of Internship Programme in Improving Graduate Skills and Marketability Among Arabic Language students in IIUM from the Perspective of Malaysian Job Market
Published 2016“…In conclusion, internship training is crucial, particularly among Arabic language and literature students as it enriches their experiences, knowledge and skills both in the personal and social life. It also increased their level of confidence to explore their future opportunity in the Malaysian job market including setting up their own businesses through entrepreneurship knowledge and skill.…”
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i-Diary: A crowdsource-based spatio-Temporal multimedia enhanced points of interest authoring tool
Published 2015“…Aggregating interesting spatio-temporal events of daily life in a diary used to be favorite pastime for many individuals. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Maqasid al-syariah dalam perlembagaan persekutuan: suatu perbahasan awal (Maqasid al-Syariah in the federal constitution: a preliminary exposition)
Published 2016“…Using a comparative and harmonization approach, this study found that the Federal Constitution abounds with maqasid al-syariah principles, such as the protection of religion, life, intellect, lineage and property…”
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Preparation and characterisation of TIG-alloyed hybrid composite coatings for high-temperature tribological applications
Published 2016“…There is an increasing interest in the tribology community for developing high-performance composite coatings to meet severe tribological conditions in advanced mechanical systems which require high operating temperature and long life. In the present work, powder preplacement and tungsten inert gas (TIG) torch melting techniques have been employed to generate titanium carbide (TiC)-based composite coatings containing hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) or Ni–P coated hBN (Ni–P-hBN) lubricant additive. …”
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Drying of fruits and vegetables: The impact of different drying methods on product quality
Published 2016“…Despite the negative influences that could occur because of moisture removal by drying on the quality of the food, it is still an indispensable process in different sectors of industry, because it provides low packaging costs, increased shelf-life of the foodstuff, and lower shipping weights. …”
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Book Chapter -
A review of Malaysian experience in tissue engineering research and development:A bibliometric study using online databases
Published 2016“…Tissue engineering research serves to overcome the major obstacles in organ transplantation.The obstacles include insufficient supply of organs, immunoreaction, subsequent rejection between donor organs and recipient’s body as well as life-long immunosuppression dependence. This paper intends to summarize the progress of tissue engineering in Malaysia. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Distance based sweep nearest algorithm to solve capacitated vehicle routing problem
Published 2016“…Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) is a real life constraint satisfaction problem to find minimal travel distances to serve customers with homogeneous fleet of vehicles. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Lubricated wear behaviour of SiC reinforcement on TI-6AL-4V alloy based on Taguchi approach
Published 2016“…There is a need to improve these properties to increase the performance of the engineering components and to extend their life service without any failure. Previous research work by Adeleke & Maleque [3] studied the surface alloying of commercial purity titanium (CP-Ti) using preplaced Fe-C-Si powder by TIG techniques. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Islamic input in medical program: a realization of a holistic medical education
Published 2016“…This constitutes the basic attributes of medical professionalism that one should develop during medical training and enhanced throughout one’s career life. For Muslim medical professionals, they need to conform to the Islamic core values that constantly promote the ideals of professionalism, which include positive attitudes such as dedication, respect, compassion, empathy, honesty, altruism, responsibility, integrity, self-improvement, magnanimity and accountability. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Torrential floods in Malaysia: Assessing the loss and vulnerabilities in three Kelantan villages
Published 2016“…Based on the above, the research suggests that the government or policy planners consider building shelters in strategic locations of the villages immediately to protect the life of the people during the flood upsurge in the future and thus reduce their vulnerabilities. …”
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Human rights, human dignity and justice: The Islamic perspective
Published 2011“…It continued and expanded in order to protect life, property, and dignity of man. Most of the human rights in Islam have the basis of the Divine wisdom; some others are man-made. …”
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إشكالية المنهج الأصوليي في الفكر الاجتهادي المعاصر = Problem of jurisprudential method in the contemporary Ijtihede thought = Masalah kaedah Yurisprudensi kontemporari Ijtihede...
Published 2012“…The contemporary calls to open the door of ijtihÉd and its realization in all areas of life require, as many Muslim intellectuals view, to revise the principles of Islamic jurisprudence so as to ensure the inclusion of new developments andachieve the desired response to the legislative and intellectual challenges faced by the Islamic project. …”
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Development of surface roughness prediction model for high speed end milling of hardened tool steel
Published 2011“…The quality of the surface plays a very important role performance of milling as a good-quality milled surface in a variety of manufacturing industries including the aerospace and automotive sectors where good quality surface significantly improves fatigue strength, corrosion resistance, or creep life. This study discussed the issue of surface machined quality and the effort taken to predict surface roughness. …”
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How to cope with dengue in the developing countries like Pakistan?
Published 2011“…In nutshell, the consuming of papaya and apple should be incorporated in daily routine life especially during the season when this disease appears in its epidemic form.…”
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Intellectual property system with a heart? Patents and public health in Malaysia and some Asean countries
Published 2011“…Patents play a vital role in facilitating the creation of inventions to improve human life through the development of new medicines, medical products and equipment. …”
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Morpho-agronomic analysis of three roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) mutants in tropical Malaysia
Published 2011“…UKMR-2 showed better performance for weight of fruits per plant (2170.7 g) and weight of fresh calyx per plant (1408.4 g); whereas for number of fruits per branch, number of fruits per plant and weight of capsule per plant UKMR-3 showed better performance. The life cycle of mutants was shorter and their lodging resistant was significantly higher compared to their parents and local check.…”
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Integrated study between Islamic law in crimes (Al-Jinaie Al Islami) and modern secular under the Malaysian Penal Code
Published 2019“…Islamic law was revealed gradually more than one thousand and four hundred years ago and consists of a complete system of life that is compatible for human being of all ages. …”
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Did they prepare you for this? ; a study of the adequacy of the undergraduate medical training for hospital practice in Malaysia
Published 2011“…The consequences of having significant numbers of poor quality personnel in other areas of human activity may not be significant, but in healthcare, it can be a matter of life and death for all the population. Notwithstanding the importance of the issue at hand, very few studies (none in Malaysia) to date have examined the role of undergraduate training in preparing doctors capable of delivering the required standard of care (Hill et at, 1998). …”
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