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Reasonable accommodation, career development, and psychological well-being: autoethnography as a method of qualitative research
Published 2024“…Providing reasonable accommodation is one practical step in establishing an inclusive environment for those with vision impairments, leading to career development and psychological well-being. This paper focuses on workplace-related autoethnographic stories to explore the fundamental aspects of reasonable accommodation, career development, and psychological well-being for individuals with vision impairments. …”
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Article -
Environmental health risks and well-being among the Orang Asli in Peninsular Malaysia: a review
Published 2024“…As such, the strategy aids in the realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals, which cover issues such as health and well-being, clean water and sanitation, and partnership.…”
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Article -
Does belief in supernatural agents moderate the association between interpersonal conflict at work and worker well-being?
Published 2024Subjects: Get full text
Journal Article -
新移民的跨国实践和离散论述 :孙侠(铃铛)个案研究 = Transnational practice and diasporic discourses of new immigrant : a case study on Sun Xia (Ling Dang)
Published 2017“…Sun Xia is also a poet whom goes by the pen name, Ling Dang. Through her works, she represents a unique diasporic group with multiple identities who identifies with two cultures under the transnational experience. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A guide to being the elephant in the room : a study on the residual behaviours stemming from bodyweight stigma
Published 2020“…I aim to do so by creating a personal code of conduct titled ‘A Guide To Being The Elephant In The Room’ consisting of three sections each corresponding to a specific ‘by-product of shame’. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A critical review on the moderating role of contextual factors in the associations between video gaming and well-being
Published 2023“…However, there seems to be a paradox associated with the effect of video gaming on gamers' well-being—namely, while most video game players cite “fun” as their motivation to play video games, video games continue to hold a notorious reputation among some researchers for being detrimental to mental health and emotional well-being as measured by indicators such as happiness, perceived stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms. …”
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Journal Article -
Prevalence of health-risk behaviors and mental well-being of ASEAN university students in COVID-19 pandemic
Published 2023“…The prevalence of epidemiological health-risk behaviors and mental well-being in the COVID-19 pandemic, stratified by sociodemographic factors in Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) university students, were examined in the research. …”
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Journal Article -
Food consumption patterns in Singapore's food blogging sphere : how are perceptions of food value being influenced ?
Published 2016Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Self-concordance theory and the goal-striving reasons framework and their distinct relationships with hedonic and eudaimonic well-being
Published 2024“…The paper analyses the distinct relationships of the two models in relation to hedonic well-being (Subjective Well-Being, Life Satisfaction, Affect Balance) and indicators of eudaimonic well-being (Basic Need Satisfaction, Purpose and Self-Acceptance). …”
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Article -
A disproportionate risk of being executed: why Pakistani migrants are vulnerable to capital punishment in Saudi Arabia
Published 2023Journal article -
Mind the perception gap: The impact of bus rapid transit infrastructure on travelers’ perceptions of affective subjective well-being
Published 2024“…This study shows the importance, for citizens’ emotional well-being, of moving from a traditional bus-only approach to multi-modal BRT infrastructures. …”
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Article -
Overparenting and psychological well-being among Asian American young adults: the role of gender & parent-child conflict
Published 2023“…Research suggests that the excessive involvement by parents in the form of overparenting can be detrimental to children’s well-being. This cross-sectional study examined whether this negative association between overparenting and psychological well-being generalizes to Asian American young adults and how cultural factors, such as parent-child conflict and gender, contribute to this overparenting-well-being relation. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Social support and subjective well-being among undergraduate students in School of Health Sciences Universiti Sains Malaysia
Published 2023“…The mean value for subjective well-being is (mean= 4.67, SD= 1.478). Chi Square revealed that there is significant association between social support and subjective well-being (p<0.001). …”
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Monograph -
A proposed framework of the effect of financial aid, student loan and perceived financial well-being on student engagement.
Published 2024“…As an important factor affecting student engagement, the relationship between financial aid, student loan, perceived financial well-being and student engagement is lack of research in China. …”
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Article -
The Architectural Layout of Long-Term Care Units: Relationships between Support for Residents’ Well-Being and for Caregivers’ Burnout and Resilience
Published 2024“…With a growing need for long-term care facilities in general, and for specialized dementia units in particular, it is important to ensure that the architectural layouts of such facilities support the well-being of both the residents and the unit caregivers. …”
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Article -
Scope, characteristics, behavior change techniques, and quality of conversational agents for mental health and well-being: systematic assessment of apps
Published 2023“…Mobile health interventions are increasingly being used to promote mental health and well-being, as they could improve access to treatment and reduce associated costs. …”
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Journal Article -
Relationship between personality traits, parental attachment, locus of control and acculturation with psychological well-being of Iranian adolescents in Malaysia
Published 2015“…Factors influencing adolescent psychological well-being have always been the basic issues in adolescent adjustments. …”
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Thesis -
Three essays on national and organizational cultures
Published 2024Subjects: Get full text
Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy