Evolution of humanoid robot and contribution of various countries in advancing the research and development of the platform
Published 2010“…A human like autonomous robot which is capable to adapt itself with the changing of its environment and continue to reach its goal is considered as Humanoid Robot. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Investigation of the pH effect in hydrothermal growth of zinc oxide nanostructures
Published 2020“…Various ZnO structures of neuron-like, flowerlike, and urchin-like morphologies were obtained at alkaline pH (~8.00 to ~9.00) while for pH solution lower than ~8.00, rod-like nanostructures were obtained. …”
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Article -
Sustainable concrete partially comprised of supplementary cementitious material and alternative fine aggregate- a review
Published 2021“…Furthermore, the high consumption of raw materials like sand in the construction sector led to a massive depletion in natural sources to meet the pressure demand in the future. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
An asymmetric cointegration approach of foreign portfolio investment-growth nexus
Published 2011“…The present study attempts to analyze the long-run equilibrium relationship between foreign portfolio investment (FPI) and real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by cointegration tests assuming asymmetric adjustment. …”
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Article -
The role of bank lending in the monetary transmission process of a developing economy: the Malaysian evidence
Published 2008“…It explores the causal relationships between bank loan and monetary policy variable using two major tests; first, the auto-regressive distributed lag (ARDL) model which is used to examine the long-run relationship among the variables and second, the vector error-correction model (VECM) which is adopted to explore the short- and long-run dynamics between the variables. …”
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Article -
Young children retain fast mapped object labels better than shape, color, and texture words
Published 2015“…We compared short- and long-term retention of fast mapped color, shape and texture words as well as object labels. …”
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Article -
Foreword Chairman 1 ICUDBE 2015
Published 2015“…I would like to express my appreciation to all of our guests, presenter and participants for sparing some time despite of the busy schedule to be part of this meaningful event. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
University of the future: a conceptual model of university of the future
Published 2016“…The finding of the study shows that student would like to have quality knowledge with they apply it into real life.…”
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Article -
Preliminary study of the plasma and cerebrospinal fluid concentrations of IL-6 and IL-10 in patients with chronic pain receiving intrathecal opioid infusions by chronically implant...
Published 2010“…Despite the considerable inter-patient variability in the CSF concentrations of IL-6 in the long-term cohort, the mean CSF IL-6 concentration was approximately fivefold higher in patients receiving long-term i.t. opioids relative to those receiving i.t. opioids for only 3 months. …”
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Article -
The dental workforce in Malaysia: career motivation and expectations amongst senior dental students
Published 2020“…As the volume of dentists entering the workforce has increased, concerns about the long-term implications of these policies and how this expensively trained dental workforce will be utilised in the future are emerging. …”
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Book -
Multiple cyclical fractional structures in financial time series
Published 2008“…The three series are modelled as long-memory processes with poles in the spectrum at multiple frequencies, including the long-run or zero frequency.…”
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Article -
Published 2021“…It is crucial that corporate dealings in their day-to-day practices are compliant with relevant regulations and conventions, not only for sustainability and ethical issues but also for preserving the long-term health of companies and businesses. Firms would need to recognise that in the long term, profits are linked to sustainability.…”
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Book Section -
Design and characterization of a new three-stage quadruple pass EDFA
Published 2012“…Low loss long haul Optical Fiber Communication System (OFCS) is the key challenge in today’s research. …”
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Article -
Productivity-employment link and asymmetric adjustments: the case of Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand
Published 2010“…Both variables adjust to deviations from the long-run equilibrium value, but the way they adjust differs. …”
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Article -
The Internationalisation of the Renminbi (Rmb)
Published 2014“…This seeks to build on China’s advantages in terms of share of world trade, long-term economic growth, credit worthiness and increasing importance as a source of investment and loans. …”
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Article -
Sequelae of fetal growth restriction
Published 2012“…The acute neonatal consequences of IUGR are perinatal asphyxia and neonatal adaptive problems. However, the long-term outcomes of such neonates are less discussed because obstetricians usually only care for pregnant woman until delivery. …”
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Article -
Linear predictive coding of speech
Published 2011“…To remove the redundancy from speech signal, is done in 1\vo stages, first stage is to remove short term correlations form the signal and the second is to remove long term correlations. The short term and long term redundancies are modelled by digital filters very precisely. …”
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Book Chapter -
Basic study of OFDM with multipath propagation model in GNU Platform
Published 2016“…As such, high-reconfigurable tool like software defined radio is crucially needed. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Formation of human articular cartilage from in vitro to in vivo short-term ectopic implantation model: Gross observation, histology and immunohistochemistry analysis
Published 2016“…Macroscopically, all in vitro TECs exhibited smooth, white and glossy hyaline-like cartilage appearance. After implantation, the 2-week TECs showed a favourable hyaline-like cartilage appearance when compared to the 4-week TECs. …”
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Proceeding Paper