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Injectable transplantation system for anticancer in-situ cell therapy
Published 2009“…Followed by biochemical activation, the construct is able to constantly release therapeutic agent. In a long observation period, the cells inside the capsule gradually die in a spontaneous manner, which is regarded as an advantage of controllability. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Development of boom-free deployment mechanisms for solar sail spacecraft
Published 2024“…A boom-free solar sail deployment is especially useful for long space exploration missions as compared to the use of conventional rockets or rigid boom as it can bring about advantages such as saving more space and lesser limitation to the size of the solar sail. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A still small voice
Published 2024“…Having been silenced for so long due to familial circumstances, she does not know who she is, what she wants to do in life nor how to live. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Device simulation study of lateral Schottky collector phototransistor (SCPT)
Published 2009“…The characteristics of the lateral SCPT were explored using two-dimensional simulation with Medici. Due to relatively long base width (2.4μm), the proposed SCPT only achieves a current gain of 9.9. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Guidance and navigation of a wheeled mobile robot
Published 2009“…The scope of this line of endeavor revolves around the development of an autonomously driven four-wheeled vehicle. The long term goal is to produce a small autonomous mobile robot suitable for the role of a passenger agent in a marsupial robotic team. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Frail Line
Published 2009“…The daughter is a hair dresser with long hair, she cuts her hair after the breakup with her boyfriend. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Knowledge-based simulation of a final assembly process in the hard disk drive industry
Published 2009“…Due to the dynamic and uncertain characteristics in the final assembly process, many problems such as inventory buildup, long leadtime, etc. widely exist. In order to man-age and control the assembly line effectively, as well as reduce the inventory and im-prove the throughput, computer simulation is an obvious potential solution. …”
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Thesis -
Macroeconomic perspective on global imbalances.
Published 2010“…Econometric results show that in the long run, the US current account position is negatively correlated with the real exchange rate and domestic GDP, and positively correlated with world GDP, as postulated by the elasticity approach. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Why do the outward FDI patterns of China's state-owned enterprises differ from those of private companies?
Published 2010“…The key reason accounting for the differences of outward FDI patterns is that the state-owned companies, controlled or backed by the central government directly or indirectly, are influenced by political interests and policies enforced by Beijing government to achieve the long-term national goal, while the private-owned companies are primarily profit-oriented when they invest abroad.…”
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Thesis -
Neutron emission studies from miniature and medium size plasma focus device
Published 2010“…Since the low energy MPF devices are compact, inexpensive, long lasting and easier to maintain; these distinctive features sets them apart from other sources as a prime candidate for compact pulsed neutron source. …”
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Research Report -
The art of an emotional past; memory and lament in the Singaporean novel.
Published 2012“…Firstly, I will begin by exploring how Suchen Christine Lim establishes a sense of loss and lament in Fistful of Colours, followed by how Phillip Jeyaratnam invokes a mode of regret in Abraham’s Promise, and finally how Goh Poh Seng creates a position of disappointment and helplessness in If We Dream Too Long"…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
High-performance asymmetric supercapacitor based on CNT-graphene hybrid gel and MnO2-graphene hybrid gel
Published 2013“…Literatures have shown supercapacitors to possess excellent power and energy densities, high rate capability, long shelf live, and high cycling stability. In this report, the performance of supercapacitors, in particular asymmetric supercapacitors, will be evaluated. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Role of scatter-hoarding rodents in the seed dispersal of large-seeded plants.
Published 2013“…Also, our study shows that seeds are able to withstand considerable amount of damage to the endosperm and cotyledons, and still retain viability as long as the embryo is still intact.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Population study on the freshwater crabs in Nee Soon swamp forest, Singapore.
Published 2013“…Therefore, study was carried out on these freshwater crabs to provide a baseline data, so as to develop a long-term monitoring system for future conservation effort of these species. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Cost-benefit-analysis of VRB-ESS for building applications
Published 2013“…As VRB have many advantages, such as high efficiency, long lifespan, short response time and high recovery of its components, it is widely used as energy storage, the peak shaving and spinning reserve. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The dynamics of crude oil price movements : from price expectation perspectives
Published 2014“…By employing VECM, a cointegrating equation is constructed which exhibits the long-run positive correlation between spot and futures prices over the years in review. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Competitive strategies for small business in optical pick-up manufacturing
Published 2014“…The goal of this project is to evaluate the current state of the technology of the company (HongGuan Technologies (S) Pte Ltd), and to propose competitive strategies for the company to gain advantages and sustain its long-term growth. We started our project with analysis in two aspects: supply chain and technology chain. …”
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Thesis -
Implementation of a stochastic routing service
Published 2015“…Performance testing is conducted to compare the response time of each solution, and improvement is made on the MATLAB-LP solution to finally make stochastic routing feasible on long distance meanwhile satisfy the performance requirement. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Reducing stress of university students using music therapy
Published 2015“…As for the timbre, there does not exist significant differences, as long as the listener is familiar with the music, the stress level is likely to decrease. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Effect of solid retention times and vibrational frrequencies on fouling mitigation of submerged vibratory membrane bioreactor
Published 2015“…Therefore, sufficiently long SRT and high vibration frequency extended membrane life and prolonged SVMBR performance.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP)