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Value-added products from thermochemical treatments of contaminated e-waste plastics
Published 2022“…A basic framework of the existing processes has been established by reviewing the most interesting findings in recent times and the prospects that they open in the field recycling of e-waste plastics.…”
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Journal Article -
Facial action unit detection using attention and relation learning
Published 2022“…Attention mechanism has recently attracted increasing attentions in the field of facial action unit (AU) detection. By finding the region of interest of each AU with the attention mechanism, AU-related local features can be captured. …”
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Mitofusins Mfn1 and Mfn2 are required to preserve glucose- but not incretin-stimulated β-cell connectivity and insulin secretion
Published 2022“…Mitochondrial fusion and fission cycles are thus essential in the β-cell to maintain normal glucose, but not incretin, sensing. These findings broaden our understanding of the roles of mitofusins in β-cells, the potential contributions of altered mitochondrial dynamics to diabetes development, and the impact of incretins on this process.…”
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Comprehensive analysis of feature extraction methods for emotion recognition from multichannel EEG recordings
Published 2023“…The stability of these findings across the five different datasets also indicate that FD features derived from EEG data are reliable for emotion recognition. …”
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Journal Article -
Lower serum uric acid and impairment of right cerebral hemisphere structural brain networks are related to depressive symptoms in cerebral small vessel disease: a cross-sectional s...
Published 2024“…HAMD scores were significantly associated with nodal network metrics in the right cerebral hemisphere. Our findings suggested that lower SUA levels are significantly associated with disrupted structural brain networks in the right cerebral hemisphere of patients with SVD who have depressive symptoms.…”
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Journal Article -
Effect mechanism of Er content variations on the mechanical and corrosion properties of T6 state Al–Mg–Si-xEr sheets
Published 2024“…This work investigates the influence of erbium (Er) content on the microstructure, mechanical properties, and corrosion behavior of T6 state AA6061 sheets. The findings reveal that nanoscale Al(Fe, Mn)Si particles are the main factors hindering dislocation motion and grain boundaries (GBs) migration. …”
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Journal Article -
Environmental stress and emotional reactivity: an exploratory experience sampling method study
Published 2024“…Conclusion: Using ESM, a valid, reliable, and easy-to-use self-reporting tool, our findings provided valuable insights on the potential mechanisms underlying emotional responses to stressful environments.…”
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Phonon stability boundary and deep elastic strain engineering of lattice thermal conductivity
Published 2024“…Computational work combining ab initio calculations and machine learning (ML) algorithms has further demonstrated that the bandgap of diamond can be altered significantly purely by reversible elastic straining. These findings open up unprecedented possibilities for designing materials and devices with extreme physical properties and performance characteristics for a variety of technological applications. …”
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Journal Article -
Dynamic traffic safety risk assessment in road tunnel entrance zone based on drivers' psychophysiological perception states: methodology and case-study insights
Published 2024“…The results show that the traffic safety risk identification accuracy of the machine learning model proposed in this study reaches 95.13%, and the model can dynamically assess the real-time driving risk level. The findings have practical implications for the prevention of traffic crashes in the tunnel entrance zone and the realization of safe and stable operation of road tunnels.…”
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Journal Article -
Motor adaptation with passive machines: A first study on the effect of real and virtual stiffness
Published 2015“…In particular, we tested 20 healthy subjects under two different real stiffness conditions (Stiff Channel vs Compliant Channel) and two different virtual conditions (Viscous vs Springy). Our main finding is that compliance of the channel favours a better adaptation featured with less lateral errors and longer retention of the after-effect. …”
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Journal Article -
Mechanisms of Yersinia YopO kinase substrate specificity
Published 2017“…Using artificial substrates we clarified YopO’s substrate length requirements and its phosphorylation consensus sequence. These findings provide fresh insight into the mechanism of the YopO kinase and demonstrate that YopO executes a specific strategy targeting actin-modulating proteins, across multiple functionalities, to compete for control of their native phospho-signaling, thus hampering the cytoskeletal processes required for macrophage phagocytosis.…”
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Journal Article -
Identification and characterization of roseltide, a knottin-type neutrophil elastase inhibitor derived from hibiscus sabdariffa
Published 2018“…Taken together, our findings demonstrate that roseltide rT1 is a novel knottin-type neutrophil elastase inhibitor with therapeutic potential for neutrophil elastase associated diseases.…”
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Neurobiology of culturally common maternal responses to infant cry
Published 2017“…Culturally common responses to own infant cry coupled with corresponding fMRI findings to own infant and to generic infant cries identified specific, common, and automatic caregiving reactions in mothers to infant vocal expressions of distress and point to their putative neurobiological bases. …”
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Journal Article -
Epithelial-mesenchymal transition of cancer cells using bioengineered hybrid scaffold composed of hydrogel/3D-fibrous framework
Published 2019“…In this study, we focused on two major points (i) designing and fabrication of 3D hybrid scaffolds comprising electrospun fibers with cancer cells embedded within hydrogels, and (ii) determining the potential roles of 3D hybrid scaffolds associated with EMT in cancer progression and metastasis. Our findings revealed that 3D hybrid scaffold enhances cell proliferation and induces cancer cells to undergo EMT, as demonstrated by significant up-regulation of EMT associated transcriptional factors including Snail1, Zeb1, and Twist2; and mesenchymal markers whereas epithelial marker, E-Cadherin was downregulated. …”
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Journal Article -
Modeling the change of beach profile under tsunami waves : a comparison of selected sediment transport models
Published 2013“…For real tsunamis, high suspended sediment concentration may occur, and density stratification and hindered settling effect play an important role; therefore, Delft3D, with both hindered settling and density stratification being considered, may perform better than XBeach. The findings reported here will be useful for researchers and practitioners working on tsunami hazard mitigation.…”
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Journal Article -
A prospective observational study comparing rates of medical instability between adolescents with typical and atypical anorexia nervosa
Published 2024“…A significant regression equation was found for percentage median body mass index, but not rate of weight loss, as a predictor of blood pressure, serum phosphorous and magnesium. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that medical instability occurs across a range of body weights in young people with AN and AAN. …”
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Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Validation and Investigation the Effect of Piston Bowl Geometries Performance on Port Fuel InjectionHomogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (PFI-...
Published 2024“…The piston bowl design employed in a Port Fuel Injection engine application exhibited different combustion phases while demonstrating similarity in attaining in-cylinder pressure. The findings for swirl induce piston bowl design indicate an enhancement of in-cylinder pressure for the Spiral Crown geometry model, reaching 9.42 MPa. …”
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Green roof thermal performance of small-scale prototype using IES-VE simulation in tropical climatic condition
Published 2024“…Simulation using IES-VE approved that green roofs can potentially reduce indoor temperatures, demonstrating their suitability for tropical regions. These findings have significant implications for sustainable building design and urban planning in hot and humid climates.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Green synthesis and photocatalytic insights: A review of zinc oxide nanoparticles in wastewater treatment
Published 2024“…This review summarized current scientific findings based on both unmodified and modified ZnONPs, primarily synthesized using plant sources as reducing and capping agents. …”
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Decarbonizing airport using solar and wind farm: A case of Biratnagar, Nepal
Published 2024“…The combined 15 kW wind turbine-grid scenario is superior to the grid scenario for wind speeds of more than nine m/s and interest rates of less than 10 %. These findings increase airport authorities' and stakeholders' confidence in the investment in greener airports.…”
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