Reduction of high content of free fatty acid in sludge palm oil via acid catalyst for biodiesel production
Published 2011“…An acid catalyzed esterification process was carried out to evaluate the low content of FFA in the treated SPO with the effects of other parameters such as molar ratio of methanol to SPO (6:1–14:1), temperature (40–80 °C), reaction time (30–120 min) and stirrer speed (200–800 rpm). The results showed that the FFA of SPO was reduced from 23.2% to less than 2% FFA using 0.75% wt/wt of sulphuric acid with the molar ratio of methanol to oil of 8:1 for 60 min reaction time at 60 °C. …”
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An evaluation of the association between anthropometric measurements and cardiorespiratory fitness using the forest service step and the Ruffier-Dickson Test
Published 2022“…Results: The VO2max values for these participants ranged between 35.15 and 67.32 mL∙min-1∙kg-1. Linear regression analysis showed a correlation (P<0.01) between measured VO2max (L∙min-1) and height (m), weight (kg), waist (cm) and BMI (kg/m²). …”
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Kemahiran employability dalam kalangan pelajar Kolej Vokasional Kluang Johor
Published 2014“…Data�data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis menggunakan kaedah skor min, sisihan piawai dan anova satu hala. Hasil dapatan menunjukkan skor min elemen belajar pada tahap tinggi dan pada pangkatan min yang pertama. …”
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Thesis -
Pembangunan kemahiran penyelesaian masalah berlandaskan projek origami
Published 2014“…Dapatan keseluruhan min sebelum aktiviti bengkel ialah 3.43 manakala selepas aktiviti bengkel min ialah 4.03. …”
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Kesediaan pelajar terhadap kit 'Smart CCTV' bagi pelajar teknologi elektronik di Kolej Vokasional
Published 2018“…Dapatan analisis bagi persepsi pelajar terhadap penggunaan ABBM keseluruhannya skor min ketiga-tiga domain; kognitif, psikomotor dan afektif, masing-masing mempunyai skor min 3.25, 3.21 dan 3.30, maka ketiga-tiga domain memberikan kesan yang sama terhadap pelajar berkenaan dengan penggunaan ABBM kit ‘Smart CCTV’. …”
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Penggunaan kaedah nyanyian dalam mata pelajaran reka bentuk dan teknologi
Published 2018“…Kajian rintis dijalankan di Sekolah Rendah Agama Bersepadu Mersing dengan jumlah responden seramai 30 orang pelajar. Nilai min daripada hasil kajian bagi minat ialah 4.93 dan bagi item daya ingatan nilai min ialah 4.66 menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (Version 22.0). …”
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1Malaysia's 'People First, Performance Now': Government public relations in multicultural, multireligious Malaysia
Published 2013“…The concept of national unity has been taken to the center stage since early independence to the time when Malaysia was formed in 1963 with the unity of Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Optimization of process parameters on EDM milling of stainless steel AISI 304
Published 2011“…This process is now one of the main techniques used in die production and has good accuracy and precision with no direct physical contact between the electrodes so that no mechanical stress is exerted on the workpiece. …”
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Supercritical co2 extraction of African catfish (Clarias Gariepinus) oil and its fatty acid profile
Published 2012“…Optimum points were obtained within the studied variables range at 65°C temperature, 35 MPa pressure, 2.6 mL/min flow rate and 3.6 h soaking time with maximum oil yield 66.96 and 40.6% from viscera and skin, respectively. …”
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Growth and total carotenoid, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b of tropical microalgae (Isochrysis sp.) in laboratory cultured conditions
Published 2013“…Isochrysis sp. was cultured in f/2 medium at optimum light intensity (1200 Lux) with constant aeration (4.5 L min-1) at 8 pH. Salinity of the water was maintained between 20-24 g L-1 and temperature range was 20-24°C. …”
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Development of surface roughness prediction model for high speed end milling of hardened tool steel
Published 2011“…Machining was done at High Cutting speed (Vc) from 150 up to 250 m/min, feedrate (Vf) 0005-0.15 mm/rev and depth of cut (DOC) 0.1-0.5mm. …”
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Study of Islamic perspectives of professional code of ethics in the field of computing and informatics
Published 2008“…The paper attempts to study the main features of ethical codes of various professional bodies in the field of computing and informatics at the international and national levels. …”
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Determination of adjusted reference intervals of urinary biomarkers of oxidative stress in healthy adults using GAMLSS models
Published 2018“…In this study we aimed at identifying main demographic, laboratory and environmental factors influencing the level of urinary biomarkers (DNA-derived 8-oxodG and lipid membrane-derived 8-isoprostane), and deriving their adjusted 95% reference intervals (RI) in a sample of healthy people from the general population. …”
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Urban runoff quantity and quality control – Malaysian perspective.
Published 2011“…Such deteriorating trend was linked to increased land conversion activities, rapid disposal concept of drainage systems, main target on the control of point pollution sources (municipal and industrial wastewater) only, illicit connections and discharge of untreated sullage (grey-water) to the drainage systems. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Contractor management performance evaluation model at prequalification stage
Published 2024Get full text
Thesis -
Improving contractors’ practices of Industrialised Building System (IBS) implementation in construction industry
Published 2019“…The government has adopted industrialised building systems (IBS) since the 1960s and has made significant efforts in this area. …”
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Development and evaluation of indices to assess the ecological health of the Pahang River, Malaysia
Published 2011“…Moreover, it does not provide any information regarding biota status which becomes one of the main limitations of this method. The main focus of present dissertation is the development of assessment method that could show more sensitivity towards the biological assemblage and at the same time it also could provide additional information to decision maker prior initiating any restoration works. …”
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Effect of chilled air on tool wear and workpiece quality during milling of carbon fibre-reinforced plastic
Published 2013“…CFRP is also known as an expensive material, since an expensive chemical treatment is required in the fabrication process. …”
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Traditionalism and modernity in conflict: a study on the organizational structure of Kampung Baru, Malaysia
Published 2011“…Kampung Baru was established as a Malay community by the British government since 1899. In order to administer the affairs and to look after the needs of Kampung Baru residents, the Administration Board of Malay Agricultural Settlement of Kampung Baru (M.A.S) was set up in 1900. …”
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The philosophy of decoration in Islamic architecture
Published 2009“…The first two chapters, namely “The Concept of Decoration in the Holy Qur'an and in the Prophet's Sunnah” and “Islam and Beauty”, constitute what could be described as conceptual framework for the theme at hand. Since the subject of Islamic decoration in this book is viewed, mainly, through the prism of architecture, dwelling on the issue of significance of building pursuits in Islam is rather essential. …”
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