Analytical review of direct taxation in India
Published 2021“…The assessee on whom the tax is levied is mainly responsible for paying it. Some of the major examples of direct tax include income tax and corporate tax. …”
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Article -
A Study of the Effect on Air Velocity and Temperature by Altering the Shuttle Bus Parameters
Published 2023“…In all conditions, the lowest temperature was observed mainly at the front seater, which reflected from the evaporator blower location…”
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Article -
Sound absorption of microperforated panel made from polylactic acid (PLA)
Published 2023“…Previously, the perforated panel was mainly used as a protective cover for porous materials. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Analysis of non-newtonian magnetic casson blood flow in an inclined stenosed artery using caputo-fabrizio fractional derivatives
Published 2021“…Background and Objective: Arterial diseases would lead to several serious disorders in the cardiovascu- lar system such as atherosclerosis. These disorders are mainly caused by the presence of fatty deposits, cholesterol and lipoproteins inside blood vessel. …”
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Article -
Modulation of Sn concentration in ZnO nanorod array: intensification on the conductivity and humidity sensing properties
Published 2018“…These results revealed that the optimum performance of a humidity-sensing device can be obtained mainly by controlling the amount of extrinsic element in a ZnO film.…”
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Article -
Analyzing political campaign effects : a test of the third-person effects theory
Published 2010“…This paper tests the use of Third-Person Effect Theory (TPET) on political campaign on self, family, supporters, non-supporters, and non-supporters of other parties. Previous research mainly tested the TPET on the mass media. Thus, the application of the TPET is extended to gauge the effect of political campaign. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A comparative study of horizontal and vertical architectural design studio management
Published 2010“…With support of survey and interview, this research mainly utilizes action research, in which personal experience of academic staff and students in dealing with both horizontal and vertical studio management systems is documented. …”
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Preparation of manganese zinc ferrite nanoparticles by polymer matrix templated synthesis
Published 2010“…The magnetization value at 10kOe applied magnetic field increased with increasing particle size which was mainly due to the effect of manganese content of the nanoparticles. © (2010) Trans Tech Publications. …”
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Minimizing the impacts of coastal reclamation to the environment
Published 2011“…However, this activity comes at a price in terms of its adverse impact to the environment which mainly arises from landfill, sand quarrying and construction process. …”
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Book Chapter -
Shari'ah standard of business contract
Published 2006“…Chapter Four, the final chapter, mainly covers two parts, the impediments to the contract in Islam and the various legal remedies for breach of Business contract, such as recission, injunction, damages, specific performance and also restitution. …”
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Book -
Islamic psychology and the call forislamization of modern psychology
Published 2012“…Its approach which is mainly philosophical in nature, goes back to the ideas on man mentioned in the two primary sources of Islam, namely the Qur’an and Hadith. …”
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Article -
Synergistic effect on flexural properties of kenaf-glass hybrid composite
Published 2013“…This can be concluded that 15/15 v/v KG mat reinforced unsaturated polyester hybrid composite is the most appropriate hybrid composite which can be considered for many engineering structural applications mainly in automotive panel, bottom structure and bumper beam.…”
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Article -
Investigating key success factors in adopting knowledge management system
Published 2013“…Most of the studies have elaborated thoroughly on the successful factors in implementing knowledge management as a whole but only few has discussed mainly on KMS implementation. This study provides empirical evidence in the key success factors of adopting and implementing KMS in the Malaysian context. …”
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Cluster-based synchronization scheme for femtocell network
Published 2012“…However, in this paper, cluster-based synchronization scheme has been proposed which functions through clustering, inter-cluster synchronization scheme. The proposed scheme mainly focuses on reducing the clock offset and skew as well as message overhead. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Open space for people: an overview of open space typologies and utilization in Kuala Lumpur
Published 2005“…The analysis on the data collected indicated that the open spaces are mainly utilized for recreation, meeting places and other social activities. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Growth study of DF-1 cell line in microcarrier bioreactor
Published 2008“…This research was carried out mainly to study the growth performance of DF-1 cell culture by using microcarriers in a 1-L litre stirred tank bioreactor and compares it with conventional monolayer cultures grown in T-flasks bioreactor. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Towards Islamic worldview based corporate governance framework
Published 2012“…Codes on corporate governance (CG) mainly derive recommendations from the concept of agency theory. …”
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Book Chapter -
Distributive justice : a comparative analysis
Published 2011“…The two are regarded among the pioneers ofIslamic revival, which is concerned mainly with the establishment of an Islamic State, and the application of the Shari'ah (Islamic law) in all aspects of life. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Industrial training outcomes: Kulliyyah of Engineering practice as a case study
Published 2013“…The outcomes of the EIT that are mainly based on the assessment covering the company’s and university’s evaluation will provide the feedback for students performance after 75% completion of their engineering study. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Energy compensation in enterally fed children
Published 2010“…Subjects were 11 children, median age 4.5 years (range 1–10) who were formerly (n = 4) or currently (n = 5) mainly tube fed or supplement fed (n = 2), with a range of surgical or neurodevelopmental problems. …”
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