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Phonon stability boundary and deep elastic strain engineering of lattice thermal conductivity
Published 2024“…Computational work combining ab initio calculations and machine learning (ML) algorithms has further demonstrated that the bandgap of diamond can be altered significantly purely by reversible elastic straining. These findings open up unprecedented possibilities for designing materials and devices with extreme physical properties and performance characteristics for a variety of technological applications. …”
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Journal Article -
Dynamic traffic safety risk assessment in road tunnel entrance zone based on drivers' psychophysiological perception states: methodology and case-study insights
Published 2024“…The results show that the traffic safety risk identification accuracy of the machine learning model proposed in this study reaches 95.13%, and the model can dynamically assess the real-time driving risk level. The findings have practical implications for the prevention of traffic crashes in the tunnel entrance zone and the realization of safe and stable operation of road tunnels.…”
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Journal Article -
Mechanisms of Yersinia YopO kinase substrate specificity
Published 2017“…Using artificial substrates we clarified YopO’s substrate length requirements and its phosphorylation consensus sequence. These findings provide fresh insight into the mechanism of the YopO kinase and demonstrate that YopO executes a specific strategy targeting actin-modulating proteins, across multiple functionalities, to compete for control of their native phospho-signaling, thus hampering the cytoskeletal processes required for macrophage phagocytosis.…”
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Journal Article -
Identification and characterization of roseltide, a knottin-type neutrophil elastase inhibitor derived from hibiscus sabdariffa
Published 2018“…Taken together, our findings demonstrate that roseltide rT1 is a novel knottin-type neutrophil elastase inhibitor with therapeutic potential for neutrophil elastase associated diseases.…”
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Journal Article -
Neurobiology of culturally common maternal responses to infant cry
Published 2017“…Culturally common responses to own infant cry coupled with corresponding fMRI findings to own infant and to generic infant cries identified specific, common, and automatic caregiving reactions in mothers to infant vocal expressions of distress and point to their putative neurobiological bases. …”
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Journal Article -
Modeling the change of beach profile under tsunami waves : a comparison of selected sediment transport models
Published 2013“…For real tsunamis, high suspended sediment concentration may occur, and density stratification and hindered settling effect play an important role; therefore, Delft3D, with both hindered settling and density stratification being considered, may perform better than XBeach. The findings reported here will be useful for researchers and practitioners working on tsunami hazard mitigation.…”
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Journal Article -
A prospective observational study comparing rates of medical instability between adolescents with typical and atypical anorexia nervosa
Published 2024“…A significant regression equation was found for percentage median body mass index, but not rate of weight loss, as a predictor of blood pressure, serum phosphorous and magnesium. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that medical instability occurs across a range of body weights in young people with AN and AAN. …”
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Article -
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Validation and Investigation the Effect of Piston Bowl Geometries Performance on Port Fuel InjectionHomogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (PFI-...
Published 2024“…The piston bowl design employed in a Port Fuel Injection engine application exhibited different combustion phases while demonstrating similarity in attaining in-cylinder pressure. The findings for swirl induce piston bowl design indicate an enhancement of in-cylinder pressure for the Spiral Crown geometry model, reaching 9.42 MPa. …”
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Article -
Green roof thermal performance of small-scale prototype using IES-VE simulation in tropical climatic condition
Published 2024“…Simulation using IES-VE approved that green roofs can potentially reduce indoor temperatures, demonstrating their suitability for tropical regions. These findings have significant implications for sustainable building design and urban planning in hot and humid climates.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
不一样的移民社会 :黄乃裳组织福州人迁移诗巫的历史个案研究 = A different immigrant society : a study on Wong Nai Siong planned migration of Foochownese to Sibu...
Published 2021“…The history of Chinese immigrants and immigration has been studied by many, and the impression for this history is mainly deemed in a negative light. It is generally believed that the Chinese immigrants will have to been through a bumpy journey while immigrating, and will have to face a lot of hardships, struggling to survive in Nanyang. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Selective laser melting of ceramic particles strengthened stainless steel
Published 2023“…The strength enhancement is mainly achieved through grain refinement and Orowan strengthening. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Perovskite superstructures and heterostructures for enhanced optical performance
Published 2023“…Studies involving perovskite SSs mainly focus on all-inorganic CsPbBr3 synthesized using either the hot injection or ultrasonication methods. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
The combined role of MRI prostate and prostate health index in improving detection of significant prostate cancer in a screening population of Chinese men
Published 2024“…The benefit of MRI prostate was mainly observed in PSA 4.0-9.9 ng ml -1 and PHI ≥35 group. …”
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Journal Article -
指示代词的翻译——基于三版《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》汉译本的分析 = Demonstratives in translation – analysis based on Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Published 2024“…Through a comprehensive analysis of numerous examples, this paper argues that the reasons for non-equivalent translation mainly include spatial, temporal, psychological, and narrative distances; the characteristics and fixed collocations of English and Chinese languages; and the tendencies in balancing between the source language and the target language across different periods. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Geometric hashing for camera based localization
Published 2012“…However, the performance is not good, none of the shortlists returned for each query location include the ground truth, both with and without Geometric Hashing. This is mainly due to poor detection results of VCLH feature. …”
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Thesis -
Study of lithium-ion battery anodes based on silicon nanostructures
Published 2014“…The good performance can be mainly attributed to two factors. First, small curvature of the thick CNT core effectively reduces the detrimental hoop stress in the Si shell. …”
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Thesis -
Human factors in agile software development
Published 2015“…In this research, we treat agile process as a HCS and explore the usage of goal-oriented method, agent-oriented method and emotion modeling method to allow agile teams to quantitatively handle human factors during the development process with fewer burdens. Our research mainly focuses on the following questions in ASD practice. …”
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Thesis -
新加坡华人对中国的贡献 :新加坡城市规划之父刘太格个案研究 = Contributions of Singaporean Chinese to China : a case study on Singapore’s father of city planning Liu Thai Ker...
Published 2019“…Majority of the research papers discussing on Singapore’s contribution to China investigated mainly on the economic investment and educational aspects. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Computational stylometric model for oath and oath-like expressions in Quranic text
Published 2014“…The current major challenges in stylometric analysis are to be found in terms of scalability, which concerns mainly in authorship attribution applications as how to handle short texts in terms of identifying author; generalization, which investigates property transfer that happen among different text; and explanation, which focuses on support to increase understanding rather than maximizing performance. …”
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Thesis -
Green synthesis and photocatalytic insights: A review of zinc oxide nanoparticles in wastewater treatment
Published 2024“…This review summarized current scientific findings based on both unmodified and modified ZnONPs, primarily synthesized using plant sources as reducing and capping agents. …”
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