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Effect of a circular tunnel in the foundation soil on the seismic response of dikes
Published 2017“…The effect of a circular tunnel at different horizontal placement and the effect of different circular tunnel size are the 2 main variable interests. For varying tunnel diameter, there is a trend of increasing PGA with increasing tunnel diameter size. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Improving the strength and microstructure of reactive magnesia based concrete blocks
Published 2019“…In all studies, the performance and microstructure of reactive MgO cement were investigated by various methods. The presented findings did not only facilitate the understanding and controlling of the properties that affect the performance and microstructure of MgO cement-based mixes, but also demonstrated the potential of commercial MgO cement-based concrete.…”
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Thesis -
What is that I hear? An interdisciplinary review and research agenda for non‐native accents in the workplace
Published 2022“…Second, we organize and integrate extant research findings using a 2 × 2 framework that incorporates the two main theoretical perspectives used to explain the effects of accents—stereotypes and processing fluency—and the two primary categories of workplace outcomes examined—interpersonal (i.e., others' evaluations of speakers with non-native accents, such as hiring recommendations) and intrapersonal (i.e., non-native-accented speakers' own evaluations and experiences, such as sense of belonging). …”
Journal article -
A 10-year systematic review on the incorporation of digital games for multimodal literacy education
Published 2024“…This study conducted a 10-year systematic review of 20 relevant empirical journal articles to provide a comprehensive understanding of utilizing digital games in multimodal literacy learning across primary, secondary, and higher education levels. The findings revealed the main contextual features, game features, theoretical and methodological perspectives, and the possibilities of digital games for multimodal literacy learning. …”
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Article -
Issues of Group Settlement’s Land Inheritance Management in Peninsular Malaysia
Published 2022“…The previous works of literature are analysed using content analysis for the issues they conveyed other than the purpose, methodology of the study, and the finding. The study found that there is quite some literature throughout times discussing the inheritance administration problem as well as the planning instrument in distributing the deceased estate in the research area. …”
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Article -
Energy Efficient Management Application in University Buildings: Case of University Utara Malaysia (UUM) and Universitas Islam Bandung (UNISBA) (S/O 14485)
Published 2020“…The aims of the study are: (i) to analyze the main elements that contribute toward the increasing pattern of energy consumption in Universiti Utara Malaysia, and (ii) to determine the energy efficiency strategies that are suitable to reduce electricity consumption in Universiti Utara Malaysia. …”
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Monograph -
Wireless Communication Electronics by Example /
Published 2021“…Fully-solved, tutorial-like examples are used to put into practice major topics and to understand the underlying principles of the main sub-circuits required to design an RF transceiver and the whole communication system. …”
text -
Model Predictive Control of High Power Converters and Industrial Drives /
Published 2017“…In this original book on model predictive control (MPC) for power electronics, the focus is put on high-power applications with multilevel converters operating at switching frequencies well below 1 kHz, such as medium-voltage drives and modular multi-level converters. Consisting of two main parts, the first offers a detailed review of three-phase power electronics, electrical machines, carrier-based pulse width modulation, optimized pulse patterns, state-of-the art converter control methods and the principle of MPC. …”
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software, multimedia -
Emerging Materials, Technologies, and Solutions for Energy Harvesting /
Published [202“…"The main objective of this book is to identify and promote emerging materials, technologies, and solutions for energy harvesting"--…”
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software, multimedia -
VolcAshDB: a volcanic ash database of classified particle images and features
Published 2024“…However, classifying ash particles into its main components is not straightforward. Diagnostic observations vary depending on the magma composition and the style of eruption, which leads to ambiguities in assigning a given particle to a given class. …”
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Journal Article -
Design and simulation of plasmonic metamaterials for sub-wavelength imaging in the visible range
Published 2013“…Unlike conventional metamaterial lenses that rely on metallic structures as the main transmission medium, the proposed lens uses dielectric as the main medium for image transfer. …”
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Thesis -
Electrical machine fault analysis and modelling by using electromagnetic approach
Published 2016“…It has been re-ported in the previous researches that the stator phase short-circuit is the main cause of machine irreversible demagnetization fault. …”
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Thesis -
Phenotyping the Halal Entrepreneur Exploring the Malaise Involvement of Bumiputera Entrepreneurs in Halal Business (S/O 13812
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Monograph -
A longitudinal study of the tax capacity and tax effort of the Malaysian state government
Published 2012“…And how do these measures evolved across time? The main objective of this paper is to measure the effort and capacity of the state governments in Peninsular Malaysia for their land tax for the period of 2000-2008 using the Representative Revenue System (RRS).Our findings show that state governments differ significantly in term of their capacity and their effort.The findings of this study also show that there is little movement in the ranking of the state governments with respect to the level of their tax effort.This implies that state governments especially the ones found to be exerting below average tax effort have shown little initiative to change their effort.This in turn may be due to the way the whole tax system is managed…”
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Article -
Semantic constraint on preposition incorporation of postverbal locative PPs in Mandarin Chinese
Published 2020“…Yet, our observation of Chinese finds that adjunct locative PPs that are not an event delimiter (e.g. directional 向 xiàng/往 wǎng ‘toward’ PPs or non-directional 在 zài ‘at’ PPs) can also allow their prepositional object to appear as the verbal object. …”
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Journal Article -
Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis conditions for antimicrobial activity against Pantoea spp. causing rice leaf blight
Published 2024“…Four distinct parameters were identified as independent variables: pH (A: 8.5–10.5), temperature (B: 45–65 °C), hydrolysis time (C: 120–360 min), and enzyme-to-substrate ratio (D: 1.45%–2.65% w/v). …”
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Article -
Ductile-to-brittle transition and yielding in soft amorphous materials: perspectives and open questions
Published 2024“…This yielding transition was the main theme of a workshop held from January 9 to 13, 2023 at the Lorentz Center in Leiden. …”
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Article -
Self-Assembly of a Biologically Plausible Learning Circuit
Published 2024“…Over the last four decades, the amazing success of deep learning has been driven by the use of Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) as the main optimization technique. The default implementation for the computation of the gradient for SGD is backpropagation, which, with its variations, is used to this day in almost all computer implementations. …”
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Article -
Existence and stability of periodic solution to delayed nonlinear differential equations
Published 2014“…The main purpose of this paper is to study the periodicity and global asymptotic stability of a generalized Lotka-Volterra’s competition system with delays. …”
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Journal Article