Acquisition of Australian English vocabulary via newspapers
Published 2013“…The data was collected from three newspapers during a week long period. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Experimental analysis of human lumbar vertebrae during prolonged distance driving
Published 2016“…Back pain is commonly associated with a heavy driving or a person driving for a very long period. Inexpensive vehicles have a low system of absorbers such that the person behind the wheel and the passenger will experience pain in their back. …”
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Article -
Pretreatment of sludge palm oil by ultrasonic energy for biodiesel production
Published 2010“…It is reasonable to indicate that the pretreatment of SPO by applying ultrasonic energy is related to long sonication time. The results showed that the FFA content of SPO reduced from 24.5% to less than 3 % using molar ratio 10:1, reaction temperature 50o C and 2% wt /wt sulfuric acid to SPO in 300 minutes sonication time.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Wireless technology: current status and future directions
Published 2006“…Throughout this paper, we review the long, interesting development of wireless communication in the past, examine the current progress in standards and technologies, and finally discuss possible trends for wireless communication solutions.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
12-segment display for the Bengali numerical characters
Published 2004“…For representing the Bengali numerical characters the researchers have been working for a long time. In this paper, the idea of 12-segment display is introduced which ensures better outlook than the existing or proposed display systems. …”
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Book Chapter -
Students' attitudes towards group presentation assessment : a survey at London Metropolitan University
Published 2003“…Not only does assessment determine to a large extent what the students do in order to demonstrate the results of their studies, but it also makes a profound impact on the learning process. This has long been established in literature. For example, Brown et al (1997) argued that assessment creates a strong motivation to learning. …”
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Article -
The role of parenting experiences, rather than age of onset or presence of the skin condition, in the development of maladaptive schemas in a community sample of patients with atop...
Published 2018“…The relevance of personality in atopic dermatitis (AD) has long been a focus of research. Patients with atopic dermatitis (AD) appear to show a distinct cluster of traits that may increase susceptibility to development or exacerbation via the stress pathway of AD. …”
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The synthesis of aminophosphonic acid derivatives & related compounds
Published 1991“…1-Aminoalkanephosphonic acids and their derivatives, have long been claimed to be compounds with a wide variety of application. …”
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Thesis -
How Pakistan Works
Published 2008“…The Pakistan of 1947-71, two regions with very different histories and cultures, separated by a thousand miles and a hostile India, could not possibly have lasted – no state so constructed could have lasted long. The provinces of West Pakistan however form much more of a unity.…”
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Article -
The people in the ‘here and now’: populism, modernization and the state in Greece
Published 2017“…Instead I draw attention to a failure in the official legitimation of modernization by state elites that long preceded the crisis.…”
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Article -
The legacy of Mad Men: cultural history, intermediality and American television
Published 2019“…This is the first book to offer an analysis of Mad Men in its entirety, exploring the cyclical and episodic structure of the long form series and investigating issues of representation, power and social change. …”
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Book -
A review of impact climate change on food security
Published 2020“…Climate change is long-term alteration of temperature that cause the patterns of weather is less predictable. …”
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Book Section -
Optical fiber sensor review
Published 2020“…Technology of fiber optic are widely used for its applications which mostly known for carrying information over long distances for the best efficiency. It is also used for medical diagnostics, environmental monitoring, physical parameters detection, industrial applications, food safety, and security [1]. …”
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Book Section -
Pricing efficiency of the 3-month KLIBOR futures contracts: An empirical analysis
Published 2009“…The study spans the contract's entire 10-year history, June 1996 to June 2006. In line with findings in other markets, we find a pre-ponderance of overpricing. …”
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Article -
Assessing future needs of IT education in Malaysia: a preliminary result
Published 2008“…The research team found that technical, soft and problem-solving skills are the main concerns raised by the key informants. This is in line with the literature review and also the present higher education policy concerns by the Malaysia government. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Ten gamat species in Malaysia’s seawaters for health-based industries
Published 2012“…The Langkawi Archipelago and Pangkor Island are the main produc=on sites of air gamat and minyak gamat. In line with the development of science and technology, modern-‐formularised gamat-‐based products sold by Malaysia’s companies e.g. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
'Cash waqf' and Islamic microfinance: untapped economic opportunities
Published 2009“…Given these shortcomings, the article explores the possibility of using ‘cash waqf’ as a new source of funding for Islamic microfinance and proposes a new concept and application of Islamic microfinance so that it is truly in line with the Islamic spirit of microfinance. It is hoped that with this new concept and application of Islamic microfinance, the use of microfinance genuinely caters for the needs of the poor as well as generating socio-economic growth of the Muslim ummah. …”
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Article -
Efficient lot batching system for furnace operation
Published 2003“…This implementation has resulted in much better material movement and has also made the manufacturing line more linear.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Treatment of a Symptomatic Forearm Muscle Herniation with a Wrap-Around Fascia Lata Graft
Published 2009“…This is a study of a 28-year-old man who had a symptomatic swelling on the volar aspect of his left forearm while working on a car-door assembly line that resulted in a significant decreased of his grip strength, work capacity and median nerve symptoms. …”
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Article -
Vibration energy harvesting using single and comb-shaped piezoelectric beam structures: modeling and simulation
Published 2012“…Researchers have been venturing into methods that can generate acceptable level of voltage since decades ago. In line with the spirit of green technology, energy harvesting will be a major contributor towards saving our environment in near future. …”
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