2011 International Design Exchange Project, Hidden Space Project. Volume 2, Urban rooftops
Published 2011“…Suddenly there are possibilities and scope for living positively. Hurried life slows down and London becomes picturesque. Novalis wrote ‘Everything seen from a distance becomes poetry :distant mountains, distant people, distant events. …”
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Book -
Aircraft noise, overheating and poor air quality in London primary schools' classrooms
Published 2012“…Providing all of the environmental factors together is critical as they are interrelated and could conflict if they are considered separately, if the conditions over the life of the building change or relaxed benchmarks are used for design at the first stage. …”
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Thesis -
Comparer pour comprendre: la differentiation sexuée des parcours professionnels et familiaux des enseignant-e-s du second degré en France et en Angleterre = Comparing to understand...
Published 2009“…Gender inequalities and their subjective construction by teachers require a combined analysis of the societal level (including the gendered norms of paid and unpaid work and work-life policies), the specific working conditions and career paths within the teaching profession, and individual biographies. …”
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Thesis -
Scalable transdiagnostic early assessment of mental health (STREAM): a study protocol
Published 2024“…Introduction: Early childhood development forms the foundations for functioning later in life. Thus, accurate monitoring of developmental trajectories is critical. …”
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Article -
Standards-the international picture : halal standards accreditation mechanism.
Published 2012“…A new mechanism is needed for the sustainability of our own values in the global economic life since we live in a global world. The world is now becoming a single market system controlled by those who establish their own values and standards. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Negotiating shared spaces in informal peri-urban settlements in North India: collaborative architectural making as a catalyst for civic empowerment and social change
Published 2014“…The study concludes with suggestions on how the notion of cooperative place-making might be applied in other situations of rapid change and scarce resources where architect, NGO and local population might collaborate to provide shared infrastructure and community facilities, creating opportunities for improving livelihoods and the quality of life within informal peri-urban settlements in North India. …”
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Thesis -
Talking careers: using interviews with learner stakeholders to understand the graduate outcome gap. Stakeholder internal report. Autumn 2024.
Published 2024“…A growing body of evidence associates these discrepancies with structural racism in educational contexts and areas of university life (McGee, 2020; Razack & Naidu, 2022; Ugiagbe-Green & Ernsting, 2022). …”
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Monograph -
Assessment of sediment and water quality in Sembrong Reservoir, Johor
Published 2018“…Estimation of reservoir useful life shows that Sembrong reservoir is still able to operate up to 20 years from 2013 if there is no action taken. …”
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Thesis -
Some aspects of improved machinability in preheated machining of Titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V
Published 2011“…Shuting and Wenjieapplied High-Speed Machining of Titanium Alloys using the Driven Rotary Tool and found reported high tool life [12]. Modern trend of machining is using PCD or Poly Crystalline Cubic Boron Nitride (PCBN) tools [2]. …”
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Book Chapter -
Dispute over the legality of codification of Islamic law: a critical analysis = Perselisihan tentang kesahihan kodifikasi undang-undang Islam: analisa kritikal
Published 2018“…Codification of Islamic law is studied due to its positive role on practical life to produce appropriate solutions and fair judgments for litigation and disputation. …”
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Article -
Body composition, lung function, blood pressure, and muscular strength: a comparative study
Published 2019“…Therefore, phenotyping the individuals with or at risk of respiratory diseases and/or cardiometabolic disorders by their total and regional body composition, spirometric, and haemodynamic characteristics may result in more accurate risk stratification, personalised care and effective management strategies, leading to improved clinical outcomes, survival and quality of life.…”
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Thesis -
Teaching Arabic Language To Science Based Students At the International Islamic University Malaysia, Through: Book “Miftah Al-Arabiyyah”
Published 2011“…The curriculum should be organized so that they will learn and develop through a variety of contexts within both the classroom and other aspects of school life. If a curriculum is set for certain levels or stages, Each stage should build upon earlier knowledge and achievements. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
تنمية صناعة الأغذية الحلال في ماليزيا رؤية تأصيلية فقهية = Development of Halal food manufacturing in Malaysia: a juristic genealogic examination...
Published 2020“…In deed we need to live our life to the best expectation. The body needs calories and a variety of nutrients including protein, fat and carbohydrates every day to grow functions and repairs. …”
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Article -
A gamification approach to enhance “third space mobility”: building a digital community and fostering engagement amongst culturally diverse students
Published 2022“…The project presented is based on an online digital platform created in 2019 to introduce an innovative and gamified intervention to improve students’ engagement with the development of employability and life skills, as well as offering the possibility for virtual mobility with international partners. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
الحاجة إلى الرؤية الحضارية في تجديد التعليم والتربية الإسلامية = Urgency of civilisational approach for the renewal of Islamic learning and education...
Published 2018“…. ********************************************************** This article addresses the question of revitalising the dynamic and civilisational role of Islam in all spheres of life. The article posits that in order to revive the role of Islam will need an integrated civilisational approach that provides a more coherent and multi-factorial understanding and analysis of the issues and phenomena. …”
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Article -
الخصائص العامة للشعر العربي في ولايتي هوسا ويوربا: نظرات مقارنة = General characteristics of Arabic poetry in the Provinces of Hausa and Yoruba: Some comparative considerations =...
Published 2015“…Thanks to the strong dedication of Muslims in both provinces to the Arabic language, the splendor of Arabic poetry has continued to shine and cope with the waves of life without stopping or stumbling. Despite the cultural and linguistic differences and the variation in customs and traditions between the two provinces, poets composing their poetry in Arabic have been able to make outstanding contributions that are worthy of serious systematic study to contrast and compare the poetry produced by Arabic composers in both regions. …”
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