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Effects of peer pressure on endogenous goal setting and performance
Published 2019“…Secondly, we find that individuals whose rankings range from middle to the last place are most likely to be positively affected by peer pressure.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Reverse mounting in birds
Published 2024“…We found evidence of reverse mounting in 42 species, across 11 orders and 21 families. This is likely to be a significant undercount of the number of species which exhibit reverse mounting. …”
Journal article -
Towards a consensus for dyslexia practice: findings of a Delphi study on assessment and identification
Published 2024“…This hypothesis-testing model requires assessors to investigate and weigh up the factors most likely to result in an accurate assessment before reaching conclusions, assigning terminology, and making recommendations for intervention and management.…”
Journal article -
Aspects of the management of cheetahs, Acinonyx jubatus jubatus, trapped on Namibian farmlands
Published 2003“…Long-term monitoring must include detailed consideration of these indiscriminate removals, as they involve many cheetahs, fluctuate between years, often go unreported, and are likely to have a serious impact on cheetah populations outside protected areas.…”
Journal article -
Immunoregulatory mechanisms of vitamin D relevant to respiratory health and asthma
Published 2014“…Also discussed is the therapeutic potential for vitamin D, which is likely to be applicable to immune-mediated conditions beyond simply asthma.…”
Journal article -
Clinical metagenomics: ethical issues
Published 2025“…In this paper, we present three use cases that draw on existing reports: one involving a patient in intensive care with encephalitis of unknown aetiology, another case with likely infection with drugresistant K. pneumoniae and an incidental finding of unknown relevance, and a final case situated in an unexplained outbreak of acute hepatitis in children, with severe outcomes due to co-infection. …”
Journal article -
Quasi-Biennial Oscillation
Published 2024“…The QBO disruptions are likely to increase in a warmer climate background. …”
Book section -
Life satisfaction and work-life balance: the complexities of gender patterning
Published 2024“…Moreover, men were as likely as women to point to the arrival of children as a key ‘fateful moment’ for re-evaluating their own work–life balance. …”
Journal article -
Secularization versus religious revival in Eastern Europe: Church institutional resilience, state repression and divergent paths
Published 2015“…Using national sample surveys from the early 1990s to 2007 to examine the change in demographic predictors of religiosity, we show that Catholic and Orthodox countries are experiencing different trends, the first group displaying evidence of secularization and the second of revival, and that these two different trends are likely to derive from the legacies of state repression and the differing abilities of the churches to resist such repression. …”
Journal article -
16.31 Feedback Control Systems, Fall 2001
Published 2001“…By the end of the course, students should be able to design controllers using state-space methods and evaluate whether these controllers are "robust," that is, if they are likely to work well in practice.…”
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Learning Object -
Minority shareholders' control rights and the quality of corporate decisions in weak investor protection countries : a natural experiment from China
Published 2013“…There is also weak evidence that minority shareholders are more likely to veto value-decreasing equity offering proposals in firms with higher mutual fund ownership in the post-regulation period. …”
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Journal Article -
Sources of value gains in minority equity investments by private equity funds : evidence from block share acquisitions
Published 2014“…We find that compared with non-PE acquirers, PE acquirers are more likely to place representatives with finance experience or those with experience in the target's industry on the target's board when the need for target oversight and/or advice is higher. …”
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Journal Article -
Japan’s diplomatic strategy toward East Asia : creation and evolution of ‘dual-track diplomacy’ in the post-Cold War era
Published 2020“…In the future, two factors would likely play a critical role in shaping Japan’s diplomatic strategy: the degree of the future US commitment to the alliance with Japan and the level of China’s assertiveness.…”
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Journal Article -
China and Southeast Asia in the 2000s : tension management in the maritime space
Published 2021“…We conclude by postulating that, at least in the maritime space, tension management rather than conflict resolution is more likely to be the continuing feature into the future.…”
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Journal Article -
Assembly of multicyclic isoquinoline scaffolds from pyridines : formal total synthesis of fredericamycin A
Published 2022“…The efficiency and operational simplicity of introducing structural complexity into the isoquinoline frameworks can likely enable the collective synthesis of a large set of natural products. …”
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Journal Article -
Study on attacks against federated learning
Published 2022“…This will allow federated learning to be more widely used since it is less likely to be compromised by malicious attackers in the presence of built-in defences.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Is backsliding possible on Xunzi’s view?
Published 2024“…Backsliding is possible and likely. I rule out this interpretation because it is inconsistent with other aspects of Xunzi’s thought. …”
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Journal Article -
Effect of deep cold rolling on residual stress distributions between the treated and untreated regions Ti–6Al–4V alloy
Published 2018“…The reason for this region of tensile stress is likely to be due to the reduced treatment of the start and end zones due to the step over and the tool path taken. …”
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Journal Article -
Jurisdictional approaches to high conservation value area designation using regulatory instruments: an Indonesian pilot project
Published 2024“…Likely HCV areas were generally similar between the ECCA and HCV Screening method, as each set spanned ∼90% of the district. …”
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Journal Article -
When mobile phone use becomes problematic : the influence of self, parents and peers on adolescents' mobile phone behavior in Singapore and Malaysia
Published 2018“…This study found that adolescents with higher neuroticism trait and lower levels of self-control are more likely to involve in problematic mobile phone use. …”
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