The liquid phase oxidation of styrene with tungsten modified silica as a catalyst
Published 2011“…The reaction is proposed to be catalyzed by pertungstic acid like intermediate which was formed upon the interaction of tungsten oxo species (WO) with H2O2. …”
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Intelligent robust control of high precision positioning systems using ANFIS
Published 2010“…At the same time, precision/accuracy requirement becomes more and more stringent because of factors like the reduced size of components in modern mechanical devices or microelectronics products and high-quality surface-finishing requirements. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Religious and spiritual Beliefs and practices of patients and physicians from a tertiary care hospital in Malaysia
Published 2010“…Concomitantly, we aim to assess the beliefs of our patients and whether they like to address such issues. Methods: Questionnaire based cross sectional survey among hospitalized patients and their treating physicians. …”
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The impact of sukuk on corporate financing: Malaysia evidence
Published 2012“…The distinctive effect of bond market development with sukuk element on Malaysian firms shows the substantial influence of country specific factors like bond market development as well as governance incorporate financing decision. …”
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Islamic psychology and the call forislamization of modern psychology
Published 2012“…In this paper the researchers would like to discuss the nature, development, problems that surround Western mainstream psychology. …”
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Artificial neural network model for predicting wet scrubber performance
Published 2012“…They can collect particulates like flammable and explosive dusts, foundry dusts, cement dusts, large volume of gaseous pollutants, acid mists and furnace fumes. …”
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Pythochemical analysis and acute oral toxicity study of the ethanolic leaves extract of Plectranthus amboinensis (Lour) Spreng
Published 2012“…Phytochemical analysis on the crude ethanolic extract of leaves of Malaysian Plectranthus amboinensis (Lour) Spreng was carried out to delineate the presence of its chemical constituents like Alkaloid, Flavonoid, Saponin, Triterpenoid, Steroid, and Phenolic. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Management of resources in muslim countries and communities : challenges and prospects
Published 2012“…Despite the fact that the Muslim world is blessed with enormous natural resources like: fertile lands, water, gold, oil, uranium, minerals and hard working masses, a vast majority of Muslim countries have yet to deliver the goods to their people. …”
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Spiritual intelligence: a qur’anic alternative approach
Published 2012“…What is meant by ‘spiritually intelligent’ and what does spiritual intelligence look like? What are the spiritual qualities and revealing indicators of spiritual intelligence? …”
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Dynamic approach for real-time skin detection
Published 2012“…To detect human skin colour pixels and to decrease the number of false alarms, a prior face or hand detection model has been developed using Haar-like and AdaBoost technique. To decrease the cost of computational time, a fast search algorithm for skin detection is proposed. …”
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Design and development of the FMCW Radar Scene Generator
Published 2012“…Like other radar systems, Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) maritime radar can measure simultaneously the range, velocity, reflectivity and azimuth of targets on the sea. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Internal human based threats and security controls in computerized banking systems: evidence from Malaysia
Published 2013“…Malaysia being a unique capital market, practices dual banking system to capture the disaggregation of conventional and Islamic banking systems. However, like most financial institutions, no bank is isolated from security threats, even if, it comes from within the organization. …”
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Proposed parameters of specific rain attenuation prediction for free space optics link operating in tropical region
Published 2013“…As it is protocol transparent, easy to install, cost effective and have capabilities like fiber optics, its demand rises very fast. Weather condition, however is the limiting factor for FSO link. …”
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The role of law in fostering sustainability in the built environment industry: The Malaysian experience
Published 2012“…The recent mishaps, especially landslides and flash flood, have impacted adversely on the economy because of destruction of property, loss of value of property and human life. Developing nations like Malaysia often need to draw a balance between economic development and environmental protection. …”
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Analytical evaluation of a new route pptimization scheme for nested mobile network
Published 2013“…Supporting networks’ roaming that move as one entity is required in order to enable the transparency of Internet in mobile platforms, like cars, trains, planes, buses, etc. To accomplish this, NEMO Basic Support has been proposed and developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in order to provide an efficient communication. …”
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A framework of remote diabetic monitoring system for developing countries
Published 2013“…Failure to monitor the level of glucose in diabetes patients can increase the risk of complications like hypertension, stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, skin, foot, and eye complications, etc. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Image recognition technique of road tax sticker in Malaysia
Published 2012“…Plate Recognition became significant in daily life because of the unlimited increase of transportation systems which make it impossible to be fully managed and monitored by humans, examples are so many like traffic monitoring, tracking stolen cars, managing parking toll, red-light violation enforcement, border, toll gates and customs check points. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Introducing waqf based takaful model in India
Published 2013“…Waqf is a unique feature of the socioeconomic system of Islam in a multi- religious and developing country like India. India is a rich country with waqf assets and the history of waqf in India can be traced back to 800 years ago. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Digital implementation of space vector pulse width modulation technique using 8-bit microcontroller
Published 2013“…The new generations of electric drives are based on high speed power transistors, like IGBT and MOSFET. The main part of electric drive is the inverter which works as DC to AC converter using a power transistor bridge. …”
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Azo dyes decolourisation by ABTS-oxidases (Laccases) from a fungus from tropical tree
Published 2012“…Lignin is an important constitute of the wood and thus the organism like fungi and insects growing on wood produce some extracellular lignolytic enzymes. …”
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