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Community noise measure via crowd sourcing
Published 2021“…Noise pollution is linked to a range of health problems that impairs health and worsens living standards, resulting in both intangible (psychological, health) and physical (financial) losses. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Cross-layer host-network co-design for QoS in streamed video data networking
Published 2024“…The proposed design faces the challenge of constraints of both computation resources at the edge servers and network bandwidth of the edge-cloud links. An accuracy gradient-based resource allocation algorithm is proposed to allocate the limited computation and network resources across different video streams to achieve the maximum overall performance. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
The role of filamentous phage in the development of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms
Published 2015“…These effects were primarily linked to the appearance of a superinfective form of the Pf4, which was observed at the time of dispersal. …”
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Thesis -
Investigating S-acylation in the metabolic dysfunction of the T2D heart
Published 2023“…The lipid post translational modification <em>S</em>-acylation has been linked to regulating CD36 trafficking. However, it remains unknown whether CD36 is <em>S</em>-acylated in the heart and whether CD36 <em>S</em>-acylation levels are altered in T2D.…”
Thesis -
Development of high-affinity peptide-drug conjugates for investigating the TRIM24 PHD and bromodomain
Published 2024“…</p> <br> <p>Given the close proximity of the PHD and BRD, and lack of TRIM24 PHD ligands, it was decided that a TRIM24 BRD ligand would be linked to a H3-mimicking peptide containing a KMe<sub>3</sub> isostere, to generate bivalent peptide-drug conjugates (PDCs) (Figure 0.1a). …”
Thesis -
How to learn Chinese characters? Exploring the effectiveness of different learning methods in young Singaporean children
Published 2020“…In Experiment 2, it was revealed that generally, the repeated practice of character writing was more effective compared to repeatedly writing its Pinyin, especially among the low RA children. The findings of Experiment 3 demonstrated that the structured writing modality was effective for character learning and retention, be it focusing on radical/component or stroke sequence. …”
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Thesis-Master by Research -
Institutions and agricultural transformation: a study of induced innovation in the Philippine rice sector
Published 2024“…The 2019 Rice Tariffication Law is highlighted as a key “path-breaking” event which contributed to addressing not only the rice trade protectionism problem but also in part the farmers’ capitalisation problems. These findings imply the need for more nuanced approaches in promoting agricultural transformation which consider the roles of broader macroeconomic policies and their lingering impacts, to more effectively “securitise” the food sector.…”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Investigating the neural substrates of Chinese character processing
Published 2014“…Regions-of-interest (ROIs) were defined based on the meta-analysis findings and a priori ROI approaches were implemented in the subsequent studies to examine the involvement and integrity of the sub-network. …”
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Thesis -
Structural study of ribosome : 1) structural basis of EF-G in translocation. 2) molecular mechanism of ribosome-dependent toxin YoeB in mRNA cleavage
Published 2015“…The positioning of the catalytic His87 into the active site is coupled to the hydrophobic-gate opening and involves the ribosomal 23S rRNA sarcin-ricin loop as well as domain III of EF-G. These findings provide a structural basis for the GTPase activation of EF-G, based on which, a substrate-promoted mechanism is proposed. …”
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Thesis -
Player acceptance of human computation games
Published 2018“…In terms of practical implications, finding of this research may facilitate the understanding of user requirements and lead to the development of more successful HCGs that are attractive to target audiences.…”
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Thesis -
Design, modeling and performance optimization of active air terminal system
Published 2019“…More importantly, the experimental findings provide a guideline for the operation and optimization of ATB systems. 3. …”
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Thesis -
Preclinical development of antisense conjugates for the treatment of myotonic dystrophy 1
Published 2024“…Subsequent <em>in vivo</em> testing confirmed these findings, demonstrating enhanced delivery to skeletal muscle, heart and significantly reduced nephrotoxicity, relative to its previous CPP-PMOs. …”
Thesis -
The effects of exercise, heat-induced hypo-hydration and rehydration on blood–brain-barrier permeability, corticospinal and peripheral excitability
Published 2024“…Serum UCH-L1 increased across time for all conditions (p < 0.001) but was not significantly different between conditions. Conclusion: Our findings demonstrate an increase in corticospinal inhibition after exercise with fluid ingestion, but a decrease in corticospinal excitability after heat-induced hypo-hydration. …”
Journal article -
Exploring Malaysian public universities Japanese language students' views on the effects of LGBT elements in anime and manga
Published 2023“…There were 56 (37%) male and 94 (63%) female respondents. Findings: 34 (22.7%) respondents mentioned anime and manga titles that have LGBT elements, with some titles fitting under the LGBT genre. …”
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Article -
Characterization of liposome-encapsulated tylosin, in vitro Cytotoxicity and its antibacterial activitiy against Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis isolated from goats
Published 2022“…The release behaviour of tylosin from the conventional liposomes is based on initial fast release followed by sustained and slow-released as compared to free tylosin. Cytotoxicity findings revealed higher cell viability (above 70%) for liposomal tylosin and below 70% for free tylosin at a high concentration of 1024 μg/mL. …”
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Thesis -
Cytotoxicity assessment of α helix Antarctic yeast oriented antifreeze peptide (Afp1m) on M. dunni (Clone III8C) cells
Published 2024“…Development was observed, albeit more slowly than in the positive control and treated with lesser concentrations. The findings of this work indicate that Afp1m exhibits cryoprotective properties without inducing toxicity when used for the cryopreservation of M. dunni (Clone III8C) cells.…”
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Article -
Production risk and technical efficiency of Thai Koi (Anabas testudineus Bloch) farming in some selected areas of Bangladesh
Published 2015“…However, farms using the floating feed need more investment to improve their returns. The overall findings suggest that there was a lack of proper understanding of the technology practices. …”
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Thesis -
The development and validation of digital medical education environment (digimee) instrument in measuring online learning environment for undergraduate medical students
Published 2024“…In Phase 3, the usability of the Digi-MEE instrument was validated through a survey and phenomenology study, with participants rating their online learning environment at 2.95 ± 0.84 out of 4. Findings highlighted issues with content quality, engagement, and interactivity. …”
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Thesis -
Three Provocations for Civic Crowdfunding
Published 2020“…It offers three provocations to scholars and practitioners considering the practice, questioning the extent to which civic crowdfunding is participatory, the extent to which it addresses or contributes to social inequality, and the extent to which it augments or weakens the role of public institutions. In doing so, it finds that civic crowdfunding is capable of vastly divergent outcomes, and argues that the extent to which civic crowdfunding produces outcomes that are beneficial, rather than harmful to the public sphere, will be determined by the extent to which the full range of stakeholders in civic life participate in the practice. …”
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Article -
Digging Up Threats to Validity: A Data Marshalling Approach to Sensitivity Analysis
Published 2024Get full text