An analysis of export performance and economic growth of Malaysia using co-integration and error correction model
Published 2009“…Combining production function, and international trade and development theories, a five variable model is specified and estimated by using cointegration tests and error correction model. …”
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A survey of operations management practices in Islamic banks of Bangladesh
Published 2011“…The survey involves 37 branches of five Islamic banks in Bangladesh. In particular, the survey focuses on operations strategy, process, technology, layout, location, supply chain, and quality management. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Exploring facilitators and inhibitors of communication in ethnically diverse groups: the experience of academician
Published 2010“…Drawing on in-depth interviews with 40 researchers who engaged in small group research activities of five public and private universities in Malaysia, language similarity, exposure to other ethnic groups, open communication climate, teamwork spirit, individuals’ upbringing are among factors that facilitate good communication among academic members. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Ibadat (worships) in Islam: a comparative jurisprudential analysis
Published 2009“…Chapter four describes the jurisprudence of fasting together with juristic evaluation of its contemporary issues. Chapter five expounds the classical fiqh of zakah with focus on its application in the modern time. …”
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Book -
Al-Kashi and access to the arithmetic & astronomy
Published 2011“…Muslims carried the torch of learning for five hundred years; from 8th century to 13th Century. …”
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Book Chapter -
مظاههر الاتساق في النص القرآني : دراسة وصفية لغوية = Mazahir al-ittisaq fi al-nas al-Qur'ani : dirasah wasfiyah lughawiyah
Published 2011“…It is therefore the characteristics of the Holy Quran that further authenticate the relation between the Quranic verses through the various cohesive devices. The paper focuses on five of the cohesive features: Pronouns, deletion, replacement, repetition and linkage which are either from the category of cohesion by reference or by devices. …”
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Article -
Religious-cultural psychotherapy in the management of anxiety patients
Published 2002“…This study investigated the effectiveness of incorporating sociocultural and religious aspects in the management of anxiety among Muslim patients of ethnic Malay origin. Eighty-five religious and 80 non-religious patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) were randomly assigned to the study or control group. …”
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The maqasid filter in takaful audit
Published 2012“…The maqasid of the Shari'ah concerning all kinds of economic wealth can be summarised under five parameters/criteria: 'adl (justice) in handling it; wuduh (transparency); hifz (preservation); thabat (durability); and rawaj (marketability) or a fair circulation of wealth in the hands of as many people as possible. …”
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Book Chapter -
Optimization of extraction process parameters for anti-cancer agent from Solanum Lycopersicum
Published 2011“…The design variables were the extraction time (min), extraction agitation speed (rpm) and solvent composition (%, v/v water/methanol). The optimum extraction was found to be 82% methanol, 24 hours and 110 rpm.…”
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Book Chapter -
Privacy concern on social network sites: the role of protection motivation, trust and risk
Published 2012“…Using self-administered questionnaire, 486 undergraduate students from five different universities in Malaysia were involved in this study.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Real-time signal processing for fetal heart rate monitoring
Published 2003“…A Doppler ultrasound fetal monitor was used for statistical comparison on five volunteers with low risk pregnancies, between 35 and 40 weeks of gestation. …”
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Transbronchial needle aspiration of mediastinal lymph node
Published 2008“…Data was retrieved from endoscopy databases and patients' records, CT thorax images and all cytological and histological slides were reviewed. Twenty-five patients had TBNA performed. TBNA was positive in 15 patients (60%). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Analysis of Islamic website design
Published 2012“…The data collected is based on five selected Islamic websites, namely islamway.com, islamweb.net, islamonline.net, islam-qa.com, and islamtoday.net.…”
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Article -
Land use conflicts in Jelutong area of Georgetown, Malaysia: issues for sustainable urban development
Published 2006“…The study then developed five alternative approaches, with a recommendation to adopt concensus building as a policy approach to deal with the phenomena. …”
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Practice of social entrepreneurship among the Muslim entrepreneurs in Malaysia
Published 2013“…This study has conducted total five in-depth interviews of various Muslim social entrepreneurs to reveal the entrepreneurial dimension that is prevailing in the non-profit organizations. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
BBQE: multi-language string search approach for blackberry environment
Published 2011“…This paper discussed on how wireless networks affect the performance of a multi-language string search client-server based application for a Blackberry device in comparison to a standalone application. As a case study, five Al-Quran translations are used as proof of concept that string-search can be implemented in an efficient and fast search manner in several databases. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Designing a rubric to assess student engineering projects
Published 2009“…The rubric assesses student five general areas, Fundamental (F), Analysis (A), Design (D), Ethics, Safety, Society and Environment (ESSE) and Work skill (WS). …”
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Book Chapter -
Compact Quad-Band Bandpass Filter Based on Stub-Loaded Resonators
Published 2017“…The proposed technique provides sufficient degree of freedom to control the center frequency and bandwidth of the four passbands. In addition, the five transmission zeros created around the passbands results in a quad-band filter with high selectivity, sharp 3 dB cut-off frequency, high isolation, and low passband insertion-loss. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Introducing computer-assisted assessment : considerations for the new practitioner
Published 2005“…These issues have been explored under five main headings: assessment purpose, time, pedagogic, operational and technological and students. …”
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Article -
The immigrants
Published 2017“…The Immigrants is a solo exhibition by Pil and Galia Kollectiv (07.12.17 – 04.02.18) at the Naughton Gallery, Queen's University, Belfast. It features five films and a sculptural installation. In the first four films, through a series of small actions undertaken by costumed performers in different locations across the UK, an installation of filmed vignettes posits the futility of the border as a means of demarcating boundaries of identity, power and resources in an age of global capital flows, migrant labour forces, and environmental destruction that does not stop at abstract lines on a map. …”
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