Anger management: the essential guide
Published 2010“…It is estimated that one in five of us has a problem controlling our anger on a regular basis- but recognising an anger management problem in either ourselves or a loved one can be difficult. …”
Book -
Town centre recovery report
Published 2022“…Following a review of literature, learnings from past moments of crisis and the subsequent recovery of the high street have been translated into today's context. A series of five case are then explored through interviews, exploring each local authority's approach to strategic planning, leadership and governance, funding, community engagement and delivery. …”
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Other -
A meaningful hybrid e-traning measure and model for technology in education
Published 2011“…Consequently, future training, with respect to the use of hybrid e-training, should include all the five components of meaningful hybrid e-training instead of focusing on the content alone. …”
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Article -
An empirical study on the risk management strategies IT outsourcing in Malaysia public sector
Published 2012“…In this study, we adopt a qualitative case study approach to investigate on the ITO project success experiences from five public sector agencies. Content analysis was used to analyse available documents and in-depth semi-structured interview feedbacks. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Assessment of residential satisfaction in newly designed public low-cost housing in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Published 2010“…This paper provides an assessment of residential satisfaction of newly designed public low-cost housing dwellers of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with forty-five variables grouped into five components – dwelling unit features, dwelling unit support services, public facilities, social environment and neighbourhood facilities. …”
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Article -
16S rDNA barcoding technique for molecular identification of processed sea cucumbers from selected Malaysian markets
Published 2015“…Phylogenetic analyses of 30 partial sequences of non-protein-coding 16S mitochondrial ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene using five main methods, i.e. Neighbour-Joining (NJ), Maximum Likelihood (ML), Minimum Evolution (ME), Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA), and Maximum Parsimony (MP) showed the presence of two main families of sea cucumbers: Stichopodidae (gamat family) and Holothuriidae (timun laut family), and hence the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) results were supported. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Strengthening the maqasid al-shariah contents in undergraduate quantity surveying programme at KAED,IIUM
Published 2015“…Key findings from the study suggest that the BQS (Honours) programme at KAED IIUM has potentials towards achieving a more balanced maqasid al-shariah among the five key components and the types of courses and topics to be incorporated into the programme have been identified. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Students’ motivation to study dentistry in Malaysia: an analysis using confirmatory factor analysis
Published 2015“…Methods: All 530 final-year students in 11 dental schools (6 public and 5 private) in Malaysia were invited to participateat the end of 2013. …”
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Article -
New power pinch analysis techniques for optimal design of hybrid power systems
Published 2024Get full text
Thesis -
Analysis and modeling of interconnection costs in telecommunications based on a case study of Tanzania
Published 2012“…The research then collected audited operators' accounts and traffic throughput in minutes from the five competitive telecommunications network operators in Tanzania for 2007-2009. …”
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Thesis -
The development of a fixed wing aircraft analysis and design flight dynamic software
Published 2016“…The developed computer code was applied to the case of five aircraft. They were named Cessna 182, Cessna 310, Piper Cherokee PA 28-162, Learjet 24, and Cessna 620. …”
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Thesis -
The effect of sampling on young Malaysian children's food preference
Published 2010“…The samples were young Malaysian children aged five to six. The important findings were young Malaysian children being more attracted to the product offered with sample compared without sample. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Developments on solar operated water desalination
Published 2011“…Solar thermal systems that produce potable water from salty water have been studied for the last five years. The limitations of some types of solar stills have been pointed out. …”
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Book Chapter -
The importance of Halal in Islamic law and Muslim life : fundamental principles and cardinal values pertaining to human welfare
Published 2009“…Islamic law consists of five main legal rulings (hukm) namely obligatory (wajib), prohibited (haram),recommended (mandub), reprehensible (makruh) and permissible (mubah). …”
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A programmable dirham coin based Hajj saving electronic device
Published 2010“…Hajj, one of the five pillars of religion of Islam requires long-term saving. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Flavonoids and triterpenes from the leaves of artocarpus fulvicortex
Published 2012“…Five flavonoids, 5-hydroxy-(6:7,3:4)-di(2,2- dimethylpyrano)flavone 1, carpachromene 2, cycloartocarpesin 3, norartocarpetin 4 and 2′-hydroxy-4,4′,6′- trimethoxychalcone 5, along with three triterpenes, friedelin 6, lupeol 7 and β-sitosterol 8 were isolated for the first time from the leaves of Artocarpus fulvicortex F.M. …”
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Article -
Belief in and concept of predestination: A critical analysis from Islamic perspective
Published 2012“…Eleven verses from the Qur’an and five traditions of the Prophet (s.a.w.) that are generally advanced by fatalists have been selected for the analysis to see whether there is room in Islamic life for the concept of predetermination in the sense of fatalism.…”
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Proceeding Paper