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MAAD: A Model and Dataset for "Attended Awareness" in Driving
Published 2024“…In order to test our model, we capture a new dataset with a high-precision gaze tracker including 24.5 hours of gaze sequences from 23 subjects attending to videos of driving scenes. …”
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Article -
Particle focusing in a wavy channel
Published 2024“…Experiments in wavy channels with varying amplitudes at channel Reynolds numbers ranging from 5 to 250 are consistent with the predictions of the focusing locations, which are mainly governed by the channel Reynolds number as well as the competition between the inertial lift and the oscillatory straining effects.…”
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Article -
Resonant Ring with a Gain of 36 for Use with a 1 MW 110 GHz Gyrotron
Published 2024“…The quasi-optical ring resonator was designed with large waist sizes so that input pulses of up to 1 MW will stay under the 35 kV/cm electric field limit for ionization in ambient air. …”
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Electrolyte Dependence of Li+ Transport Mechanisms in Small Molecule Solvents from Classical Molecular Dynamics
Published 2024“…Unfortunately, tLi in liquid electrolytes is typically <0.5 due to Li+ migrating via a vehicular mechanism, whereby Li+ diffuses along with its solvation shell, making its diffusivity slower than the counteranion. …”
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Towards an equity-centred model of sustainable mobility: Integrating inequality and segregation challenges in the green mobility transition
Published 2024“…An equitable shift towards greener mobility needs to (1) address rising levels of residential segregation by promoting neighbourhood-level mixed-income housing, (2) radically shift urban space from automobility to different greener forms of mobility, (3) address not only neighbourhood specific, but also metropolitan-level access challenges to key activity places, (4) focus on integrating broadly accessible and affordable travel modes, particularly active travel (walking and cycling) and public transit, and (5) develop e-mobility solutions that are accessible to diverse user needs and offer flexible inter-neighbourhood coverage.…”
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Amplitude analysis and branching fraction measurement of 𝐵+→𝐷∗−𝐷+𝑠𝜋+ decays
Published 2024“…The decays of the B+ meson to the final state 𝐷∗−𝐷+𝑠𝜋+ are studied in proton-proton collision data collected with the LHCb detector at centre-of-mass energies of 7, 8, and 13 TeV, corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 9 fb−1. …”
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RES.12-001 Topics in Fluid Dynamics, Fall 2023
Published 2024“…The collection includes the following three essays: Essay 1: Lagrangian and Eulerian Representations of Fluid Flow (revised and expanded in 2024) Part 1: Kinematics and the Equations of Motion Part 2: Advection of Parcels and Fields Essay 2: Dimensional Analysis of Models and Data Sets: Similarity Solutions and Scaling Analysis Essay 3: A Coriolis Tutorial (revised and expanded in 2023) Part 1: The Coriolis Force, Inertial and Geostrophic Motion Part 2: A Rotating Shallow Water Model and Geostrophic Adjustment Part 3: Beta Effects and Western Propagation Part 4: Wind-Driven Ocean Circulation and the Sverdrup Relation Part 5: On the Seasonally-Varying Circulation of the Arabian Sea The goal of this resource is to help each student master the concepts and mathematical tools that make up the foundation of classical and geophysical fluid dynamics. …”
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Learning Object -
“Clicking” compliant mechanism for flapping-wing micro aerial vehicle
Published 2013“…The non-clicking prototype is lighter at 3.35g with a wingstroke of 100°, but could not achieve hover but could not achieve hovering even though driven by the same motor at a faster flapping frequency (16.2Hz) under the same driving voltage (4.9 V). The clicking prototype produces a thrust-to-power ratio of 2.17g/W, higher than 1.15g/W of the nonclicking counterpart.…”
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Conference Paper -
A stretchable and self‐healing energy storage device based on mechanically and electrically restorative liquid‐metal particles and carboxylated polyurethane composites
Published 2020“…Self-healing can be achieved where the damaged regions are electrically restored by the flow of liquid metal and mechanically healing activated by the interfacial hydrogen bonding of CPU with an efficiency of 97.5% can be achieved. The SH conductor has an initial conductivity of 2479 S cm-1 that attains a high stretchability with 700% strain, it restores 100% stretchability even after breaking/healing with the electrical healing efficiency of 75%.…”
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Journal Article -
Occupancy tracking in indoor environment
Published 2020“…With the rise in usage of mobile devices and many technological advancements including the emergence of 5G, the importance of developing a capable indoor and outdoor localization system has increased. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Study of water droplet impinging on surface
Published 2020“…The impact process was captured with a Phantom V711 digital high-speed camera, which has the ability to capture up to a million frames per second. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
PVDF nanofiber sensor for vibration measurement in a string
Published 2020“…The comparison of the results from the developed PVDF sensor and a commercial Laser Displacement Sensor (LDS) showed good resemblance (±0.2%) and a linear voltage profile (0.2 mV/με). The sensor, upon attachment to a racket string, is able to measure single impacts and sinusoidal vibrations. …”
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Journal Article -
A quasi‐solid‐state tristate reversible electrochemical mirror device with enhanced stability
Published 2020“…In addition, the alloy film exhibits excellent NIR reflectance property with thermal modulation of 18.5 °C at a high temperature of 180 °C. The REM device with zero power consumption maintains its mirror state for at least 100 min, making it a promising candidate for energy‐efficient applications.…”
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Journal Article -
Unexpected monoatomic catalytic-host synergetic OER/ORR by graphitic carbon nitride : density functional theory
Published 2021“…The contributions of M1 and host atoms towards the reduction of the OER/ORR overpotentials of Fe1, Co1, Ni1, Cu1 and Zn1/g-C3N4, bifunctional electrocatalysts with the OER/ORR overpotentials of 0.50–0.70 V were investigated. Finally, new M1/g-C3N4 catalysts with high OER/ORR performances could be estimated based on the d-band centre of the M1 atoms in the future.…”
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Journal Article -
Designing novel multilayered nanocomposites for high-performance coating materials with online strain monitoring capability
Published 2021“…A linear trend of resistivity with respect to true strain for strains in excess of 3.5% was observed and suggests a significant regime for use for strain sensor/detection/monitoring capability.…”
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Journal Article -
Cake formation of bidisperse suspensions in dead-end microfiltration
Published 2021“…The foulant particles were latex of two different sizes (namely, 3 and 5 µm) and the membrane was polycarbonate track-etched with nominal diameter of 2 µm. …”
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Journal Article -
Comparison of the efficacy between normal acupuncture and electro-acupuncture for adhesive capsulitis
Published 2021“…It was also calculated that electro-acupuncture had an efficacy rate of 90.5%, compared to normal acupuncture's 57.10%. Thus, other than providing support for the effectiveness of normal acupuncture, this study also showed that electro-acupuncture had a higher rate of efficacy.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
In-band RCS reduction and isolation enhancement of a 24 GHz radar antenna using metamaterial absorber for sensing and automotive radar applications
Published 2021“…The -10 dB impedance bandwidths of the triple-band sensor antenna are 20.8 to 21.24 GHz, 23.94 to 24.55 GHz, and 27.18 to 27.5 GHz. The proposed sensor antenna achieves isolation of 34 dB between the transmit and receive ports, and peak RCS reduction of 11 dB, as compared to the reference antenna. …”
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Journal Article -
Blockchain and federated learning for data sharing in vehicular network
Published 2022“…This report endeavors to simulate a federated machine learning framework implemented in an internet of vehicles (IoV), with 2 classes of participating nodes: vehicles, and road side units (RSU). …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Analysis of cybersecurity of cyber physical systems
Published 2023“…Recent years have witnessed the rapid development of cyber-physical systems (CPS) due to advances in the information and communication technology (ICT), in particular, the recent 5G-based Internet of things (IoT) technologies. …”
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Thesis-Master by Coursework