“The facts don’t work”: the EU referendum campaign and the journalistic construction of ‘post-truth politics’
Published 2018“…However, it can be challenged on the basis that political communications, in the form of spin, propaganda, rhetoric and public relations has always included such techniques (Negrine, 2008: 13). …”
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Promoting the Individual Learning Styles of Masters Students Studying Marketing-related Modules through the Use of YouTube Video-Clips
Published 2007“…It is often hard for academics to find resource material, particularly visual material for new and emerging disciplines; particularly when Universities are developing courses faster than teaching materials are made generally available. …”
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A taxonomic re-appraisal of the Passeriformes (Aves) based on the morphology of the plantar surface of the foot
Published 1988“…Compatibility analysis (by a LeQuesne test computer program) was used to find cliques of compatible characters for families, and other groups of Passeriformes. …”
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Thesis -
Words and facts: children's fast mapping, retention and extension
Published 2015“…It has been researched primarily in the field of word learning and evidence suggests that a pre-school child can link a novel word with its referent and retain this link up to 1 month later (e.g. …”
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Thesis -
Rural transformation and productivity in China
Published 2008“…This paper carries out for the first time an econometric investigation of the contribution of rural transformation to total factor productivity in China. We find that the efficiency gains resulting from rural transformation make a significant and nontrivial contribution to factor productivity in China. …”
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AI-based investigation and mitigation of rain effect on channel performance with aid of a novel 3D slot array antenna design for high throughput satellite system
Published 2024“…This information can be valuable for optimizing satellite link design and operation, ultimately enhancing the reliability and quality of satellite communications. …”
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Choice of gDNA isolation method has a significant impact on average murine Telomere Length estimates
Published 2024“…We demonstrate that TL measurements, from murine gDNA, isolated via Spin Columns (SC) and Magnetic Beads (MB), generate significantly smaller T/S ratios compared to gDNA isolated via traditional phenol/chloroform methods. …”
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The equilibrium real effective exchange rate of China : a NATREX approach
Published 2008“…However the misalignment rates are much lower than those reported by previous studies. We also find weak evidence of overvaluation for most of the pre-reform period. …”
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Religion and consumer behaviour in developing nations: a look into the future
Published 2021“…In this process, the chapter reviews the link between ethics and business vis-à-vis the religious factor in the context of broader consumer behaviours, and critically determines the way forward. …”
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Book Section -
The influence of Artificial Intelligence techniques on disruption management: does supply chain dynamism matter?
Published 2023“…Moreover, SCD does not moderate the link between HSC adoption and HSCR but does moderate the link between HSC cooperation and HSCR. …”
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Madame Reilly, fortune teller
Published 1985“…Behind her, a handwritten advertisement reading 'Come and find happiness and joy speaking to Madame Reilly'. …”
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Madame Reilly, fortune teller
Published 1985“…Behind her, a handwritten advertisement reading 'Come and find happiness and joy speaking to Madame Reilly'. …”
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Mrs Dalloway and the finite transcendental: existence, time and transcendence in Woolf, Husserl and Derrida
Published 1999“…This chapter explores the link between Virginia Woolf, Edmund Husserl and Jacques Derrida.…”
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Book Section -
IMU: A Content Replacement Policy for CCN, Based on Immature Content Selection
Published 2023“…The proposed policy, named Immature Used (IMU), finds the content maturity index by using the content arrival time and its frequency within a specific time frame. …”
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Dataset -
Monetary policy and banking sector : lessons from Turkey
Published 2012“…We find evidence that monetary policy influenced bank lending in Turkey in the period 1991 - 2007 both directly through the money lending channel and indirectly through the bank lending channel. …”
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Understanding digital inequality: a theoretical kaleidoscope
Published 2023“…Given this reality, we, all educators, came together to find ways to understand and address some of these inequalities. …”
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An analytical study of the role of selected metal ions in bone and joint diseases
Published 1995“…The speciation of the titanium (III)/titanium (IV) complexes in the biological matrices was investigated with Fourier transform infra red (FTIR) spectroscopy and high field proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) with a Hahn spin echo pulse sequence. The chemical nature of non-protein bound iron present in knee joint synovial fluid obtained from RA patients was also investigated by use of NMR…”
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