Effect of cholymbi on growth, proximate composition, and digestive enzyme activity of fingerlings of Long whiskered catfish, Mystus gulio (actinopterygii: siluriformes: bagridae)
Published 2013“…Background. Long whiskered catfish, Mystus gulio (Hamilton, 1822), enjoys a high consumer preference and market demand in many Asian countries including India. …”
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A comparative study of Tualang honey spray versus film spray (OPSITE®) as post-long bone fracture fixation wound dressing
Published 2013“…The aim of the study is to compare Tualang honey spray with film spray (Opsite®) as an alternative dressing material following long bone fracture fixations. This is a preliminary study in Malaysia that involves human subjects. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Application of the FDTD Hybrid “M3d24-Yee”for simulating EM scattering from two objects separated by long distances
Published 2007“…In this paper we present the application of the hybrid "M3d24-Yee" with subgridding algorithm for solving problems of the electromagnetic radiation or scattering from multiple objects separated by long distances. The large distances between the objects is simulated using the M3d24 with low-resolution grid while the objects and the surrounding regions around the objects are simulated using the Yee algorithm with high resolution. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A qualitative investigation of cabin crews' experience of long haul travel: implications for coping style, psychological health, and personal, professional, and social relationships
Published 2007“…Of special interest were the implications for personal, social and professional relationships, which taken together, is likely to lead to increased loneliness, anxiety and depression even for the most resilient crew member (Bor and Levitt, 2003; Partridge and Goodman, 2006). …”
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Thesis -
Strengthening primary health-care services to help prevent and control long-term (Chronic) non-communicable diseases in low- and middle-income countries
Published 2020“…The prevalence of long-term (chronic) non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is increasing globally due to an ageing global population, urbanization, changes in lifestyles, and inequitable access to healthcare. …”
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The acute and long lasting psychological effects of 3, 4-methylenedioxymethampethamine (MDMA, 'ecstasy'): a cohort study conducted during the period 2002-2007
Published 2011“…Discussion - The present study is the first and largest study to date to suggest that MDMA causes acute and long lasting changes to specific psychological functioning: depression, sleep, impulsivity, memory, and executive functioning; without recovery even after 5 years of abstinence. …”
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Thesis -
Loss of Krüppel-like factor 3 (KLF3/BKLF) leads to upregulation of the insulin-sensitizing factor adipolin (FAM132A/CTRP12/C1qdc2)
Published 2013“…Krüppel-like factor 3 (KLF3) is a transcriptional regulator that we have shown to be involved in the regulation of adipogenesis in vitro. …”
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Ensiklopedia kemukjizatan sains dalam Al-Quran dan Al-Sunnah (translation of Mawsu'at al-i'jaz al-'ilmi fi al-Qur'an al-karim wa-al-sunnah al-mutahharah)
Published 2009“…Buku ini memaparkan aspek keajaiban sains di dalam al-Quran dengan harapan agar umat Islam berusaha lebih giat lagi membekali diri mereka dengan ilmu sains seperti yang telah dilakukan oleh saintis muslim silam.…”
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Book -
Formation of a Nanorod-Assembled TiO2 ActinomorphicFlower-like Microsphere Film via Ta Doping Using a Facile Solution Immersion Method for Humidity Sensing
Published 2023“…This study fabricated tantalum (Ta)-doped titanium dioxide with a unique nanorodassembled actinomorphic-flower-like microsphere structured film. The Ta-doped TiO2 actinomorphicflower-like microsphere (TAFM) was fabricated via the solution immersion method in a Schott bottle with a home-made improvised clamp. …”
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Formation of a Nanorod-Assembled TiO2 ActinomorphicFlower-like Microsphere Film via Ta Doping Using a Facile Solution Immersion Method for Humidity Sensing
Published 2023“…This study fabricated tantalum (Ta)-doped titanium dioxide with a unique nanorodassembled actinomorphic-flower-like microsphere structured film. The Ta-doped TiO2 actinomorphicflower-like microsphere (TAFM) was fabricated via the solution immersion method in a Schott bottle with a home-made improvised clamp. …”
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Formation of a Nanorod-Assembled TiO2 ActinomorphicFlower -like Microsphere Film via Ta Doping Using a Facile Solution Immersion Method for Humidity Sensing
Published 2023“…This study fabricated tantalum (Ta)-doped titanium dioxide with a unique nanorodassembled actinomorphic-flower-like microsphere structured film. The Ta-doped TiO2 actinomorphicflower-like microsphere (TAFM) was fabricated via the solution immersion method in a Schott bottle with a home-made improvised clamp. …”
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Formation of a Nanorod-Assembled TiO2 ActinomorphicFlower-like Microsphere Film via Ta Doping Using a Facile Solution Immersion Method for Humidity Sensing
Published 2023“…This study fabricated tantalum (Ta)-doped titanium dioxide with a unique nanorodassembled actinomorphic-flower-like microsphere structured film. The Ta-doped TiO2 actinomorphicflower-like microsphere (TAFM) was fabricated via the solution immersion method in a Schott bottle with a home-made improvised clamp. …”
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Article -
Formation of a Nanorod-Assembled TiO2 ActinomorphicFlower-like Microsphere Film via Ta Doping Using a Facile Solution Immersion Method for Humidity Sensing
Published 2023“…This study fabricated tantalum (Ta)-doped titanium dioxide with a unique nanorodassembled actinomorphic-flower-like microsphere structured film. The Ta-doped TiO2 actinomorphicflower-like microsphere (TAFM) was fabricated via the solution immersion method in a Schott bottle with a home-made improvised clamp. …”
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Article -
Solving security staff scheduling by using genetic algorithm
Published 2021Get full text
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