An enhanced architecture for big data task scheduling in cloud environment
Published 2016“…Therefore, scheduling finds its main importance in allocating the jobs based on the resources. …”
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Thinking skills course and student's academic self-efficacy
Published 2011“…The internal consistency reliability test was used to check the reliability of data measuring students' academic self-efficacy. The findings of this study support the hypothesis that thinking skills has direct relationship with academic self-efficacy. …”
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Housing prices and affordability issues among local people in Malaysia: a case study of the Perak State, Malaysia
Published 2016“…Besides that, the study used clustered convenience sampling questionnaire survey of 1,371 respondents in various districts in Perak to identify the affordability level of Perakian. Findings from analysis found that the most affordable house price should be below RM 140,000 for people income less than RM4,000. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A trusted and collaborative E-Mosque marketplace: conceptual solution
Published 2016“…Data were collected using informal interview at local mosque and online survey form for the online seller community. Findings – the interview results indicates the usage of endorser credibility that is ‘the mosque’ has improved the seller’s willingness to use the system. …”
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A survey of user experience practice: A point of meet between academic and industry
Published 2014“…The results reveal a contrary findings to the characteristics of attendees of HCI-focused conference in other countries. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Safety and effectiveness of electronic cigarette as vapers perspective: a qualitative approach
Published 2015“…Conclusion: The above finding suggests that, at least anecdotally, these are the elements that seem to assist Malaysian existing vapers to self-restraint from smoking.…”
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RE: Semi‑rigid ureteroscopy – Proximal versus distal ureteral stone
Published 2016“…I read with great interest the article “Semi‑rigid ureteroscopy: Proximal versus distal ureteral stone” by Alameddine et al.[1] This article highlights important findings regarding common endourology procedure which is ureteroscopy. …”
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Politicizing power between the imperial female and the Malay other in Emily Innes’s The Chersonese With The Gilding Of
Published 2016“…Further understanding the Malay men, especially of their ego, is important in the growing interest over Postcolonial subject where it explores forms of resistance, portrayed by the Other in his daily power relation with the Self. Findings reveal that while power play exists within these interactions, it is a one-sided discourse which sanctions fair play as well as equality of power distribution. …”
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Evaluation of the ionic liquids for in-situ hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass by a locally-produced cellulase from Trichoderma reesei
Published 2016“…For a duration of 6 hours, the PKC-Cel maintained significant levels of stability at the optimum conditions (50°C and pH 5.0). These findings could be a promising approach for bioethanol production considering that both enzyme and biomass are derived from agro-industrial waste…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The construction of collective identity in Malaysian ESL secondary classrooms
Published 2016“…Therefore, the current study seems to confirm the finding of previous studies where researchers stated that the identity of an individual is defined by its majority group with whom the individuals share the physical environment and the territory they inhabit.…”
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Biogas upgrading by chemical absorption using a packed column apparatus
Published 2016“…Nowadays, the continuously increasing diminution of conventional fossil fuels has increased the interest of the research and development sectors in finding green and renewable supplements. A momentous attention has been given to the production of biogas via the anaerobic digestion of biomass. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Residents’ crime experience and safety perceptions in gated and non-gated low middle income communities in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Published 2011“…Relationship between residents’ crime experiences and perception of safety were studied in both communities and it was found that crime rates are higher in the GC than in the NGC and this indicates that GCs are not safer than NGCs. Based on the findings, the study comes up with several recommendations in order to enhance safety perceptions of low-middle income apartment communities in Kuala Lumpur.…”
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Comparison of theoretical and experimental values of tensile properties of injection moulded polylactic acid – kenaf fibre biocomposite
Published 2011“…It is an interesting finding where the experimental value of tensile modulus was 15% higher than theoretical tensile modulus at 20 wt% KF. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
On the question of gambling in giving prizes to the holders of savings certificates: an Islamic analysis on Malaysian practice
Published 2010“…The paper attempts to provide the Islamic juristic decision on this issue. The paper finds that based on the analogical reasoning of the Shari ah, PSC has different characteristics from gambling. …”
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Monitoring, assessing and recommending the quality potable water on UIA campus
Published 2009Get full text
Book Chapter -
The influence of Islam on Albanian culture
Published 2011“…This research attempts to provide important findings, which will be very helpful to the Muslims and others.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
How attractive is Shariah Index Fund?
Published 2009“…It also attempts to discover the characteristics of beta for Islamic stocks in Malaysia, as estimated via the market model using the ordinary least squares and generalized method of moments techniques. The findings show that the Islamic betas are positive and less than one. …”
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Book Chapter -
The prospects and user perceptions of m-banking in the Sultanate of Oman
Published 2010“…The aim of this paper is to investigate the level of adoption of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in the banking sector and to assess the prospects of M-banking in Oman. The findings shows that most of the banks and the telecoms operators have the strengths to offer better qualities of electronic and mobile services to the residents of Oman. …”
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The prospects and user perceptions of m-banking in the Sultanate of Oman
Published 2010“…The aim of this paper is to investigate the level of adoption of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in the banking sector and to assess the prospects of M-banking in Oman. The findings shows that most of the banks and the telecoms operators have the strengths to offer better qualities of electronic and mobile services to the residents of Oman. …”
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Proceeding Paper