Characterization of indoor power lines as data communication channels experimental details and results
Published 2009“…In this paper, a multi-branch power line is modeled using ABCD matrix to show its worth as a communication channel. …”
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In vitro cytotoxic activity of ferula assafoetida on osteosarcoma cell line (Hos crl)
Published 2015“…The cytotoxicity of extracts on an osteosarcoma cell line, HOS CRL, was determined using MTT assay method. …”
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Design of a heuristic for balancing a multi-stage production flow line
Published 2015“…A production flow line balancing problem for automotive industry has been studied. …”
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Compact antenna based on a composite right/left-handed transmission line
Published 2015“…This letter presents a novel antenna that is based on composite right/left-handed (CRLH) transmission line unit-cells implemented using slots and spiral inductors that are etched directly on the dielectric substrate by standard manufacturing techniques. …”
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Path planning for unmanned aerial vehicles using visibility line-based methods
Published 2011“…The proposed 2D path planning algorithms, on the contrary, select a relatively smaller number of vertices using the so-called base line (BL), thus they are computationally efficient. …”
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Thesis -
Evaluation of skin elasticity after used different seaweed containing products by DermaLab® Combo
Published 2016“…Objective: This particular study aims to investigate the effect of different local antiageing products on the barrier function of normal skin, as measured by quality of skin elasticity. …”
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Modelling of low-energy/low-velocity impact on Nomex honeycomb sandwich structures with metallic skins
Published 2008“…In a previous publication, the authors demonstrated the possibility of representing the NomexTM honeycomb core by a grid of nonlinear springs and have pointed out both the structural behaviour of the honeycomb and the influence of core-skin boundary conditions. This discrete approach accurately predicts the static indentation on honeycomb core alone and the indentation on sandwich structure with metal skins supported on rigid flat support. …”
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Extraction and characterization of gelatin from camel skin (potential halal gelatin) and production of gelatin nanoparticles
Published 2020“…Gelatin is used as an ingredient in both food and non-food industries as a gelling agent, stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier, and film former. Porcine skins, bovine hides, and cattle bones are the most common sources of gelatin. …”
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Mammographic findings of Breast Cancer: review of 43 cases in IIUM Breast Centre (2008-2010)
Published 2011“…The main mammographic finding was documented. Majority of patients had mass lesion (46.5%) on the mammogram. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Mammographic findings of breast cancer : review of 43 cases in IIUM Breast Centre (2008-2010)
Published 2011Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Multislice computed tomography (MSCT) of blunt abdominal trauma: incidental findings related to the genitourinary tract
Published 2010“…Widespread use of this modality can reveal incidental findings that vary in their importance, from trivial lesions to findings that may alter the management of these trauma patients. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Managing from Islamic perspectives: some preliminary findings from Malaysian Muslim managed organisations
Published 2013“…This research work is an outcome of the frustration of not being able to find a satisfactory answer to that wellmeaning meaning question. …”
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Preliminary qualitative findings: challenges in large infrastructure projects towards development of innovative performance measurement
Published 2015“…Owing to this limitation, preliminary findings of identifying the challenges in large infrastructure projects are vital to fulfill the current needs in the development of innovative performance measurement. …”
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Rain fade analysis for practical free space optic link in tropical region
Published 2011“…Attenuation due to rainfall can severely degrade the FSO links operating under tropical weather. It restricts the distance of FSO communication systems and limits the availability for line-of-sight terrestrial link. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Cost-effective model-based test case generation and prioritization for software product line
Published 2024Subjects: Get full text