An order to transfer the matrimonial home absolutely to one party after a divorce under the Malaysian law: is it just and equitable?
Published 2007“…A matrimonial home occupies a very important place in one married life. Not only it becoming more common for the family to buy their own house, but in many cases the matrimonial home is the most substantial assets of the spouse. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Surface temperature distribution in a composite brake rotor
Published 2011“…It is believed from the study that composite brake rotor influences the temperature distribution and heat dissipation rate which could prevent excessive temperature rise and subsequently prolong the service life of the rotor. The finite element method is cost effective and also assists the automotive industry in producing optimised an…”
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Non-muslims, Islam and muslims in Malaysia
Published 2009“…The Malaysian political system is based upon a 'power sharing' formula whereby the ethnic communities form a grand coalition to rule and respect each other's way of life. Theories of interethnic relations usually focus on how state authority enables credible commitments to interethnic political bargains ensuring interethnic cooperation. …”
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The cultural and legal perspectives on wife battering in Malaysia
Published 2009“…It is also deeply embedded in all cultures, so much so that millions of women consider it as a way of life. This article seeks to examine the cultural and legal perspectives on wife battering in Malaysia. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Face verification : an introduction
Published 2011“…Human biometrics especially face become widely used for different aspects of life. The face is the first defining characteristic that we use to identify people. …”
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Book Chapter -
Students’ perceptions towards business ethics
Published 2010“…Moreover, almost all respondents have a very good knowledge about the importance of ethics in life and business. Academically, they believed by studying Business Ethics formally, they can acquire knowledge about ethics from various perspectives and sources through assignments and examinations. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Infant with sudden, large, post-extubation subglottic cyst
Published 2012“…Background: Subglottic cyst in infancy is almost always associated with episodes of early life intubation. Most cases typically presented late, usually days to months after endotracheal extubation. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Prediction of minimum chip thickness in tool based micro end milling
Published 2012“…The minimum chip thickness is found to be important to avoid tool breakage, deterioration of surface finish and to increase the tool life.…”
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Adaptive digital watermarking system for authentication of intellectual properties
Published 2011“…Digital information offers wonderful oppOltunities and improvements to human life, especially with the advent of internet. Such opportunities and improvements pose a great concern to all multimedia industries, especially intellectual properties. …”
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Book Chapter -
Usability improvements for touch-screen mobile flight booking application: a case study
Published 2012“…Smart phones have introduced great easiness in our daily life by mobile applications. Nowadays, it is possible to complete tasks on-the-go, without the need of computer. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Developing capacities for critical thinking and philosophical reasoning in schools
Published 2011“…Thus, through education one attains the meaning of life and existence. With knowledge, man will be able to put things in its proper place and thus be just to himself, others and to his Creator. …”
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Book Chapter -
The Rise of the Seljuqs and their State in Central Asia
Published 2012“…It traces the rise of the Seljuqs from a minor branch of a Turkic tribe through their incorporation into the fabric of the dwindling Samanid province, then the various manoeuvresand struggles that took place between them and rival Turkic peoples – the Ghaznavids and the Qarakhanids and the various wars for supremacy in Khurasan. It then charts the life and campaigns of Sultan Jalaluddin Malikshah, Sultan Rukn Al-Dunya Tughril Beg, relations with the Abbasid Caliphs (including marriage), the accession of Sultan Alp Arslan, campaigns against the Byzantnies, along with numerous intra-Seljuq wars of succession and rebellions, and the important role of the vizier Nizamul Mulk. …”
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Naqd and Islah : Ibn ‛Ashur’s comprehensive critique and reform efforts regarding Islamic learning and education
Published 2012“…Special attention has been given to highlighting Ibn ‛ÓshËr’s identification of the internal and external factors that led to the decline of Muslim education and left it in a state of crisis, unable to cope with the modern challenges of life. The article also brings into light Ibn ‛Ashur’s theoretical and practical approach rejuvenating Islamic education in accordance with its original spirit and worldview. …”
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Sonar detection amphibious vehicle
Published 2012“…Engineering Emergency management (pre-disaster occurrence) and first response information (post-disaster occurrence) are crucial during disaster attack as time is of the essence of life. The study on this field is vital especially in Malaysia, which located at the south-east Asia region, within the link of natural disaster area. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Statistical techniques to serve quality of software
Published 2013“…Software development is complex, costly, widely used and a core (heart) for critical and risky applications that have great affect on human life. Software testing is an essential issue in software quality. …”
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Misconduct or negligence of employee and losses to employer: recovering losses through salary deduction.
Published 2013“…Undoubtedly, the wages or salary earned would be used to provide the employed and his family the basic necessities of life such as food, clothing, education, housing, leisure activities and eventually, saving for retirement. …”
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Urban forest protection from the perspective of environmental law in Malaysia: issues and challenges
Published 2009“…Within a society, ongoing urbanisation can lead to the increasing importance of urban green spaces as contributors to the quality of the urban environment and urban life globally. Forest and tree resources are known to have a wide range of socio-cultural, economic and environmental values. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Privacy and trust in the Islamic perspective: implication of the digital age
Published 2013“…is slowly degrading the limitation and common understanding of privacy and trust through digital life, which has open world concept. It has become normal procedure when the user must submit their personal details for digital service such as social networking, electronic commerce, personal hosting, etc. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Adequacy of legal protection for women against domestic violence: revisiting the current policies & laws in Malaysia
Published 2013“…It is also deeply embedded in all cultures, so much so that millions of women consider it as a way of life. In Malaysia, the issue of domestic violence on women is one of the main agendas of the government’s policy on women. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Preheating in end milling of AISI D2 hardened steel with coated carbide inserts
Published 2010“…Preheating of the work material to a higher temperature range resulted in a noticeable reduction in tool wear rate leading to a longer tool life. In addition, improved surface finish was obtained with surface roughness values lower than 0.4 um, leaving a possibility of skipping the grinding and polishing operations for certain applications. …”
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