Houses of worship as restorative environments
Published 2013“…Overall, the findings suggest that a house of worship can provide an avenue for the visitors for fulfilling their spiritual needs and rejuvenating their mood as well as restoring their directive attention.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Investigating best practice and effectiveness of leadership wisdom among principals of excellent secondary school Malaysia: perceptions of senior assistants
Published 2013“…The implication is that all senior assistants are appropriate for their duties in excellent schools. Also the study findings would inspire the educational leaders to enhance their practices of leadership wisdom to move forward the institution in the realization of Vision 2020 as well as Malaysia Education Plan 2013-2025. …”
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The mediating effect of teamwork toward organizational readiness for Business Intelligence (BI) implementation
Published 2016“…This paper uses the findings of some previous research which indicates that "Teamwork" is a factor which influence organizations' readiness toward BI systems implementation. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Analysing the efficiency of Portuguese pension funds : a stochastic frontier model
Published 2007“…This paper examines technical efficiency of Portuguese pension funds management companies, using a stochastic frontier model in order to obtain estimates of economies of scale and scope. The empirical findings reveal a significant effect of efficiency measures on pension funds efficiency. …”
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The use of 'Check Pronunciation' & "Talking Tom' application in a Malaysian ESL classroom
Published 2020“…It is extremely requires as a part of life obligations for any individual who intends to pursue for a basic good living such as getting the formal education and finding a stable job (Means, 2010). ..…”
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Book Section -
Usefulness of CT colonography after incomplete or failed colonoscopy
Published 2012“…Proximal colon and undiagnosed colonic lesions on colonoscopy were assessed via CT Colonography, making it a useful tool for this group of patients. Additional findings of tumour invasion, nodal and liver metastasis were also identified in this study, apart from other extracolonic findings like ovarian tumour, cholelithiasis and inguinal hernias. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Quality Monitoring of the strategic leadership styles for Malaysian National Primary School (NPS) Heads involved in the School Improvement Programme (SIP)
Published 2008“…Research implications The findings from the study provide useful and pertinent information to senior management team teachers, the NPS heads and especially to MOEM as stakeholders. …”
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Monograph -
Green operation practices for MSIC operators at the east coast Peninsular Malaysia Marine Park Islands
Published 2018“…Finding for the third research question indicated that seven factors are identified as the most significant barriers. …”
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A framework of social-based learning interaction through social networking tool
Published 2023Get full text
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Urban habitat for bird species in major parks of Putrajaya, Malaysia
Published 2023Get full text
Dataset -
Aligning internal market orientation (IMO) with market orientation (MO) to impact performance in the banking sector in Ghana
Published 2017“…The qualitative research findings independently established a strong association between IMO/MO and employee/customer satisfaction. …”
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Thesis -
The experience of living with an anorexic voice: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Published 2020“…Conclusions: The findings indicated an experience of the AV as closely aligned with AN symptom emergence. …”
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Thesis -
Ethical decision-making: a treatise into the role of ethics in 21st century policing
Published 2012“…It explores the implications of the empirical findings for police training and practice. At the centre of the research methodology are qualitative interviews, which include the use of vignettes. …”
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Thesis -
Associated factor of mortality rate amongst patients with AIDS and HIV-TB co-infections using zero inflated negative binomial method
Published 2014“…However, the accuracy of the findings depended on the proportion of zeros and the distribution for the non zeros. …”
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Thesis -
Symptomatic intra-articular ganglion cyst of the knee
Published 2004“…Plain radiograph and Magnetic Resonance (MR) images were correlated with arthroscopic examination and histological findings. The cyst was removed and post operatively patient regained full extension.…”
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Article -
Phylogeny of sea cucumber (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea) as inferred from 16S mitochondrial rRNA gene sequences
Published 2010“…The relationship of with the other genera was unclarified and Stichopus was sister to Molpadia. The latter finding caused the resolution at order level unclear. …”
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Determinants of salespersons tenure in sales career: a study on car sales executives in Malaysia
Published 2011“…It is hoped that the findings from this study may assist the companies in taking steps towards retaining their salespersons.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Teachers’ perceptions of principals best practices to conflict management at the Islamic Private Secondary Schools, Yala Province, Thailand
Published 2011“…It is hope that the findings of this study may guide the principals, teachers and all group or individual in educational organization to manage conflicts wisely and successfully. …”
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Proceeding Paper